K. Pantaleo provided a slideshow presentation with the 2023 diversion rate. C. Appleton had requested a breakdown of revenue versus landfill space savings on each diversion program. Staff will provide the information for discussion at a future meeting.
The Committee discussed and congratulated on City of Kawartha Lakes for being recognized as a 2023 Leader in Sustainability for battery recycling from Call2Recycle Canada through the Landfill Household Hazardous Waste program.
D. Kerr advised that Leaf & Yard pick up has expanded to include multi-residential units and mobile home parks. Textile collections has been running smoothly and the Vendor has set up a direct line for Kawartha Lakes residents.
K. Pantaleo reviewed the tonnages for mattresses and reminded that mattresses are banned from all other landfill sites within the City except Lindsay. Tonnages were the same for 2022 and 2023 but quantities were less in 2023. This could be attributed to mattress sizes or materials used (dense foam).
As of April 1, 2024 the Bulky Plastics program will have a new contract with a different Vendor. It was previously GFL and now Miller will process the material. Continued staff training is essential to the growth and success of this program to meet the 10% increase on the 2024 Work Plan.
K. Pantaleo noted we plan to reach out to other Municipalities for program ideas on the Re-Use program. This is an aspect of the 2024 Work Plan.