The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Committee of Adjustment Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo
  • Betty Archer
  • David Marsh
  • Sandra Richardson
  • Lloyd Robertson
  • Stephen Strangway
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Chair Robertson called the meeting to order at 1:00pm.

Chair Robertson and C. Crockford, Recording Secretary were in person in Council Chambers.

Councillor E. Yeo and Members, S. Richardson, B. Archer and S. Strangway were in attendance via electronic participation.

Staff, K. Stainton, Planner II, R. Holy, Acting-Director of Development Services, M. LaHay, Acting-Secretary Treasurer, L. Barrie, Acting-Manager of Planning, S. Murchison, Chief Building Official and C. Sisson, Supervisor of Development Engineering were in attendance via electronic participation.

Absent: D. Marsh

April 15, 2021
Committee of Adjustment Agenda


  • COA2021-029
    Moved ByS. Strangway
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That the agenda for April 15, 2021 meeting be approved.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

March 18, 2021
Committee of Adjustment Minutes

  • COA2021-030
    Moved ByB. Archer
    Seconded ByS. Richardson

    That the minutes of the previous meeting held March 18, 2021 be adopted as printed.


David Harding, Planner II, RPP, MCIP
File Number: D03-2020-006
Location: 114 Queen Street
Part Lot 35, Lot 36, NS Queen Street, Plan 15P
Former Town of Lindsay
Owners: Jeffery and Michael Farquhar
Applicant: Jeffery Farquhar

Mr. Holy, Acting-Director of Development Services summarized Report COA2021-022 on behalf of Mr. Harding.

This is a returning application previously heard at the February 18, 2021 Committee of Adjustment meeting. It was the Committee’s decision to defer the application for a period of not more than two months returning to the April 15, 2021 meeting to allow the owner and applicant time to explore options that would satisfy staffs’ concerns relating to the proposed development.

Mr. Holy stated that a minor variance is required for the retained lands because they do not meet the minimum 600 square metre lot size under the MRC zone. Currently, the owner is showing 564 Square metres. One of the conditions of consent would be a minor variance for the retained lands to deal with the reduced lot area. There should be sufficient parking so a minor variance may not be required. Also, a minor variance should be considered for several regulations on the severed lot. Looking at the sketch provided, it shows a residential portion close to the new front lot line, which is 2 metres away, which would require a minor variance for front yard setbacks. The applicant is aware of this and will be submitting a minor variance application soon to be put on the next available agenda to deal with these issues. The consent does conform to the relevant Provincial Policy, the Town of Lindsay Official Plan, and meets the intent of the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law.

Agency comments received from Community Services requested a 5% Cash-in Lieu of Parkland, which would be taken for the newly severed land. Building Division has no concerns. Economic Development previously indicated one of there goals from their strategic plan is to allow sufficient land from this property to allow conversion to commercial uses. Engineering Division has no concerns provided that 3 metre road widenings are taken on St. David’s Street and Queen Street and a site triangle at the intersection of St. David’s Street and Queen Street to accommodate for future road upgrades that are contemplated long term from the Transportation Master Plan. 

Comments were received from the public, Lynda and John McCauley, in respect to the severance and their comments are contained in the report.

Staff respectfully recommends the application be granted approval subject to the conditions in the report.

Mr. Holy stated that he has had several lengthy discussions with the owner, Mr. Farquhar and would likely be speaking to those conversations.

The Committee questioned the lot to be severed, and asked if it will it stay as a mixed residential or should it be rezoned residential. Staff replied that the MRC zone has provisions to allow it to stay as MRC zone if used as residential. In accordance with an R1, R2, R3 zone you do not need to re-zone as it will automatically refer to those zone requirements. The Committee followed up by asking if there are new owners, could they open up a grocery store. Staff replied firstly a grocery store is not permitted and secondly there is not sufficient area for parking for that use.

The Committee asked whether the road widening and site triangle applied to the new severed lot and the retained lot. Staff replied that, based on a recent legal opinion obtained from the City’s solicitor, the requirement applies to both the severed and the retained lands. We are therefore requesting the widenings on both pieces. The Committee asked if Engineering plans to widen the streets now or in the near future. Staff replied that they are not aware but suggested that Ms. Sisson, Supervisor of Engineering Division would speak to this.

