The Committee received an update on Cell 4/5 North Construction; the cell expansion is near completion. Surface water is being diverted from leachate collection.
The Committee received an update on the Rehab of the Transfer Station; the project is complete and the construction and demolition bunker is in operation again.
The Committee received an update on the Scales and Drop off Area Design; the designs for new scales and drop off area at Lindsay Ops Landfill have been sent for approval to improve efficiency of traffic flow at the landfill. It is hopeful the project will be completed by Q3 in 2025. K. Pantaleo advised that the project will not affect the operations enough to trigger an environmental compliance approval (ECA).
The Committee received an update on the removal of sludge from storm water retention ponds; this project has been completed and will likely not require being done again for approximately 20 years. There was 3-4 feet of sediment removed from each pond. The sediment is being de-watered and will be used as cover at a future date.