Before proceeding with the presentation, Ms. Evans brought to the Committees attention that after the circulation and writing of the report it was identified that the setback between the driveway on the retained lot and the proposed interior lot line is deficient. A second relief is requested from Section5.12 j) vi) of the Zoning By-law, which was explained to the Committee. The matter was discussed with the Director of Development Services who was in support to proceed with the application. It was turned over to the Committee for their consideration to proceed. The Committee agreed to proceed.
Ms. Evans summarized Report COA2024-095, which relates to the minor variance and consent. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the severance of the property to create one (1) new residential lot to contain a future single detached dwelling. Relief sought: Section 7.2 b) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum lot frontage of 12 metres; the proposed lot frontage of the severed lot is 10.3 metres. Section 5.12 j) vi) provides that no driveway shall be closer than 0.6 metres to a side lot line; the proposed setback between the driveway on the retained lot and the interior side lot line is 0.5 metres.
Ms. Evans spoke to the concerns received from the neighbouring property owners, which were contained within the report relating to the proposed new dwelling being a rental property, impacts on the community’s safety, traffic, parking, impacts to the mature trees, privacy and light issues.
The Committee had the following questions:
1) Size of the frontage of the two lots to the east of the proposed severed lot.
2) Sufficient parking spaces.
3) Definition of single detached dwelling.
4) The interior side yard setback for the Lindsay Zoning By-law compared to other municipalities.
5) Limitation to number of persons permitted to live in the proposed dwelling.
Ms. Evans responded. The frontage of the proposed new lot is smaller than the two existing lots to the east, but is comparable. The parking on the proposed lot is compliant with the Zoning By-law. A single detached dwelling contains one primary dwelling unit, as opposed to a semi-detached dwelling or duplex dwelling. The Lindsay Zoning By-law does not have larger interior side yard setbacks for residential lots when the dwelling is greater than one storey.
Mr. McKinnon, Supervisor of Plans Review and Inspections responded that maximum occupancy is related to number of bedrooms (2 people per bedroom).
The applicant, Mr. Miller of Miller Planning Services was present in person. Mr. Miller agreed with the Staff report as well as the amendment for an additional relief applied for today. Mr. Miller confirmed that the owner intends to build a single-family dwelling on the severed lot and to restore the dwelling on the retained lot.
The Committee noted and asked the applicant if the severed lot having the smallest frontage is in keeping with the neighbouring lots. Mr. Miller stated he is satisfied that it is compatible with the neighbouring lots.
Opposed to the application, Ms. Meenan, a member of the public was present in person on behalf of the neighbourhood and spoke to various concerns provided in the report.
The Committee asked Ms. Meenan where the location of the right-of-way is. Ms. Meenan explained the location.
The Committee noted with the additional relief that the report should reflect the wording "as amended". Ms. Evans agreed and that the wording would be reflected in the notice of decision.
A motion was made to approve the application as amended. Member Finn was opposed.
There were no further questions from the Committee or other persons.