Ms. Sisson spoke to the Committee and stated that it is the understanding that the roads through and around the Lindsay area are part of the Transportation Master Plan, so they can be widened at anytime. The arterial and collector lanes have been identified in the Official Plan for several years, in fact decades. Specific growth and development targets that are necessary for those widenings identified as the corridors through and around the Lindsay area to both the residential, commercial and industrial components. At this time, there is no plan to widen these two roads.

The Committee asked whether there was room along the frontage of other neighbours along the street to accommodate road widenings.  Ms. Sisson replied that when Engineering proceed with a capitol project, it involves an Engineering Assessment Process and through the process, it will identify what their needs are. Sometimes sidewalks both sides of the road or additional infrastructure, or lane width or number of lanes required for that road structure. Ms. Sisson gave an example.

The Committee noted that the applicant mentioned that according to the Planning Act, the City could not acquire land under existing buildings. The Queen Street road widening as well as the sight triangle go under buildings. Ms. Sisson deferred to Mr. Holy. Mr. Holy stated that we would not take land underneath the building; however, we would take land around the building, leaving a strip of land around the building so that the building foundation would not encroach on to the road allowance. The Planning Act does not allow us to take land from underneath buildings as part of widening’s.

The Committee asked if the conditions of consent would speak to that. Staff replied that they prepared two sets of conditions.

1) That went underneath the land subject to encroachment agreement.

2) That went around the building. We would enforce that we would only take lands as it goes around the building.

The Committee asked if the City currently owns all the required road allowance for the expansion along St. David’s Street and Queen Street or will they expropriate when required to do the road widening. Staff responded by saying the City only owns widening’s that had been taken through previous Site Plan, Consent or Plan of Subdivision applications. At this point, Staff cannot confirm what lands are owned by the City along St. David Street and Queen Street. Once the capital projects are activated, there is a land acquisition phase that goes along with that and we purchase all the properties along the corridor in accordance with the design that is approved through the Engineering Assessment Process.

The Committee asked how wide St. David and Queen Street currently. Ms. Sisson’s understanding is that we currently have 20 metres right-of-way on Queen Street and 20 metres right-of-way on St. David’s Street. Through the Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, and Secondary Plan etc., everything that has been done to date indicates that the arterial and collectors should be a minimum of 26 metres, a further 6 metres to the 20 metres.

The Committee asked if the right-of-way includes sidewalks or excluding sidewalks. Ms. Sisson replied that the right-of-way includes all of the municipal property, everything we have jurisdiction over.

The Committee questioned if and when the expansion happens, would property be taken from both sides of St. David Street and Queen Street. Staff replied typically yes but it relates to the nature of what is situated on either side. If there is an obstruction where you cannot take a widening, for example a potential cemetery for instance, then it would be taken from one side but typically it’s evenly taken from both side where possible.

The Committee noted a 12 metres triangle requirement for this property. If that also means a 12 metre requirement on the east side of St. David Street, the Committee asked if the City planning on putting a round-about there. Ms. Sisson replied that this is not a proposal right now. The intersection is being looked at via the design requirement. Later an Environmental Assessment, whereby any other work that takes place can be provided through the lands and whether the need to take land would be determined, which would be the desired cross section in terms of two side walks, one side walk, bike lanes. Everything goes through the official design process as Mr. Holy suggested and it is a multi stage process.

The Chair noted that if we streamline the process with the design situation at this stage, this will prevent expropriation down the road which can be an adversarial process. Ms. Sisson replied it is her understanding that this is the purpose and reason it is available through the Planning Act process.

The applicant, Mr. Farquhar spoke to the Committee. He noted the lengthy conversations with Mr. Holy regarding the road widening’s and the minor variance requirements and suggested to Mr. Holy to ask permission from the Committee to defer the application and return with the Consent and Minor Variance together which will allow time for more discussions over the issues that are contentious.

Mr. Holy noted that Mr. Farquhar has technical issues to deal with in terms of house siting, access to the newly created lot and to see if there is a lot configuration moving the lot line further south. We are agreeable to tabling as well to try to work through some of these issues. It is also advantageous for the Committee to see the revised layout and variances together. If Mr. Farquhar submits the minor variance shortly, the earliest we could get this on the agenda would be for the July meeting if the Committee approves the deferral today. Hopefully, the applicant can prepare a demonstration plan next week to show the revised proposal to understand whether a revised parking scenario can be provided for consideration. If we are in agreement, the variances would then be based on that. It would then be re-advertised and return to the July meeting.

