Director Robinson presented the Public Works Departmental Budget. He gave an overview of the individual divisions (Administration, Roads Operations, Waste Management Operations, Fleet Services, Transit Operations, and Water and Wastewater Operations). Together they are responsible for many legislative requirements of the City, including adherence to the Safe Water Drinking Act, MTO legislation, and Minimum Maintenance Standards on our roads as well as monitoring and reporting on Landfills. As a whole they administer many multi-million dollar contracts to fulfill operational and maintenance needs.
Roads Operations is specifically responsible for some specific Council-directed services such as brushing, dust control, ditching, and winter maintenance as well as administering locates, streetlights, storm water infrastructure maintenance, and permits. Solid Waste has oversight over 5 active and 11 closed landfills, all of which require monitoring and reporting in perpetuity. They also administer waste and recycling programs and is about to launch the new Source Separated Organics program. Fleet Services has responsibility for maintaining the City fleet (except for EMS fleet), with over 400 pieces of equipment. Transit Operations provide LIMO services as well as traditional public transit and charter services. Water and Wastewater operates 21 water and 6 wastewater systems and administers bulk water systems, sewer surcharge agreements and supports community wells.
Some of the budget pressures being felt by Public Works includes increase in fleet costs (passenger vehicles are up 18.9%, pickup trucks are up 27%, and heavy equipment are up 28.1% over the past three years. Repair costs are increasing as parts are up 5-10% and fuel costs are up 20% (gas) to 33% (dyed diesel). Contractor increases are also going up and there have been changes to certain grant funds that are also having an impact. In terms of accomplishments in 2024, they have increased their transit hours, installed GPS on all equipment, and implemented the new Permit Central portal, as well as supporting the International Plowing Match. For 2025, they are prioritizing the implementation of the SSO Program, a SCADA system upgrade and continuing to transition to digital technology.
The 2025 ask for Public Works is an additional $6,349,853 for a total budget of $45,156,198.