The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


City of Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force

Meeting to commence at 11:00am - electronic participation
Electronic Participation Meeting
  • Councillor Pat Dunn
  • Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Steve Lane
  • Don Mitchell
  • Jason Ramsay
  • Carolyn Richards

Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Councillor Dunn called the meeting to order at 11:09am with the following task force members present electronically: Councillor Richardson, Councillor Seymour-Fagan, C. Richards, D. Mitchell, J. Ramsay, and S. Lane.  B. Harrison was also in attendance electronically.

Regrets were sent by Director B. Robinson.


  • ORVTF2021-043
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the Agenda be adopted as circulated with the following amendment:


    Item 5.8 Tourism Report on the Use of ORV's on City Roads



There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force Meeting, March 19, 2021

  • ORVTF2021-044
    Moved ByJ. Ramsay
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the minutes of the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force meeting held on March 19, 2021, be adopted as circulated.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from Public Works on the use of ORV's on City roads. Chair Dunn noted that the recommendations from the Task Force would need to be amended to reflect the consultation with Public Works.

  • ORVTF2021-045
    Moved ByC. Richards
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the report from Public Works, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from the OPP on the use of ORV's on City roads.

  • ORVTF2021-046
    Moved ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the report from the OPP, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from the Health Unit on the use of ORV's on City roads.

  • ORVTF2021-047
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByJ. Ramsay

    That the report from the Health Unit, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from the Kawartha Lakes Police Service on the use of ORV's on City roads.

  • ORVTF2021-048
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the report from Kawartha Lakes Police Services, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from the OPP on the use of ORV's on City roads.

  • ORVTF2021-049
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the report from Community Services, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from Municipal Law Enforcement on the use of ORV's on City roads.

  • ORVTF2021-050
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the report from Municipal Law Enforcement, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from Insurance Risk Management on the use of ORV's on City roads.

  • ORVTF2021-051
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the report from Insurance and Risk Management, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.


Chair Dunn asked if there were in questions from the Task Force regarding the report from Tourism on the use of ORV's on City roads. It was noted that the use of ORV's on City roads could increase tourism during the shoulder seasons.

The Task Force reviewed a report from Kawartha Lakes OPP regarding statistics surrounding the use of Off Road Vehicles.

  • ORVTF2021-052
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the report from Laurie McCarthy, Economic Development Officer - Tourism, regarding the Use of ORV's on City Roads, be received.


The Task Force reviewed the recommendations that they have considered.

Chair Dunn advised that there had been a question about the time of use that is permitted for Off Road Vehicles; Chair Dunn noted time of use noted within the proposed recommendations from the Task Force coincide with the time of use that is permitted on the Trails.

Chair Dunn advised that there had been a question about prohibited areas within the Town of Lindsay.

It was noted that the recommendations from the Task Force will be put forward to Council for consideration.

Chair Dunn advised that the City's Jump In Site will continue to be the preferred method of communication for the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads Task Force.

  • ORVTF2021-053
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the correspondence submitted to the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force be received.

  • ORVTF2021-054
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the recommendations from the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force shall only refer to Side by Sides ("SxS's") and All Terrain Vehicles ("ATV's").

  • OFVTF2021-055
    Moved ByC. Richards
    Seconded ByJ. Ramsay

    That the recommendations from the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force will state that Side by Sides (SxS's) be permitted in conjunction with access to the Victoria Rail Trail Corridor (VRTC), save and except East of Sturgeon Road and North of Pigeon Lake Road and South of Highway 7A.

  • ORVTF2021-056
    Moved ByJ. Ramsay
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the recommendations from the Off Road Vehicles Use of City Roads Task Force include a prohibition on the use of Off Road Vehicles in Lindsay on the following streets:

    • Kent Street
    • Angeline Street (from Roosevelt Street to Colborne Street West)

Chair Dunn spoke to the survey that was completed on the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads; it was noted that there were over 2000 responses to the survey. The results are yet to be analyzed. The Director of Public Works will be preparing a report to council on the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and the survey results will be included within that report.

The next Meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.

  • ORVTF2021-057
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByJ. Ramsay

    That the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force Meeting adjourn at 11:34 a.m.