Mr. McCauley was present and spoke to the Committee. The Chair requested that Mr. McCauley hold his questions until such time as the application returns to the meeting.

There were no further questions from the Committee of other persons.

  • CA2021-031
    Moved ByS. Strangway
    Seconded ByS. Richardson

    That this is further to the Committee’s consideration of  application D03-2020-006 on April 15, 2021. The Committee agreed with staff to defer the application for a period of not more than three months, returning at the latest to the July 15, 2021 meeting. The deferral will allow the applicant time to explore options that would satisfy staff’s concerns relating to the proposed development, road widening as well as submitting minor variances.


Kent Stainton, Planner II
File Number: D20-2021-001
Location: 37 Adelaide Street North
Block 15, Plan 57M-782
Former Town of Lindsay
Owner: Lindsay Seniors GP Limited/Lindsay Seniors LP c/o MTCO Holdings Inc.
Applicant: Carolyn Molinari - CM Planning Inc.

Mr. Stainton summarized Report COA2021-023, the purpose and effect is to request relief in order to facilitate the construction of a 5-storey senior’s apartment building.

As mentioned the proposal involves the construction of a new 5-storey, 178 unit apartment building. Please note, indicated in the report it stated 176 units, for the record please reflect the changes. This will not change any of the reliefs provided through this application.

Mr. Stainton corrected a statement made in the report regarding the preservation of mature deciduous trees along Adelaide Street North. Unfortunately, the majority of the mature deciduous trees will be removed to facilitate the project. However, a variety of trees and shrubs species as mentioned are proposed in the latest landscape plantings plan.

Comments received from Building and Septic Division and Community Services stated no concerns to the proposal. Engineering and Corporate Assets Division also have no objections to the variances requested and noted that an engineering review of the Site Plan application is continuing.

Public comments and two letters of opposition were received from Janet Armstrong and John Saunders on April 1, 2021 of 47 Chadwin Drive and Tom and Birdie Murphy, April 13, 2021 of 49 Chadwin Drive. Both letters expressed concerns with respect to the overall height of the building, lot drainage of the subject lands and privacy issues and how privacy will be addressed through the landscape plantings plan. The name of the developer and construction time lines were also requested. The location of the loading dock and what time garbage truck pick-up and deliveries would occur was also addressed as a concern. The applicant has taken time to respond to their concerns, which was received via email to the members, staff and interested parties.

In response to the two letters with respect to concerns of the height, the requested increase in height from 18 metres to 21.8 metres is not needed for habitable units but for construction, which the owners are using to conceal roof to access stairs. The height of 21 metres is the maximum height in the drawing and an additional 0.8 metres for construction differences is being accounted for as part of the application and may not be utilized. The additional 0.8 metres is built-in as a contingency. As indicated by the applicant, the top of the roof surface meets the building height requirements and the variance is only requested to permit the increase of the height to accommodate the roof top features and architectural details, such as cornices and parapets to shield and screen the roof top features from view and also to add visual appeal to the building. Note, the Residential High-Rise One Special Five Holding One provision zone category has been in place on the property since 2006, which always permitted a building height of 18 metres.

With respect to lot concerns related to drainage and impacts as indicated by the applicant, the property drains to the south, away from the residential lands to the north as noted on the drainage plan. A lot drainage and grading plan is being reviewed as part of the site plan application and will ensure drainage is contained to the property, posing no negative impacts to adjacent lots.

In terms of privacy issues as indicated by the applicant, the landscape plantings plan provides a 1.8 metre high board fence along the perimeter of the site and significant landscaping along the fence line adjacent to the rear yards of the properties along Chadwin Drive. Mr. Stainton noted that the property line between the subject lands and the Chadwin Drive properties is to be planted with various tree species that, when planted, will range in the height of 1.75 metres to 2.5 metres. At maturity, these trees will range from 10 metres to 20 metres.

With respect to noise, as indicated by the applicant, the semi-underground waste containers will be on the southeast corner of the property and the south side of the building. Collection times will be during normal business hours to respect the needs of the surrounding residential community.

