The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Kawartha Lakes Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

A Hart called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. with the following members present:Councillor Ashmore, A. Adare, W. Bateman, J. Hartman, I. McKechnie, and S. Sims.

Staff: E. Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning, L. Love, Economic Development Officer - Curatorial Services, D. Goodwin, Economic Development Officer - Arts and Culture, M. Faulhammer, Planner II and L. Barrie, Director of Development Services

A. Hart read the Land Acknowledgement.

  • KLMHC2024-011
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByJ. Hartman

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

  • KLMHC2024-012
    Moved ByS. Sims
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee meeting held on January 11, 2024, be adopted as circulated.


L. Barrie introduced herself as the new Director of Development Services and provided an overview of some of the current projects that are ongoing in the Development Services Department.

D. Goodwin, Economic Development Officer - Arts and Culture

D. Goodwin provided an overview of the Toureka! app and its application in Economic Development. She let the Committee know about the existing heritage-related walking tours and its potential application for supporting additional heritage related content. A. Adare asked if it had language compatibility besides English and D. Goodwin replied that it did not at this time. A. Adare also asked if it was compatible with both Apple and Android and D. Goodwin confirmed that it was.

Toureka! Presentation

  • KLMHC2024-013
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByA. Adare

    That Report KLMHC2024-014, Toureka! Presentation, be received;

    That the presentation from staff be received for information.


Heritage Planning Update

E. Turner provided an overview of the activities of the heritage planning program for January. In addition to the activities described in the report, E. Turner let the Committee know about the Heritage Day being hosted by the Kawartha Lakes Museum and Archives on February 19, the kick off for the Archaeological Master Plan which will happen in February and the two vacant positions on the Committee that the Clerk's Office will be advertising in the near future.

  • KLMHC2024-014
    Moved ByS. Sims
    Seconded ByA. Adare

    That Report KLMHC2024-009, Heritage Planning Update, be received for information.


Repeal and Replacement of By-law 2003-038 (1 King Street West, Village of Omemee)

E. Turner provided an overview of the new by-law for Coronation Hall. The goal of the new by-law is to clarify the statement of significance and heritage attributes for the property to assist with asset management and the accession of artifacts in the building. Councillor Ashmore asked if there was a plan or timeline for restoring the building. E. Turner replied that she knew the project was on the radar but was not sure of the timeline.

  • KLMHC2024-015
    Moved ByS. Sims
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-010, Repeal and Replacement of By-law 2003-038 – 1 King Street East, Village of Omemee (Coronation Hall), be received;

    That the repeal and replacement of By-law 2003-038 be endorsed; and

    That this recommendation be forwarded to Council for approval.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 317 Kent Street West, Town of Lindsay (Elmholme)

E. Turner provided an overview of the proposed designation of 317 Kent Street West. W. Bateman asked if there had been discussion regarding designating interior features of the building. E. Turner let him know that interior features were not being considered as part of Bill 23 designations, but that, if the owners wanted to pursue that route, the by-law could be updated later to include them. A. Hart suggested that the designation may help build that dialogue with the owners.

  • KLMHC2024-016
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByJ. Hartman

    That Report KLMHC2024-011, Proposed Heritage Designation of 317 Kent Street West, Town of Lindsay (Elmholme), be received;

    That the designation of the property known municipally as 317 Kent Street West be endorsed; and

    That the recommendation to designate the subject property be forwarded to Council for approval.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 11 Victoria Avenue North, Town of Lindsay (Sylvester House)

E. Turner provided an overview of the proposed heritage designation of 11 Victoria Avenue North. A. Hart noted that the property was an architectural gem in Lindsay and had major cultural heritage significance in Kawartha Lakes.

  • KLMHC2024-017
    Moved ByW. Bateman
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-012, Proposed Heritage Designation of 11 Victoria Avenue North, Town of Lindsay (Sylvester House), be received;

    That the designation of the properties known municipally as 11 Victoria Avenue North be endorsed; and

    That the recommendation to designate the subject property be forwarded to Council for approval.


2024 Workshop Planning

E. Turner provided an overview of the draft 2024 workshop topics and schedule as well as the feedback from 2023 workshop feedback. J. Hartman asked about the IPM, its size and content and Councillor Ashmore provided an overview. W. Bateman asked about how the events would be advertised and E. Turner let him know she was meeting with Communications staff in February to discuss a plan. I. McKechnie let the Committee know about the new City Notes section in the Advocate that highlighted local events and that the workshops could be included in this. A. Hart and Councillor Ashmore suggested that Kawartha Lakes events still get coverage in newspapers in nearby communities such as the Standard and the Peterborough Examiner, as well as the radio being a good source for reaching people. A. Adare said to also include the Promoter as a good source of print advertising and also suggested that the September and October workshops be reversed as property owners are likely think about property renovations an energy retrofits in advance of going into winter. E. Turner said that that switch was easy to make. For next steps, E. Turner is going to book venues and finalize dates and will then report back to the Committee.

  • KLMHC2024-018
    Moved ByA. Adare
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-013, 2024 Workshop Planning, be received for information.


There was no update from the Heritage Designation Subcommittee.

E. Turner provided an update from the Outreach Subcommittee which is organizing Doors Open. The subcommittee met to discuss early logistics for Doors Open. A date has been set for Sunday September 15 and the subcommittee has decided to focus on Fenelon Falls for its 150th and Sturgeon Point for its 125th, as well as other sites along the north side of Sturgeon Lake. The subcommittee is brainstorming sites and will meet again at the end of February.

  • KLMHC2024-019
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the verbal report from the Outreach Subcommittee be received for information.


E. Turner provided an overview of the Listed Properties Subcommittee. The subcommittee met and reviewed the Heritage Register to choose priority properties for 2024. The focus will remain on institutional and commercial properties, properties that are unique or local landmarks, and those that are at risk of redevelopment.

  • KLMHC2024-020
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByJ. Hartman

    That the minutes of the January 23, 2024 Listed Properties Subcommittee be received for information.


There was no update from the Scugog River Subcommittee.

A. Hart provided an overview of the Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee. The subcommittee is focusing on the area around Market Square in Bobcaygeon and is going to meet onsite for a walkabout to determine potential boundaries.

  • KLMHC2024-021
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByA. Adare

    That the verbal update from the Heritage Conservation District Subcommittee be received for information.


There was no correspondence reviewed by the Committee.

There was no new or other business.

The next meeting will be Thursday, March 7 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay).

  • KLMHC2024-022
    Moved ByA. Adare
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting adjourn at 6:37 p.m.
