Pollinator Action Sub-Committee
C. Szabados reported that the Bee City student volunteer R. Wood had returned from her trip to Dubai and placed 2nd in a bee keeping competition.
It was reported that the annual fee for Bee City Canada membership renewal had been received.
Discussion followed on Motion EAC2024.056 approved by CKLEAC’s at its November 21, 2024 meeting, which supported the purchase of envelopes for the Seed Library and Seed Give Away programme with specific costs to be provided in January 2025. The Chair indicated the item would be dealt with at its next meeting.
Bird Friendly Subcommittee
J. Morris reported on the following updates:
- News releases for the Council approval of the Osprey as the official city bird.
- The Osprey has been adopted as the mascot for the Waste Collection program and named “Obbie the Osprey”.
- A campaign to encourage cat-owners to keep cats indoors has included printing and distribution of brochures with an April 2025 online initiative to encourage cat owners to pledge to keep cats indoors.
- A C.H.E.S.T. fund application for treatment of bus shelters to prevent bird strikes was unsuccessful and comments received for application in 2026.
When questioned why the C.H.E.S.T. fund application was unsuccessful, J. Morris referred to requirement for explicit commitment from the Transit Division and lack of required payments by the sponsor.
- Clear Your Gear fishing line disposal stations are working well with suggestions for relocating and adding new location.
- Application is underway for NSERC grant to support Fleming College to carry out research on urban bird health, which was supported by Council after EAC resolution.
- Three Christmas Bird Counts have been undertaken.
- Road improvements have been undertaken to improve birder access for Wylie and Alvar Roads in Carden and resulted from deputation to Council in July 2024.
Upcoming projects were reported including:
- May 10, 2025 is World Migratory Bird Day with significant planning underway involving Fleming College, fourteen library branches and the Communications Division as Kawartha Lakes is a newly designated bird friendly city. Chair Pearson and J. Morris will coordinate plans.
- Anticipated at CKLEAC’s next meeting will be a request for $2,500 to support World Migratory Bird Day with an itemized list of expenses to be provided to CKLEAC.
D. Paterson questioned the projected $53,000 cost for the bus shelter remediation program for Lindsay. J. Morris clarified the extent of the work required and referred to Fleming College campus for members to view an example of completed projects.
Discussion followed on the location of fishing line disposal boxes with suggestion that additional locations near the landfill site, or any location where fishing is occurring, be considered.
Transportation Subcommittee
J. Morris presented no new details but requested an update on the Active Transportation Master Plan.
J. Stephens indicated further update would be provided at CKLEAC’s next meeting but indicated ATMP would be integrated into the City’s 2025 budget as many projects are undertaken by Public Works. She reported that work is underway to ensure the ATMP is on Public Works and Engineering Division’s radar.
Councillor Warren reported that Council has passed resolution at a recent budget meeting to request staff to report back to Council by the end of Q1, 2025 with a proposed terms of reference for an Active Transportation Advisory Committee.
Healthy Environment Subcommittee
J. Stephens reported that a report calling for Request for Proposals (RFP) is before the Director for approval and will be posted before CKLEAC’s next meeting. The funding application report was in front of Council and was to be approved by the end of January.
A funding application submitted in December 2024 will provide $105,000 funding and, if successful, will ease the funding required from the City’s budget.