The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Development Charges Task Force Meeting

Meeting to Commence at 1:00 p.m. - In-Person Only
Purchasing Boardroom
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Bernard Finney
  • Sal Polito
  • Karl Repka
  • Mark Wilson
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

A. Found called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. Councillor Richardson, B. Finney, S. Polito, K. Repka, M. Wilson, J. Bernal, B. Harrison were in attendance.

Absent: C. Nigro, J. Solly

A. Found called for the nominations for the position of Chair.

M. Wilson nominated S. Polito

A. Found called a second time for nominations for the position of Chair.

A. Found called for a third and final time for nominations for the position of Chair.

A. Found declared nominations for the position of Chair for the Development Charges Task Force Committee closed.

S. Polito was asked if he wished to let his name stand for Chair of the Committee.

S. Polito accepted.

A. Found declared S. Polito as Chair of the Development Charges Task Force Committee.

The Chair assumed the Chair and conducted the nominations for Vice Chair.

Chair Polito called for the nominations for the position of Vice Chair.

M. Wilson nominated K. Repka

Chair Polito called a second time for nominations for the position of Vice Chair.

Chair Polito called for a third and final time for nominations for the position of Vice Chair.

Chair Polito declared nominations for the position of Vice Chair for the Development Charges Task Force Committee closed.

K. Repka was asked if he wished to let his name stand for Vice Chair of the Committee.

K. Repka accepted.

Chair Polito declared K. Repka as Vice Chair of the Development Charges Task Force Committee.

  • DCTF2025-001
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByK. Repka

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest made.

  • DCTF2025-002
    Moved ByK. Repka
    Seconded ByM. Wilson

    That the minutes of the Development Charges Task Force meeting held on July 11, 2024, be adopted as amended:

    Item 5.2 SM Michael should be SM Stephen

    Newspapers or municipal website (was on municipal website)

    Municipality (correction of last word)

    Adjournment should be 11:20 am instead of 11:20 pm


There were no deputations or presentations

There was no correspondence

A. Found noted that Councillor Smeaton submitted his resignation from Council.

As a result, Council appointed Councillor Richardson to the Task Force, and she was introduced as a new member.

A. Found provided an overview of the revised Terms of Reference (October 22, 2024 revision):

  • Mission
  • Task Force does not direct City staff, but can make requests
  • Activities of the Task Force
  • Task Force's recommendations to be made with a view toward the best interest of the City
  • Composition of Task Force
  • Term of Appointment
  • Quorum
  • Participation of meetings in-person only
  • Report containing recommendations to be submitted to A. Found, who will subsequently share it with Council
  • If a Task Force member is absent for three meetings within a twelve-month period, that member is deemed to have resigned
  • Ability of Chair or Vice-Chair to resign from their position without resigning from the Task Force
  • Absent Task Force members may not be substituted by a surrogate or have proxy voting conducted on their behalf

Chair Polito reminded members that the Task Force is appointed by Council, but reports to staff, not Council

J. Bernal to discuss attendance requirements with C. Nigro, who will have to attend the next meeting to remain a Task Force member.

A. Found advised he attended Council on October 22, 2024 to revise the Terms of Reference and extend the current DC by-law to allow time for the City to finish critical master plans. This by-law was extended to the end of 2026, but is planned to be replaced effective January 1, 2026.

A. Found stated that the two critical master plans (Transportation Master Plan and Water-Wasterwater Master Plan) are being presented to Council on February 4, 2025. Once approved, these master plans will be shared with the Task Force and reflected in the DC study.

A. Found noted the City is targeting January 1, 2026 for the new DC by-law to be in effect. There is a minimum legislated notice period of 60 days between the date the DC study is released and the date Council passes the by-law. Similarly, there is a minimum legislated notice period of 14 days between the date the DC study is released and the date Council holds a public meeting on the by-law.

To avoid conflict with the City's budget process, the City intends to release the DC study in August, hold the public meeting occurring in September, and pass the new DC by-law in October. Notice of the public meeting must be published in a newspaper of general circulation (if one exists in the municipality) at least 20 days in advance.

Substantial DC study preparation will occur from February to July. In order to be considered by staff and Watson, Task Force recommendations must be submitted by July, preferably by the end of June. Watson is expected to share a more detailed DC study and by-law timeline at the next Task Force meeting.

A. Found advised the Task Force's work plan will have to fit within the City's work plan:

  • Task Force to identify key issues and focus, and develop content of recommendations accordingly.
  • Vice-Chair Repka asked about clearly defined local service policies and related responsibilities of developers.
  • M. Wilson asked about DC deferrals, and A. Found stated this matter and that of DC exemptions should be reviewed by the Task Force.
  • A. Found advised that capital costs are skyrocketing. The City is seeing explosive growth, leading to acceleration of major capital projects. Current DC revenue is just enough to cover debt payments related to growth-related capital projects, leaving the City unable to sustain DC deferrals.
  • When debt is issued for a growth-related capital project, only the share of the debt attributed to growth is repaid by DCs.
  • Chair Polito asked whether DCs are levied on the City's own facility projects. A. Found advised that, while municipalities have a legislated exemption, the City's practice is to voluntarily pay DCs from facility project budgets, as legislation requires the DC reserve fund to be replenished from a non-DC source anyhow for all exemptions. This practice preserves the potential for the DC-related costs for facility projects to be partially defrayed by grants or, if DC-eligible, partially recovered by DCs themselves.
  • M. Wilson asked why the Kawartha Lakes-Haliburton Housing Corporation does not pay DCs? A. Found stated that affordable housing has a legislated exemption.
  • General discussion occurred around the KPEC report entitled "The State of DCs in Ontario", dated January 24, 2025.
  • A. Found stated the new DC by-law can be in effect for up to ten years, but the City is likely to amend or replace it prior thereto.
  • DCTF2025-003
    Moved ByK. Repka
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the update from staff provided through items 5.1-5.6, be received.


No other business was raised

A. Found suggested the next meeting occur on the afternoon of February 24th or 25th, but will canvass the Task Force for availability after the meeting, given the absence of J. Solly and C. Nigro.

Vice-Chair Repka asked whether Doodle polling could be used instead of email for meeting scheduling.

Chair Polito suggested determining a series of future meeting dates at the next meeting.

  • DCTF2025-004
    Moved ByB. Finney
    Seconded ByM. Wilson

    That the Development Charges Task Force Meeting adjourn at 2:28 p.m.
