The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting

Electronic Participation Meeting
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Virginia Colling
  • Josh Feltham
  • Jamie Morris
  • Santosh Patel
  • Ola Pasternak
  • Doug Paterson
  • Deborah Pearson
  • David Ryrie
  • Barry Snider
  • Christine Szabados
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

In attendance: Virginia Colling, Jamie Morris, Doug Paterson, Santosh Patel, Deborah Pearson, David Ryrie, Christine Szabados, Barry Snider, Pat Warrren (Councillor), Ola Pasternak (KRCA)

Absent:  Josh Feltham (Fleming College), Logan McInnis (Youth Advisor)

Staff: Mark Jull (Supervisor, Policy Planning), Jenna Stephens (Planning Officer – Environmental Policy), Max Faulhammer (Planner II), Nancy Ord (Administrative Assistant)

Deputant:  Thomas Luloff (Professor, Conservation Biology, Fleming College)


Chair Pearson called the meeting to order at 2:31 p.m.

  • EAC2024.053
    Moved ByJ. Morris
    Seconded ByC. Szabados

    That the Agenda for the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting of November 21, 2024 be adopted as presented.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

  • EAC2024.054
    Moved ByV. Colling
    Seconded ByB. Snider

    That the minutes of the Environmental Advisory Committee meeting of October 17, 2024 be adopted as presented.


M. Jull introduced Planning Officer – Environmental Policy, Jenna Stephens. Jenna provided a brief overview of her background and experience as a former employee of the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority.

M. Jull reported on City action to create Request for Proposals for consultants to prepare a Climate Change Strategy. Staff will act as project managers with CKLEAC in an advisory role. The project will start in early 2025 and continue for an estimated 12 to 18 months period.

Other environmental projects were noted and suggested by CKLEAC members (e.g. Tree By-law, greening of the municipal fleet, grant/funding opportunities, retrofitting recreation centres).

O. Pasternak reported that her term as KRCA CKLEAC member will terminate at the end of 2024 and Danielle Marcoux-Hunter will return as KRCA representative on CKLEAC.

The Chair reminded members of the meeting attendance requirement in its Terms of Reference:

Any member of the Committee/Board/Task Force, who misses three consecutive formal business meetings, without being excused by the Committee/Board/Task Force, may be removed from the Committee/Board/Task Force.

T. Luloff was welcomed by the Chair and provided an overview of request for the City to be a community partner with Fleming College in supporting an application for a Community Social Innovation Fund Grant. The grant proposal would be a student led research project to identify and implement the most effective bird-friendly strategies for urban environments. It was noted there would be no cost to the City and the City’s role would be to assist with communications.  Kawartha Lakes would benefit by the provision of community specific research and bird friendly professional input.

Questions raised included:

  • Clarification that both rural and urban areas would be involved.
  • Requirement that the partnership with the City be established before the grant application deadline of February 2025.
  • Next steps in presenting a resolution for Council support in December 2024.


T. Luloff left the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

  • EAC2024.055
    Moved ByD. Paterson
    Seconded ByS. Patel

    Whereas, the City of Kawartha Lakes has been certified as a Bird Friendly City by Nature Canada,

    And whereas Fleming College’s Frost Campus is a highly-regarded and valued leader in environmental research,

    And whereas the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant being applied for would provide over $100,000 in funding for a research project focussed on City of Kawartha Lakes, 

    And whereas the grant money, if received would have a number of benefits for the City (including enhanced bird-friendly designation, no-cost public education, support for bird-safe municipal buildings, community engagement and student learning opportunities, and practical cost-effective conservation recommendations,

    And whereas supporting the grant proposal has no budget implications for City of Kawartha Lakes Council (no financial commitment is required).

    That the Kawartha Lakes Environmental Advisory Committee recommends Council agree to become a “Community Partner” and support Fleming College’s NSERC grant application by providing a letter of support on City letterhead and by requesting that the City’s Communications Department share information about opportunities for CKL citizens to participate in the research project. 



Chair Pearson reported that a thank you letter has been received from former CKLEAC member Grant Barker.

Pollinator Action Sub-committee:

C. Szabados reported the following:

  • Bee City Kawartha Lakes volunteers hosted its last event of the year with an information booth at the Lindsay Farmer's Market. 
  • Bee City Kawartha Lakes will meet on November 26 to review their year, to discuss plans for 2025 and to create signage describing the native plants that make-up the Broad Street Pollinator Garden.
  • Peeled fence posts will be picked up for the Seed Libraries at Ken Reid Conservation Area and Gamiing Nature Centre with installation to follow.  Gaming Nature Centre is kindly donating native seed collected on their property for use in seed libraries.
  • Between 500 and 1000 additional envelopes will be ordered for the seed library program and the seed packages give-away programme with further information to be provided to CKLEAC on sources and costs.

Bird Friendly Sub-Committee

J. Morris reported the following:

  • City Council approved naming the Osprey as the official city bird at its November 19, 2024 meeting.
  • A supply of brochures on birding in Kawartha Lakes is still available.
  • The Humane Society has received a $3000 grant for a campaign to encourage cat owners to keep their pets in-doors. The campaign will start with the production and distribution of an information brochure followed, in early spring, with an invitation for cat owners to keep their cats indoor with a prize being offered.
  • Bird Friendly Kawartha Lakes has applied for a $53,000 Lindsay Chest Fund grant for the treatment of Lindsay’s 28 bus shelters; a project supported by the City’s Transit Division.


