The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


City of Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force

Meeting to Commence at 10:00 a.m. - Electronic Participation
North Entrance Meeting Room, 322 Kent Street, Lindsay
  • Councillor Pat Dunn
  • Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Steve Lane
  • Don Mitchell
  • Jason Ramsay
  • Carolyn Richards

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Bryan Robinson, Director of Public Works, called the meeting to order at 10:05am, with the following task force members in attendance: Councillor Dunn, Councillor Seymour-Fagan, Councillor Richardson, Steve Lane, Carolyn Richards, Jason Ramsay, and Don Mitchell.

The following staff members were also present: Bryan Robinson, Director of Public Works, Jenn Johnson, Manager of Parks and Recreation, Juan Rojas, Director of Engineering and Assets, and Brianne Harrison, Admin Assistant, Public Works.



Moved By Bryan Robinson.

There were no changes to the agenda as circulated.

There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Director Robinson provided an overview of the Off Road Vehicle use of city roads task force and introduced the task force members and staff who were present.

Director Robinson provided an overview of the terms of reference. The terms of reference can be found on the city website.

Director Robinson provided an overview of Bill 107 and the effect that it will have on the use of ATVs on city roads. Bill 107 reversed legislation where roads were prohibited for use of ATVs except where bylaws permitted use. Current bylaw remains in place permitting use on roads North of 8 and designated roads south of 8, specific to Off Road Vehicles as defined under the highway traffic act.

Director Robinson conducted the appointment of Chair.

Director Robinson called for nominations for the Chair of the Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force.

Moved By: Councillor Richardson
Seconded By: Don Mitchell

That Councillor Dunn be nominated as Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force.


Director Robinson called for nominations a second time.

Director Robinson called for nominations a third and final time.

Councillor Dunn was declared as Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force.

Councillor Dunn assumed the Chair.

Councillor Dunn conducted the appointment of Vice-Chair.

Councillor Dunn called for nominations for Vice-Chair of the Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force.

Moved By: Councillor Seymour-Fagan

Seconded By: S. Lane

That Carolyn Richards be nominated as Vice-Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force.


Councillor Dunn called for nominations a second time.

Councillor Dunn called for nominations a third and final time.

Carolyn Richards was declared as Vice-Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force.

Councillor Dunn requested that J Johnson, Manager of Parks and Recreation provide and overview of the trail that runs east to west, Kawartha Trans Canada Trail at the next task force meeting.

Councillor Dunn also requested that staff provide information on the iron bridge on Division St. and whether it would be appropriate for ATV use.

Taskforce discussed joint jurisdiction roads and whether or not agreements would be required by joint municipalities. Staff confirmed that collaboration would be required when dealing with any roads under joint jurisdiction. 

The Jump In platform will be used as a communication tool and will establish a FAQ reference site. 

Councillor Richards mentioned the importance of consistent messaging and informing the public that the purpose of the taskforce is to determine safe and legal connectivity to existing trails, not creating new trails.

A GIS mapping public viewer will be made available.

The next task force meeting will be held on Friday February 19th at 10:00am.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:55am.

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