The Corporation of the City of Kawartha LakesAdditional AgendaRegular Council MeetingCC2025-03Tuesday, February 18, 2025Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.Council ChambersCity Hall26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8Members:Mayor Doug ElmslieDeputy Mayor Charlie McDonaldCouncillor Ron AshmoreCouncillor Dan JoyceCouncillor Mike PerryCouncillor Tracy RichardsonCouncillor Pat WarrenCouncillor Emmett YeoVacancy - Ward 5Please visit the City of Kawartha Lakes YouTube Channel at to view the proceedings electronically. Video and/or audio recording is not permitted during Council or Committee of the Whole Meetings, pursuant to Trespass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.T.21. To speak to an Item on this Agenda you must submit a completed Deputation Request Form by Friday February 14, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request. 6.Deputations Public Comments: 6.1CC2025-03.6.1 1.Deputation Request - James Webster.pdf2.Deputation Request - James Webster Appendix A.pdf3.Deputation Request - James Webster Appendix B.pdfGrowth Management Strategy (2025)Relating to Item 9.3.5 on the AgendaJames R. WebsterThat the deputation of James R. Webster, regarding the Growth Management Strategy (2025), be received.14.By-Laws Public Comments: 14.1By-Laws by Consent Public Comments: 14.1.20CC2025- 1.2025- Deem Lots 34-36 and Lot 37 Plan 139.pdfBy-Law to Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered for Lands Within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Not to Be a Registered Plan of Subdivision in Accordance with the Planning Act, Described as Lots 34-36 Plan 139; Part of Lots 38-39 Plan 139 as in R164037; Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63275-0160 (LT) and Lot 37 Plan 139; Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63275-0162 (LT)No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Deputation Request - James Webster.pdf2.Deputation Request - James Webster Appendix A.pdf3.Deputation Request - James Webster Appendix B.pdf1.2025- Deem Lots 34-36 and Lot 37 Plan 139.pdf