The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Committee of the Whole Meeting

Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Deputy Mayor Charlie McDonald
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Dan Joyce
  • Councillor Mike Perry
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Mayor Elmslie called the Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Deputy Mayor C. McDonald and Councillors R. Ashmore, D. Joyce and M. Perry were in attendance in Council Chambers.

Councillor P. Warren and E. Yeo were in attendance electronically.

Councillor T. Richardson was absent.

CAO R. Taylor, City Clerk C. Ritchie, Deputy Clerk S. O'Connell, Directors L. Barrie, S. Beukeboom, C. Faber, B. Robinson, J. Rojas, Fire Chief T. Jones and Paramedic Chief S. Johnston were also in attendance in Council Chambers.

City Solicitor R. Carlson was also in attendance electronically.

  • CW2025-001
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ashmore

    That the Agenda for the Open Session of the Committee of the Whole of Tuesday, January 14, 2025, be adopted as circulated and with the following amendments:


    Item 4.3 Deputation by Christopher Handley and Marylee Boston, of the Fenelon Falls Chamber of Commerce, regarding an In-Town By-Pass Route for Fenelon Falls


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Short Term Rental Licensing Requirements - Fire Pit Setbacks
Roshan Haggalla

Roshan Haggalla provided an overview of his concern regarding the fire pit setback regulations that apply to short term rental properties. He noted that the current regulations require a fire pit to have a fifteen (15) metre setback from a structure and he believes that the fifteen (15) metres setback is too restrictive for smaller properties.  He also noted that the previous setback requirement for a fire pit was five (5) metres and he asked Council to consider reducing the setback requirement back to five (5) metres.

  • CW2025-002
    Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That the deputation of Roshan Haggalla, regarding Short Term Rental Licensing Requirements - Fire Pit Setbacks, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Request for a Fence Encroachment Adjacent to Pleasant Point Road, former Township of Fenelon
Paul Vessio

Paul Vessio provided an overview of the fence that is associated with his property at the intersection of Pleasant Point Road and Rose Street.  He outlined that the fence was originally constructed by the previous landowner and he would like approval for the fence to remain in its current locations.  He noted that his property is close to the boat launch in Pleasant Point and the fence deters the parking of vehicles associated with the use of the boat launch. He provided a description of the fence and also noted that he does not believe that the fence causes any issues for vehicles using Pleasant Point Road or Rose Street. He asked Council to consider allowing the fence to remain in its current location.

  • CW2025-003
    Moved ByCouncillor Ashmore
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That the deputation of Paul Vessio, regarding a Request for a Fence Encroachment Adjacent to Pleasant Point Road, former Township of Fenelon, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


In-Town By-Pass Route for Fenelon Falls
Christopher Handley
Marylee Boston, Fenelon Falls and District Chamber of Commerce

Christopher Handley and Marylee Boston, of the Fenelon Falls and District Chamber of Commerce) spoke to encourage Council to consider a second in-town bridge crossing within Fenelon Falls.  They noted that the community has expressed concern that there is currently only one in-town bridge crossing. There is a growing concern relating to transportation needs within Fenelon Falls. They encouraged Council to continue to scope a possible location for a second in-town bridge within Fenelon Falls.

  • CW2025-004
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That the deputation of Christopher Handley and Marylee Boston, regarding an In-Town By-Pass Route for Fenelon Falls, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


A Request for a Review of Priority Groups for the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit
Diane Engelstad

Diane Englestad provided an overview of her concerns relating to the list of priority groups relating to the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit.  She noted that persons with disabilities were not included in the priority listing for the City of Kawartha Lakes.  She outlined the challenges that are faced by persons with disabilities relating to the need for housing and asked Council to consider including persons with disabilities to the list of priority groups for the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit.

  • CW2025-005
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the deputation of Diane Engelstad, regarding a Request for a Review of Priority Groups for the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Request for Tree Encroachment Adjacent to Bank Road, Seagrave
Chris Kerr
Terri Kerr

Chris and Terri Kerr provided an overview of the trees that area associated with their property on Bank Road in Seagrave.  They outlined that the trees were placed between the boundary of their property and the travelled road. They outlined that they believe that the placement of the trees does not have a negative impact on the road and they asked Council to consider allowing the trees to remain in their current location.

  • CW2025-006
    Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That the deputation of Chris Kerr and Terri Kerr, regarding a Request for a Tree Encroachment Adjacent to Bank Road, Seagrave, be received;and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Request for Water Bill Reduction for 12 Moynes Court, Lindsay
Peggy Brooks

Peggy Brooks provided an overview of the high water bill that she received for her property located at 12 Moynes Court in Lindsay. She noted that the high water bill was abnormal for their usual billing amounts.  She outlined that the property has been reviewed by a plumber and there were no issues found that would have contributed to the amount of the high water bill. She asked Council to consider providing relief for the high water bill.

  • CW2025-007
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That the deputation of Peggy Brooks, regarding a Request for a Water Bill Reduction for 12 Moynes Court, Lindsay, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Request for Site Plan Exemption for 4027 Highway 121, Kinmount
Jeff Hancock

Jeff Hancock provided an overview of the renovation that he is planning for his property located at 4027 Highway 127 in Kinmount.  The property is known as the Edgewater Grill restaurant and they offer take out orders.  He would like to expand the building which would allow an opportunity for indoor seating.  He noted that the proposed expansion would be less than 1000 square metres but it would be than a 25% increase in the usable area of the building which is the threshold for the site plan requirements.  He asked Council to consider providing an exemption to the site plan requirements for his proposed renovation.