Staff respectfully recommends that the application be granted approval subject to the conditions identified in the report.

The Committee requested clarification as to the maximum height allowed being 18 metres plus an additional 3.8 metres, which is not for residential purposes but for construction to conceal roof top stairs and mechanical items. Staff replied that is correct, the 3.8 metres is essentially for design features and to conceal unsightly elements of the building.

The applicant, Carolyn Molinari was joined by architect Mr. De Brum. Ms. Molinari thanked staff for the processing of the Site Plan application and the Minor Variance application. Ms. Molinari confirmed that she had reviewed the report and is in agreement of the findings and the conditions included in the staff report. The property is being developed into a 5-storey senior citizens apartment as permitted by the zoning by-law. The variance for parking in the front yard comes from a need to accommodate the situation of the building on an irregularly shaped lot, which narrows significantly to the rear. The general proposal is to have some of the parking and a portion of the loading space in the front yard as needed to preserve the small backyard, rear yard and side yard for use of the residence meeting the parking requirements of the zoning by-law. The additional height requirement is requested for the roof top features and building facade enhancements in order to screen mechanical equipment from view. Ms. Molinari spoke to the application meeting the 4 tests for the minor variance.

The Committee asked if there was a difference between a retirement home and a senior home. Mr. Holy, Acting-Director of Development Services said there are subtle differences. Ms. Murchison, Chief Building Official confirmed there are differences between the zoning by-law and the building code. The building code defines a ‘retirement home’ and the definitions are governed under certain acts. There is a difference between a retirement home, residential building and a nursing home. This application aligns with the retirement home under the definition of the building code.

There were no further questions from the Committee or other persons.

  • CA2021-032
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByS. Strangway

    That minor variance application D20-2021-001 be GRANTED, as the application meets the tests set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.


    1) That the building construction related to this approval shall proceed generally in accordance with the site plan sketch in Appendix C and elevations in Appendix D and landscape plantings plans in Appendix E submitted as part of Report COA2021-023, which shall be attached to and form part of the Committee’s Decision; and

    2) That the site plan agreement shall be registered within a period of twenty-four (24) months after the date of the Notice of Decision, failing which this application shall be deemed to be refused.

    This approval pertains to the application as described in report COA2021-023. Fulfillment of all conditions is required for the Minor Variances to be considered final and binding.


Kent Stainton, Planner II
File Number: D20-2021-006
Location: 2 Huntingdon Court
Part Lot 12, Concession 9
Geographic Township of Fenelon
Owners: Peter and Karen Marren
Applicant: Garry Newhook

Mr. Stainton spoke to the memorandum dated April 7, 2021 presented to the Committee, stating on April 1, 2021 Septic Division staff provided the Planning Division with a letter identifying that the application in its current configuration cannot be supported. A sewage system permit to install was issued under file SS2020-0320. This permit was issued to replace the existing sewage system serving the dwelling to accommodate a required clearance distance to the proposed boathouse. The proposal did not accommodate an allowance for habitable space (identified as a ‘sunroom’) within the boathouse. The Supervisor of the Septic Division has advised that the boathouse be reconfigured or the existing septic permit is to be amended in order to account for human habitation within the boathouse.

Planning staff is supportive of the request and is requesting the Committee consider deferring the application for a period of not more than four months, returning at the latest to the August 19, 2021 meeting.

The applicant, Mr. Newhook was present and available for question.

There were no questions from the Committee or other persons.

  • CA2021-033
    Moved ByB. Archer
    Seconded ByS. Richardson

    That Minor Variance application D20-2021-006 be deferred for a period of not more than four months returning to the August 15, 2021 meeting to allow the applicant to bring forward a revised application supportable by staff, as parts of the application do not meet the tests set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.  


Kent Stainton, Planner II
File Number: D20-2021-015
Location: Vacant Land on Cross Creek Road
Part Lot 10, Concession 4
Geographic Township of Ops
Owners: Jane and Paul McCabe
Applicant: Roberta Perdue

Mr. Stainton summarized Report COA2021-025 to request relief in order to fulfill a condition of provisional consent associated with a lot line adjustment as part of consent file D03-2020-027. The variance acknowledges an existing undersized Agricultural lot.

