The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Andy Letham
  • Lynne Manning
  • Stephen Podolsky
  • Dinah Wilson
  • A. Radey
  • D. Livingstone
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Carlie Arbour called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Mayor Andy Letham, Dinah Wilson, Denise Livingstone, Lynne Manning, Anna Radey, Stephen Podolsky were in attendance.

Regrets: Matthew Hutchinson, Julie Kellett, Karen Quinn

Chris Appleton was also in attendance.

C. Arbour called for nominations for the position of Chair. D. Livingstone nominated A. Radey for the position of Chair. A. Radey declined the nomination.

In the absence of a willing committee member to stand for the position of Chair, Elections are deferred to the next meeting.

  • DRAC2021-01
    Moved ByL. Manning
    Seconded ByA. Radey

    That the Elections of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee be deferred to the next meeting.


Elections are deferred to the next meeting.



  • DRAC2021-02
    Moved ByL. Manning
    Seconded ByS. Podolsky

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

There were no declarations of pecuniary interest noted.

  • DRAC2021-03
    Moved ByS. Podolsky
    Seconded ByMayor Letham

    That the minutes of the Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee meeting held on February 20, 2020 be adopted as circulated.


Coboconk and Norland: 2020 has been a challenging year, many businesses are closed or suffering. Horticultural Society remained active in 2020 and expanded into Kirkfield, will expand efforts in Coboconk as well. Volunteer burn out experienced due to COVID.  New business group in Kirkfield. Challenges in 2020 Summer season with no public, or business washrooms available. With municipal buildings closed, no location to submit complaints. Digital Main Street program has been a huge success to support getting businesses to transition to using online digital tools.

Fenelon Falls: Fenelon is in great shape right now. Downtown reconstruction is about to begin. The bridge has had some some improvements.  The Grove Theater is well into development: fundraising is reached 2/3 of their goal and will be completed for spring. Sculpture project is in progress and has majority (80%) of funding. Fenelon is working to become cultural center. Fenelon hosted a virtual Teeny Tiny Summit, profiling the Kawartha Community Co-Op and local businesses.  Beautification efforts in full effect for summer in 2020. Horticultural society recieved funding for beautification work at The Grove Theater. Hay Fever event led by Fenelon Forward in the fall. Challenges in 2020 included access to public washrooms and public garbage collection.

Businesses who embraced social media were really quite successful, examples: Barn and Bunkie Monday and Grrr8 Finds Market using Facebook to increase sales. Digital Main Street has been really helpful for businesses. Shop Kawartha Lakes campaign was really successful. Fenelon stores saw a very successful holiday season.

Lindsay: Downtown Lindsay has been under construction, and entering it's 3rd year now. Construction coinciding with the lockdown from COVID has been a silver lining for businesses. Businesses have been able to pivot and been resourceful. Businesses have made the most of their social media and has certainly helped them through the construction and COVID. Economic Development and Shop Kawartha Lakes campaign has been really helpful. Hopful that BIA initiatives and events will get going again in 2022 (unlikely in 2021). Marketing and beautification committees working on setting things up for spring. Were able to sign up about 12 businesses to participate as Trail Towns businesses, will start soliciting more businesses to sign up. Signage will go to old mill park for trial towns. See a light at the end of the tunnel from COVID and construction.

  • DRAC2021-04
    Moved ByL. Manning
    Seconded ByS. Podolsky

    That the Community Downtown Revitalization Updates, be received.


Update from Mayor Letham: City is investing in the Downtowns. Important for them to look nice and for visitors to have a good experience. Additional funding for 2021 to improve garbage collection and access to public washrooms in Downtowns and major parks. Understand that there is increased demand for these resources throughout the summer months. The Taskforce will discuss how this can be done. Patio, park and event fees will be waived again for 2021 and allowing for patio expansions.

Discussion: In 2020 we began discussions on charging stations, request to – come back to for this year. The City is looking at fleet vehicles internally. Research shows the advantage of the charging stations is when Downtowns and private business install them, there is a larger advantage when they are driven from private industry vs government. Carlie to follow up from February 2020 Minutes.

  • DRAC2021-05
    Moved ByS. Podolsky
    Seconded ByA. Radey

    That the Economic Development Staff Update, be received.

  • DRAC2021-06
    Moved ByD. Livingstone
    Seconded ByS. Podolsky

    That the Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee 2021 Work Plan be forwarded to Council for approval.


Committee reviewed meeting schedule. Conflicts from other members on meeting times. Staff to adjust schedule and re-send to the Committee.

The next meeting date in April to be determined with updated schedule.

  • DRAC2021-07
    Moved ByS. Podolsky
    Seconded ByD. Livingstone

    That the Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee Meeting adjourn at 2:15 p.m.