Transportation Sub-Committee

J. Morris reported on a program to make sidewalks safer and that three sets of bike racks have arrived and are to be placed outside the Chamber of Commerce office and at the junction of Lindsay and Kent Streets.

Healthy Environment sub-committee

Chair Pearson provided a brief overview to new staff member J. Stephens on updating the Healthy Environment Plan and that a sub-committee had been formed to report on/assist in the update.

  • EAC2024.056
    Moved ByV. Colling
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That CKLEAC supports the purchase of between 500 and 1000 envelopes for the ongoing Seed Library and the Seed Give Away programme with specific costs to be provided in January 2025.


O. Pasternak indicated KRCA are awaiting City approval of a project to naturalize up to 75% of the shoreline at Lion’s Park before applying for grants to undertake the project. The naturalization plan proposes to add two to three metres of naturalized material to the existing armourstone at the shoreline in an effort to stop geese gathering.

Councillor Warren referred to ongoing discussion with a qualified forestry manager and reported that the Shoreline portion of the Tree By-law has been referred back to CKLEAC for further review before returning to City Council early in the first quarter of 2025.

Councillor Warren offered to provide copies of other municipal by-laws (with the example of the Municipality of Dysart, Haliburton noted).  The Chair recommended a task force of CKLEAC members meet, view these by-laws and provide input to Staff and the Solicitor.  The KRCA representative indicated willingness to be part of a sub-committee or task force.

  • EAC2024.057
    Moved ByC. Szabados
    Seconded ByV. Colling

    That CKLEAC form a task force to review the Shoreline Tree By-law in Kawartha Lakes.


Staff reported that interviews are currently underway by the organizing group for the intern position.  The successful candidate will be a local resident and will shadow Councillor Warren during its term.  Councillor Warren referred to the intern assisting in producing a “green team” within the corporation.

C. Szabados reported on arranging for the purchase of a $50 gift certificate from Grow Wild for this year’s winner with presentation to be made at Committee of the Whole as part of Earth Day in April 2025.

Discussion followed on the need for a larger campaign to encourage applicants and the importance of the contest to the community.

M. Jull thanked CKLEAC members for their responses/suggestions to questions posed on 2024 Youth Advisory Pilot Project. Staff report to Council recommended developing a policy for Youth Advisory positions and included several of CKLEAC’s suggestions (e.g. qualifications to be based on secondary school grade level and not age, etc.). Revisions to CP2021-031 Council Committee, Board and Task Force Policy to allow for Youth Advisors is before the Clerk’s and Chief Administrative Officer as part of an overall update.

C. Szabados reported on ongoing research by herself and member G. Colling with discussion referring to the following:

  • Publication of articles on the subject is outside CKLEAC’s Terms of Reference but the research undertaken may be applicable to CKLEAC’s efforts with its Bird Friendly and Pollinator sub-committees.
  • While control of and installation of signage for permitted chemicals is within provincial jurisdiction, the illegal posting of advertising signage for illegal chemicals for mosquito spraying may be policed by the Municipal Law Enforcement Office (e.g. through a student project).
  • S. Patel offered to contact a local weed control operator for input and to extend an invitation to appear at CKLEAC meeting to inform members on spraying procedures.

Discussion raised the following:

  • That CKLEAC support for potential grant applications for turtle crossing protection (e.g. by Fleming College) be a 2025 CKLEAC project for discussion in January.
  • Ministry of Natural Resources recommends turtle crossing signage and fencing be in combination with larger scale protections (e.g. roadway underpasses).
  • When replacing culverts, the City may consider including turtle crossing measures.
  • Turtle crossing signage is an important visual reminder in high turtle traffic crossing areas and consideration be given to the cost and installation of signage.
  • Restrictions prevent adding turtle crossing signs to existing traffic signage.
  • Partnering with existing organizations (e.g. Turtle Guardians).
  • The negative effects of resurfacing roads/shoulders to traditional routes and nest locations for turtles.
  • Reporting to the Ministry of Natural Resources if work is occurring in designated turtle nesting areas so that eggs can be moved/protected.

M. Jull indicated the application deadline is now closed for Kawartha Lakes residents to apply to the Clerk’s Division to fill CKLEAC’s one membership vacancy.

Discussion raised the following issues:

  • Limitations to holding evening meetings (e.g. staffing, avoidance of travelling at night).
  • Advantages of zoom meetings (e.g. easier for members with children; reduces the time commitment by avoiding vehicular travel to and from a meeting; encouragement of residents in the outer areas of Kawartha Lakes to become CKLEAC members).
  • A once per year in-person meeting (during warmer weather) to enable members to become better acquainted.
  • D. Paterson suggested some members gather in-person and then join the meeting virtually as a group.



Chair Pearson provided a summary of CKLEAC 2024 budget ($7,000), total invoices paid to date ($5,160) and remaining unused funds ($1,840).  Staff were requested to clarify the deadline for submission of 2024 invoices.

Due to staff absences, the December 19, 2024 meeting is not scheduled and the next meeting of CKLEAC will be January 16, 2025.

  • EAC2024.058
    Moved ByC. Szabados
    Seconded ByO. Pasternak

    That no CKLEAC meeting will be held in December 2024.

  • EAC2024.059
    Moved ByS. Patel
    Seconded ByD. Paterson

    That the meeting be adjourned at 4:42 p.m.