Agency comments received from Engineering and Corporate Assets, Building and Septic Division and Community Services stated no concerns with the proposal.

Based on the contents of the report, staff respectfully acknowledged the application meets the 4 tests of the minor variance. Staff respectfully requested the application be granted approval subject to the conditions identified in the report.

The applicant, Roberta Perdue was present and thanked staff.

There were no questions from the Committee or other persons.

  • CA2021-034
    Moved ByS. Strangway
    Seconded ByS. Richardson

    That minor variance application D20-2021-015 be GRANTED, as the application meets the tests set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.


    1) That the variance shall apply solely to the proposed retained portion of the subject property;

    2) That this minor variance shall be deemed to be refused if the related Application for Consent, D03-2020-027, lapses.

    This approval pertains to the application as described in report COA2021-025. Fulfillment of all conditions is required for the Minor Variances to be considered final and binding.


Kent Stainton, Planner II
File Number: D20-2021-016
Location: 308 Cross Creek Road
Part Northerly One Half Lot 10, Concession 4
Geographic Township of Ops
Owners: Jane and Paul McCabe
Applicant: Roberta Perdue

Mr. Stainton summarized Report COA2021-026, to request relief in order to fulfill a condition of provisional consent associated with a lot line adjustment as part of consent file D03-2020-027 by recognizing the location of an existing detached garage. This application is running concurrently with the previous application D20-2021-015.

Agency comments received Engineering and Corporate Assets, Building and Septic Division and Community Services noting no concerns.

Based on the contents of the report, staff acknowledges the application meets the 4 tests of a minor variance. Staff respectfully recommends the application be granted approval subject to the condition in the report.

The applicant, Roberta Perdue was present and available for questions.

There were no questions from the Committee or other persons.

  • CA2021-035
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByS. Richardson

    That minor variance application D20-2021-016 be GRANTED, as the application meets the tests set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.


    1) That this minor variance shall be deemed to be refused if the related Application for Consent, D03-2020-027, lapses.

    This approval pertains to the application as described in report COA2021-026. Fulfillment of all conditions is required for the Minor Variances to be considered final and binding.


David Harding, Planner II, RPP, MCIP
File Number: D20-2021-019
Location: 17 Denfield Road
Lot 18, Plan 57M-772
Former Town of Lindsay
Owner: Grimesway Construction Limited, c/o Owen Grimes
Applicant: Grimesway Construction Limited, c/o Owen Grimes

Mr. Stainton summarized Report COA2021-027, on behalf of Mr. Harding, to request relief to increase a maximum lot coverage to permit the construction of a single detached dwelling. Mr. Stainton stated that he was on site for this application and is familiar with the application.

Development Engineering advised no concerns with the lot drainage as a result of the increase lot coverage.

Development Engineering, Building and Septic Division and Community Services noted no concerns with the proposal. The Building and Septic Division noted permits are required and development charges do apply.

Based on the review of the application, staff confirms the application meets the 4 tests of the minor variance and recommends approval subject to the conditions within the report.

The applicant was not present.

There were no questions from the Committee or other persons.

  • CA2021-036
    Moved ByB. Archer
    Seconded ByS. Strangway

    That minor variance application D20-2021-019 be GRANTED, as the application meets the tests set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.


    1) That the building construction related to this approval shall proceed substantially in accordance with the sketch in Appendix C and generally in accordance with the elevation in Appendix D submitted as part of Report COA2021-027, which shall be attached to and form part of the Committee’s Decision; and

    2) That the building construction related to the minor variances shall be completed within a period of twenty-four (24) months after the date of the Notice of Decision, failing which this application shall be deemed to be refused. This condition will be considered fulfilled upon completion of the first Building Inspection.

    This approval pertains to the application as described in report COA2021-027. Fulfillment of all conditions is required for the Minor Variances to be considered final and binding.


