The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Lindsay-Ops Landfill Public Review Committee Meeting

Meeting to Commence at 2:30 p.m.
Weldon Room
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Councillor Eric Smeaton
  • Chris Appleton
  • Barry Hodgson
  • Lloyd Robertson
  • David Webb
  • Taylor Blake
  • Lynn Craig
  • Tanya Sheehey
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

L. Roberton called the meeting to order at 2:33 p.m. Councillor E. Smeaton and members C. Appleton, B. Hodgson, D. Webb, T. Blake, L. Craig and T. Sheehey were in attendance.

Director of Public Works B. Robinson, Manager of Environmental Services D. Kerr, Regulatory Compliance Officer K. Pantaleo and Administrative Assistant S. McKillop were also in attendance.

  • LOPRC 2024-13
    Moved ByB. Hodgson
    Seconded ByD. Webb

    That the amended agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Lindsay Ops Landfill Public Review Committee Meeting from July 17, 2024

  • LOPRC 2024-14
    Moved ByB. Hodgson
    Seconded ByD. Webb

    That the minutes of the Lindsay-Ops Landfill Public Review Committee meeting held on July 17, 2024, be adopted as circulated.


No comments.



The Committee was advised that leachate flushing was completed in August.  The report has been received and will be reviewed.  An update will be provided to the Committee once the review is completed.

No leachate outbreaks to report.

No landfill complaints to report.

K. Pantaleo advised the Committee that the scale house upgrade designs were provided to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and with the approval department as of September 17, 2024.

Waste Technician B. Ferguson completed a site inspection on September 12, 2024 and found the conditions very dry.  There is a tree down that is to be removed before October poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCB) monitoring event.  Previous sampling event the conditions were too dry for samples to be obtained for both surface water locations.

The Committee received an update on Cell 4/5 North Construction; the cell expansion is near completion.  Surface water is being diverted from leachate collection.

The Committee received an update on the Rehab of the Transfer Station; the project is complete and the construction and demolition bunker is in operation again.


The Committee received an update on the Scales and Drop off Area Design; the designs for new scales and drop off area at Lindsay Ops Landfill have been sent for approval to improve efficiency of traffic flow at the landfill.  It is hopeful the project will be completed by Q3 in 2025.  K. Pantaleo advised that the project will not affect the operations enough to trigger an environmental compliance approval (ECA).


The Committee received an update on the removal of sludge from storm water retention ponds; this project has been completed and will likely not require being done again for approximately 20 years.  There was 3-4 feet of sediment removed from each pond.  The sediment is being de-watered and will be used as cover at a future date.

K. Pantaleo advised the Committee that Communications utilized a boosted Facebook post for 1 week on September 10, 2024 as a final push before the survey closed.  Results to be provided at a future meeting.

K. Pantaleo provided a presentation of the results of the Wetland Study.  Phosphorus levels are showing higher numbers, which is typically caused by fertilizers and is normal.  The results from the Study noted that there are no impacts to the wetland and the consultants noted that there was redundancy between the Study and the ongoing monitoring.  C. Appleton is requesting staff feedback on recommendations made in the study.

  • LOPRC 2024-15
    Moved ByC. Appleton
    Seconded ByB. Hodgson

    That the presentation by K. Pantaleo, regarding Lindsay Ops Landfill Wetland Study, be received.


Councillor Smeaton inquired if prescriptions can be recycled.  K. Pantaleo advised that it can be accepted at the landfills that have a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Depot but they are required to be in a container, including syringes.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 20th at 2:30 p.m. in the Weldon Room, City Hall. 

  • LOPRC 2024-16
    Moved ByB. Hodgson
    Seconded ByC. Appleton

    That the Lindsay-Ops Landfill Public Review Committee Meeting adjourn at 3:47 p.m.
