Pollinator Action Subcommittee
C. Szabados reported the following:
- The 2025 Pollinator Action Committee work plan has been submitted to City Council for approval.
- Meetings will occur in early March on:
- the Landfill Naturalization Project,
- completing plant species signage for the Broad Street Pollinator Garden and organizing a public “Meet and Greet” showcase for community members.
- Anticipated communication with School Boards on a Kids Colouring contest.
- A Bee City Canada initiative has been modelled after Kawartha Lakes’ Pollinator Pathway to engage less active Bee City municipalities with four tiers of sponsorship to choose from. Preliminary discussions have been held to determine feasibility of merging data from both the City of Kawartha Lakes and Bee Friendly Gardening programs.
- Kawartha Lakes has accomplished a number of action items but could consider adopting one or more of a nine additional actions moving forward (e.g. natural asset inventory, pollinator photo contests, etc.)
After the Chair questioned whether a “Bee a Hero” contest would occur in 2025 CKLEAC members stressed the importance of the award, the need to continue in light of past positive community feedback and to celebrate individual efforts. A request is underway to have presentations made as part of Earth Day.
Healthy Environment Subcommittee
J. Stephens reported that the Request for Proposals (RFP) report is in the final stages of preparation, is being reviewed by the Director, Development Services before circulation to the City’s Procurement Staff who will handle the public posting to receive bids.
No grant monies have been received to date but full funding for the project has been budgeted and any approval of funding will reduce local taxpayer dollars required.
Question was raised on continuation of the current Healthy Environment Plan (HEP) until a new strategy is in place. The Chair referred to the need to update the HEP due its age and that reporting may be absorbed into the Climate Change Strategy. J. Stephens commented that work is underway with other municipal divisions to ensure all bases are covered and that frequent meetings with Engineering Division are occurring to ensure the recommendations of the Active Transportation Master Plan are integrated.
J. Stephens indicated the RFP has requested extensive mapping be undertaken for the Climate Change Strategy which will carry out goals of the HEP. CKLEAC will have an overall general role in the Climate Change Strategy with specific goals to come next year.
On the HEP goals, the Chair requested knowledge of the actions being undertaken relating to Climate Change Strategy such as an emissions inventory, effort to shift to a green fleet and adding charging stations. Comment was made that the HEP is five years old with very little progress to show. J. Stephens offered to follow up with the Senior Management Committee on the question and provide further details.
Transportation Subcommittee
No report was presented and comment made that the Transportation subcommittee not be required at this time.
Bird Friendly Subcommittee
J. Morris reported on the following:
- Planning is underway for the May 10, 2025 World Migratory Bird Day focusing on ways to help birds in our settlement areas. A number of events are planned including:
- Hosting of events in fourteen library branches on the theme of “shared spaces” with Dawn Chorus, bird walk at Ken Reid Conservation Area, Victoria Rail Trail and Carden Plane.
- Recognizing May 10th as “Day of Significance” by the municipality with press releases in May, listing on the City calendar and turning off City Hall lights from Friday to Monday.
- A request to offer controlled access to the Lindsay Sewage Lagoons as a birding hotspot has not been successful with the Manager of Waste Management based on risk. Discussion followed on J. Morris approaching staff again to pose alternatives such as a raised viewing platform at the gate, which could ensure access to the lagoon area is controlled.
- Brochures encouraging cat owners to keep their cats indoors are being distributed. A plan to have cat owners take a voluntary pledge with a draw for several “catios” as an incentive requires a lottery licence and is proceeding through that approval process.
- Mark Robbins, a new member of Bird Friendly Kawartha Lakes team has submitted an email request through the City’s “Report Issues or Concerns” portal to encourage City Staff turn off work-space lights at night to reduce migratory bird mortalities.
K. Cooper and J. Morris agreed to exchange emails on the Migratory Bird Day on whether the outings can include private property owners.