  • CW2025-008
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That the deputation of Jeff Hancock, regarding a Request for Site Plan Exemption for 4027 Highway 121, Kinmount, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Situational Assessment of a Four Pillar Approach to Addressing the Drug Poisoning Crisis
Kate Hall, Health Promoter, Haliburton Kawartha Northumberland Peterborough Board of Health
Vidya Sunil, Epidemiologist, Haliburton Kawartha Northumberland Peterborough Board of Health
Julie Elliott, Chair, Haliburton Kawartha Lakes Northumberland Drug Strategy

Kate Hall, Health Promoter, and Vidya Sunil, Epidemiologist, with the Haliburton Kawartha Northumberland Peterborough Board of Health, and Julie Elliott, Chair of the Haliburton Kawartha Lakes Northumberland Drug Strategy, provided an overview of the Situational Assessment of a Four Pillar Approach to Addressing the Drug Poisoning Crisis. The overview included an assessment of local trends in drug use and poisonings as well as a summary of the four pillar approach, being prevention and education, harm reduction, treatment and community safety.

  • CW2025-009
    Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the presentation by Kate Hall and Vidya Sunil, of the Haliburton Kawartha Northumberland Peterborough Board of Health, and Julie Elliott, of the Haliburton Kawartha Lake Northumberland Peterborough Drug Strategy, regarding the Situational Assessment of a Four Pillar Approach to Addressing the Drug Poisoning Crisis, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


The following items were requested to be extracted from the Consent Agenda:

  • Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That all of the proposed recommendations shown in Section 7.1 of the agenda, save and except for Items 7.1.2 and 7.1.6, be approved by the Committee of the Whole in the order that they appear on the agenda, sequentially numbered and forwarded to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.




Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 7 Thomas Street and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool
Lucas Almeida, Law Clerk - Realty Services

  • CW2025-010

    That Report RS2025-001, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance adjacent to 7 Thomas and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of road allowance adjacent to 7 Thomas and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool and legally described as Scott Street on Plan 14 Manvers Lying West of Highway M142; Kawartha Lakes, being Part of PIN: 63269-0747 (LT), be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the sale of the portion of road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchasers’ adjacent properties on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance, unless the purchasers wish to pay for an appraisal, in which case, Council set the value of the land at the lower of the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance or the appraised value;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if required;

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands; and

    That these recommendations be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street, Bobcaygeon
Lucas Almeida, Law Clerk - Realty Services

  • CW2025-014
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That Report RS2025-002, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street, Bobcaygeon, be received; and

    That these recommendations be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 130 Angeline Street North, 130 Colborne Street West and 150 Angeline Street North, Lindsay
Christine Oliver, Law Clerk - Realty Services

  • CW2025-011

    That Report RS2025-003, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 130 Angeline Street North, Lindsay, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of road allowance adjacent to 130 Angeline Street North, 130 Colborne Street West, and 150 Angeline Street North, Lindsay and legally described as Ragland Street on Plan 1 being Regent Street between Angeline Street and Albert Street; Kawartha Lakes (Part of PIN: 63219-0092 (LT)), be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of road allowance and sale to the adjoining landowners be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchasers adjacent properties on closing);

    That, if one of the adjoining landowners decides they do not wish to proceed with purchasing their respective portion of the road allowance, that portion of the road allowance be sold to the remaining purchasers, if appropriate (otherwise, a segment of the length to be retained by the City at its current width);

    That Council set the value of the land at the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance, unless the purchaser wishes to pay for an appraisal, in which case, Council set the value of the land at the lower of the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance and the appraised value;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if required;

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands; and

    That these recommendations be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of Shore Road Allowance Adjacent to 315 Avery Point Road, Carden
Christine Oliver, Law Clerk - Realty Services

  • CW2025-012

    That Report RS2025-006, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Portion of Shoreline Road Allowance Adjacent to 315 Avery Point Road, Sebright, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of shoreline road allowance adjacent to 315 Avery Point Road, Sebright and legally described as Part of the Original Shore Road Allowance along Lake Dalrymple lying in front of Lot 35, Registered Plan 136,  in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of shoreline road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of shoreline road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the minimum set price of $9.00 per square foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a lake, unless the purchaser wishes to pay for an appraisal, in which case, Council set the value of the land at the lower of the set price of $9.00 per square foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a lake or the appraised value;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of shoreline road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if appropriate;

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands; and

    That these recommendations be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 1436 Highway 7A, Geographic Township of Manvers (St. Paul's Anglican Church)
Emily Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning

  • CW2025-013

    That Report ED2025-001, Proposed Heritage Designation of 1436 Highway 7A, Geographic Township of Manvers (St. Paul’s Anglican Church), be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 1436 Highway 7A under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed;

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of Notices of Intention to Designate, consultation with the property owner and preparation of the designating by-laws; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Support for Climate Change Strategy Funding Application
Jenna Stephens, Planning Officer, Environmental Policy

  • CW2025-015
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That Report PLAN2025-005, Support for Climate Change Strategy Funding Application, be received;

    That Council support the application for funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation initiative for the project Creating a Comprehensive Climate Change Strategy for the City of Kawartha Lakes; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Ashmore
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That Report PLAN2025-005, Support for Climate Change Strategy Funding Application, be received.

    Motion Failed
  • CW2025-016
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That the Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourn at 3:24 p.m.
