The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Kawartha Lakes Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
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A. Hart called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present: Councillor Ashmore, A. Adare, W. Bateman, J. Hartman, S. McCormack, and I. McKechnie.

Regrets: J. Pitcher and S. Sims

Absent: T. Richards

Staff: E. Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning, M. Faulhammer, Planner II, M. Hasted, Supervisor - Capital and Special Projects, and C. Lyons, Facility Project Delivery Coordinator

A. Hart read the Land Acknowledgement.

  • KLMHC2024-070
    Moved ByW. Bateman
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

  • KLMHC2024-071
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee meeting held on July 4, 2024, be adopted as circulated.


Heritage Planning Update

E. Turner reviewed the activities of the heritage planning program for July 2024. A. Adare noted that the Boyd Heritage Museum would also be holding a L.M. Montgomery Tea in August and Councillor Ashmore let the Committee know that the Heritage Stories Festival would also include presentations on Icelandic heritage in Kawartha Lakes.

  • KLMHC2024-072
    Moved ByA. Adare
    Seconded ByJ. Hartman

    That Report KLMHC2024-046, Heritage Planning Update, be received for information.


Alteration Application - 50 Victoria Avenue North, Lindsay

C. Lyons reviewed the envelope restoration of 50 Victoria Avenue North (the Old Gaol) with the Committee. He informed the Committee that this was a multi-year project and that Building and Property was currently working on phase one, the restoration of the exterior of the building. The consultant for the project in in place and they will be onboarding a general contractor shortly. They are currently addressing bats in the building before envelope work can take place which should occur throughout 2025. The only major change to the building will be the construction of a new ramp up to accessibility standards where the rest will be repairs or like for like replacement. Staff are looking for input from the Committee regarding the capping of the chimney as well as regarding the finishing on the main door and windows and whether a paint or stain should be used. J. Hartman said that she was happy to see the new wood windows being put in and the front entrance fixed as well. C. Lyons noted that the HVAC was the next phase of work. I. McKechnie said that he believed the door and window finish was originally stained and should be so in future. He also asked about what happens to the building regarding access while the work was ongoing. C. Lyons replied that they were currently working on a phasing plan with the Building Department and would be informing the tenant. The plan is for work on the west elevation of the building to take place first so that the doors on that side could be used while the ramp was off. A. Adare asked is they were going to be cleaning the masonry behind the wooden structure at the rear that was to be removed and C. Lyons replaced that cleaning masonry would take place throughout the building where required. He also noted that Building and Property was looking to move the A/C unit to the flat roof and reroute the duct work to lessen its visual impact and open up two original windows behind it, depending on cost. Councillor Ashmore asked if the original main entrance would become the entrance again and C. Lyons replied that it would not due to accessibility challenges, but that the doors would be functional should they need to be used for an entrance in future.

  • KLMHC2024-073
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That Report KLMHC2024-047, Alteration Application – 50 Victoria Avenue North, Lindsay, be received; and

    That that the proposed alteration be approved.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 2 King Street West, Village of Omemee

E. Turner reviewed the proposed heritage designation of 2 King Street West in Omemee which is a property owner requested designation. Councillor Ashmore said he had spoken to the owners who were very supportive of the designation and had done and excellent job restoring the house. He said it would be good building to designate in the village.

  • KLMHC2024-074
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-048, Proposed Heritage Designation of 2 King Street West, Village of Omemee, be received;

    That the designation of the property known municipally as 2 King Street West be endorsed; and

    That the recommendation to designate the subject property be forwarded to Council for approval.


There were no subcommittee updates.

There was no correspondence.

There was no new or other business.

The next meeting will be Thursday, September 5 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay). E. Turner also let the Committee know that there will likely not be an October meeting as it currently conflicts with the International Plowing Match so the Committee will only meet if there is urgent business.

  • KLMHC2024-075
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting adjourn at 5:32 p.m.