David Harding, Planner II, RPP, MCIP
File Number: D20-2021-021
Location: 26 and 28 Sanderling Court
Part of Lots 1 and 2, Plan 400
Geographic Township of Fenelon
Owners: Kevin Brasier and Theresa Henry
Applicants: Kevin Brasier and Theresa Henry

Mr. Stainton summarized Report COA2021-028, on behalf of Mr. Harding, to re-create two residential lots that have merged on title by seeking relief for 26 Sanderling Court to reduce the minimum lot frontage requirement from 38 metres to 23 metres and to reduce the minimum interior side yard from 3 metres on the south side to 2.8 metres. In addition, the application seeks relief for 28 Sanderling Court to reduce the minimum lot frontage requirement from 38 metres to 29 metres.

This application was submitted in anticipation of the issuance of a decision by the Acting Director of Development Services for consent file D03-2020-011. The owners have agreed with the proposed conditions within the staff recommendation for the consent. One of the conditions of consent is to obtain variances for lot frontage and interior side yard setback in order to re-create the two residential lots.

The application will serve to re-establish independent ownership over the single detached dwellings addressed as 26 and 28 Sanderling Court. Each parcel became part of a lot within a plan of subdivision and thus lost their Planning Act protections from a merger on title granted under Section 50(3) when a new lot was created to the west under consent application D03-07-047 in 2008. While the lots merged on title, they continue to function independently of one another and are separated by a fence and hedge. Mr. Stainton continued to summarize the report.

Agency comments were received from Development Engineering, Building and Septic Division and Community Services noting no concerns.

Staff is requesting approval of the subject application and confirms that the application does meet the 4 tests of the minor variance and requests approval of the application subject to the conditions within the report.

The Committee asked staff what year the houses were built. Staff asked to defer to the owner for confirmation.

The Committee had concerns as to the lots at the back of 26 and 28 Sanderling Court. It appears the two lots had to merge in order to grant the severance at the back side. The Committee wondered whether they were essentially reversing the requirement that allowed them to have the other severance. Parts 1 and 3 severed from residential areas and the requirement to merge so that they would have 1 lot.

Staff responded by saying perhaps the owners who are online are able to answer that question. Originally, it was part of a plan of subdivision and they have inadvertently merged due to legal purposes. One owner purchased both lots in the same name and essentially merged on title. The severance has nothing to do with the plan of subdivision.

The Committee continued to say that with a plan of subdivision, it does not matter if you are side by side, they are legally separate. Staff replied that they were registered in the same name on title and that they merged with respect to land registry. The Committee responded by saying not when they are legal plans of subdivision. Staff referred to Mr. Holy, Acting-Director of Development Services. Mr. Holy replied.

The Committee asked if we are dealing with two separate owners. Staff replied the applicants Mr. Brasier and Ms. Henry are online and can confirm.

The applicant, Ms. Henry was present and spoke to the Committee. She confirmed that the houses were built in the late 70s. The back part was severed in 2011. The lawyer at the time advised that one lot was to be registered in Theresa Henry and Kevin Brasier name and the other registered in Mr. Brasier and Theresa Henry name. The lot at the back was to be registered in one name, Mr. Brasier. Ms. Henry stated there was three separate tax bills.  Ms. Henry and Mr. Brasier found out a couple of years ago that 26 and 28 Sanderling Court had been merged together on title and that they just want them separated back to what they had originally.

There were no further questions from the Committee of other persons.

  • CA2021-037
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByS. Richardson

    That minor variance application D20-2021-021 be GRANTED, as the application meets the tests set out in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act.


    1) That the application shall be deemed to be refused if the related consent application D03-2020-011 lapses;

    2) That the variances pertaining to 26 Sanderling Court shall only apply to said address once the lands are divided;

    3) That the variance pertaining to 28 Sanderling Court shall only apply to said address once the lands are divided.

    This approval pertains to the application as described in report COA2021-028. Fulfillment of all conditions is required for the Minor Variances to be considered final and binding.


Mr. Holy, Acting-Director of Development Services to provide a brief overview of the new Additional Residential Units policy and Zoning and Sourcewater Protection for Committee members.

The Chair requested a 5 minute break.

Mr. Holy Acting-Director of Development Services gave a presentation on Additional Residential Units Policy and Zoningand also Source Water Protection, which was originally scheduled for the March 18, 2021 meeting, but due to time constraints it was deferred to the April 15, 2021 meeting. The presentation is attached.

The next meeting will be Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 1:00pm in Council Chambers, City Hall.

  • CA2021-038
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByB. Archer

    That the meeting be adjourned at 3.53pm.
