That Report ENG2024-037, Proposed Driveway Culverts – King’s View Subdivision – 27 Stub Road – OLT-23-000815, be received;
That Council resolve that the City is not willing to accept the paired driveway culverts proposed by King’s Bay as detailed in Report ENG2024-037;
That Council resolve that the City of Kawartha Lakes will not assume proposed subdivision roads containing the proposed paired driveway culverts or permit the proposed paired driveway culverts to be installed within rights of way already owned by the City, unless changes are made to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and Corporate Assets and the Director of Public Works; and
That Staff be authorized to continue to require separated driveway culverts, or another appropriate solution to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and Corporate Assets and Director of Public Works, and advance this requirement at the written hearing of the issue before the Ontario Land Tribunal.