The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Kawartha Lakes Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
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A. Hart called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. with the following members present: Councillor Richardson, W. Bateman, S. McCormack, I. McKechnie, J. Pitcher, S. Sims, T. Barnett, and K. Virag-Cavanagh.

Regrets: A. Adare

Absent: J. Hartman and T. Richards

Staff: E. Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning, J. Bhatt, Heritage Planning Intern, M. Faulhammer, Planner II, R. Mustard, Manager - Economic Development, and D. Goodwin, Economic Development Officer - Arts and Culture

A. Hart read the Land Acknowledgement.

A. Hart introduced Councillor Richardson who is replacing Councillor Ashmore as the Council representative on the Committee. Councillor Richardson let the Committee know she was pleased to be part of the Committee and participate in its work.

  • KLMHC2024-090
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

The Committee reviewed its minutes from October 3, 2024.

  • KLMHC2024-091
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByS. Sims

    That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee meeting held on October 3, 2024, be adopted as circulated.


Joan Abernethy

Joan Abernethy made a deputation to the Committee regarding the potential to designate 121-123 William Street North in Lindsay under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Ms. Abernethy is a tenant in the subject property and is concerned that her landlord may seek to demolish the building as it has some repair issues. Councillor Richardson asked if the property owner was aware of the request and Ms. Abernethy said no. W. Bateman asked what the current heritage status of the property was. E. Turner replied that the property was currently listed. It was listed in 2021 and would be listed until it was automatically removed from the Register on January 1, 2027. Ms. Abernethy noted that it was unique as one of only a few historic duplexes in Lindsay. S. McCormack asked if the potential demolition would be the entire structure or only part of the structure. Ms. Abernethy said she isn't sure but thinks it might be demolished as part of the Colborne Street bridge project or if the owner does not want to complete necessary repairs and thinks it is worth designating to protect it from demolition. S. Sims asked what the process was and next steps, including around contacting the owner. E. Turner noted that, should the Committee wish to proceed with designating the property, a heritage evaluation report would have to be prepared and returned to the Committee for a recommendation to Council. The property owner would not need to consent to the designation but would be formally consulted through the notice of intention to designate process. There has currently been no contact with the owner regarding the deputation. The Committee decided it needed additional information and asked if staff could bring back a report with additional information regarding the potential to designate this property.

  • KLMHC2024-092
    Moved ByJ. Pitcher
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the deputation from Joan Abernethy be received; and

    That staff report back to the Committee regarding the heritage value of the property and next steps regarding designation.


R. Mustard, Manager Economic Development
L. Schoenmakers, Economic Development Officer - Business

R. Mustard provided a presentation regarding the new Economic Development Strategy which was presented to Committee of the Whole on November 5. The strategy will guide the work of Economic Development over the next five years and includes action items that touch on the Committee's work regarding supporting culture, placemaking and heritage in Kawartha Lakes.Councillor Richardson noted that the strategy was important for looking at heritage in the context of economic development and the attainable nature of the strategy. A. Hart said he liked the dedicated recognition of heritage within the strategy and ways the Committee could contribute.

Economic Development Strategy Update

  • KLMHC2024-093
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByS. Sims

    That Report KLMHC2024-059, Economic Development Strategy Refresh, be received; and

    That the presentation from staff be received for information.


E. Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning

E. Turner provided an overview of the updated cultural heritage and archaeology policies in the 2024 Provincial Planning Statement. The policy direction has shifted to align with the amendments with the Ontario Heritage Act which emphasize the need for municipalities to be proactive in identifying and designating properties with cultural heritage value. She noted that it would be of benefit to the Committee to develop a new broad strategy for conserving heritage properties. Councillor Richardson asked when the strategy should be developed and E. Turner suggested that it should be on the Committee's agenda for early 2025.

2024 Provincial Planning Statement

  • KLMHC2024-094
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByS. Sims

    That Report KLMHC2024-056, 2024 Provincial Planning Statement, be received; and

    That the presentation from staff be received for information.


Heritage Planning Update

E. Turner provided an overview of the heritage planning and other cultural activities for October 2024. She noted that D. Goodwin was available to answer questions regarding the public art project in downtown Lindsay and the Cultural Centre feasibility project. Councillor Richardson asked if D. Goodwin could provide an update and overview of the public art project. D. Goodwin let the Committee know that she had met with the artist that day and installation would be beginning shortly. The wall had been repainted in preparation for installation and that the project would be completed by the end of the year. The artist is from Sudbury and was awarded the contract based on the recommendations of a jury, included J. Hartman as the Committee representative. The artist has been sourcing a lot of material locally and the art piece will be affixed to the side of the building. A. Hart said he though it was a good and ambitious project and was pleased about the programmable lighting. J. Pitcher asked if there were local artists who were considered. D. Goodwin said that there had been local artists who had submitted proposals but that the winner was determined by a jury and there were specific criteria that were followed as part of the selection process as it is grant funded. She noted that the judging process had been very involved and thorough.

  • KLMHC2024-095
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That Report KLMHC2024-055, Heritage Planning Update, be received for information.


Doors Open 2024 Summary

E. Turner provided an overview of the statistics, budget and feedback for Doors Open 2024. The event was well-received with a higher number of visitors than previous events and had been completed under the budget allocated for the event by the Committee. I. McKechnie told the Committee that the walking tours were very successful with lots of visitors and positive feedback. S. Sims noted that the passports were very popular and participants were keen on the prizes. She said that the great weather was helpful and that she received lots of positive feedback from visitors. A. Hart said he had a good time volunteering at the Grove Theatre and that there were lots of visitors who had never participated in Doors Open before. He noted that next time, it would be helpful to get more signs from the Trust.

  • KLMHC2024-096
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-057, Doors Open 2024 Summary, be received for information.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 204 Ballyduff Road, Geographic Township of Manvers

J. Bhatt provided an overview of the proposed designation of 204 Ballyduff Road. A. Hart noted that it was a very interested adaptive reuse property.

  • KLMHC 2024-097
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That Report KLMHC2024-058, Proposed Heritage Designation of 204 Ballyduff Road, Geographic Township of Manvers, be received;

    That the designation of the property known municipally as 204 Ballyduff Road be endorsed; and

    That the recommendation to designate the subject property be forwarded to Council for approval.


There were no subcommittee updates. E. Turner noted that she would provide an update and next steps for the Committee's subcommittees at a subsequent meeting.

E. Turner let the Committee know that Councillor Ashmore had passed along his thanks for serving on the Committee for the past six years and enjoyment of working with the Committee.

There was no new or other business.

The next meeting will be Monday, December 9 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay).

  • KLMHC2024-098
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting adjourn at 6:14 p.m.
