The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Kawartha Lakes Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting

Electronic Participation Meeting
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A. Hart called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the following members present: Councillor Richardson, J. Hartman, I. McKechnie, S. Sims, T. Barnett and K. Virag-Cavanagh.

Staff: E. Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning, J. Bhatt, Heritage Planning Intern, M. Faulhammer, Planner II

Regrets: A. Adare, Skip McCormack

Absent: W. Bateman, J. Pitcher, T. Richards

A. Hart read the Land Acknowledgement.

  • KLMHC2024-099
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByS. Sims

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

  • KLMHC2024-100
    Moved ByT. Barnett
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee meeting held on November 7, 2024, be adopted as circulated.



The consultant team from TMHC Inc. provided an overview of the current status of the Archaeological Management Plan. The archaeological potential map have been developed and is in its final review stages by City staff and Indigenous communities. The draft policy directions report is in development to provide direction to City staff regarding the implementation of the plan when it is complete. Public engagement has been ongoing throughout fall 2024 and the final plan is expected to come before Council in late winter or early spring 2025 after final review by the Committee. T. Barnett asked what the impact of the plan on property owners whose property is within an archaeological potential area would be. The TMHC team replaced that it was dependent on the type of work that was being undertaken; for example, farm operations, such as ploughing, would not require archaeological assessments but construction or new development would require an assessment if the area had high archaeological potential. Part of the policy recommendations would be deciding where archaeological investigations were appropriate before ground disturbing work occurred. They also noted that they were looking for strategies that could be enacted to provide support for individual homeowners to undertake some of this work. Councillor Richardson asked if staff thought that the new tools would be helpful. M. Faulhammer replied that any tools that provided additional information to planners made their job easier and E. Turner noted that one of the most important things for staff was that the tool would provide more clarity and consistency as to when an archaeological assessment was required, making the process clearer and more transparent for the public. A. Hart asked how the project would impact engagement with First Nations and E. Turner replied that it was a significant step towards building a more collaborative relationship with the Williams Treaties First Nations in particular regarding archaeological resource management.

Archaeological Management Plan Update

  • KLMHC2024-101
    Moved ByS. Sims
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-061, Archaeological Management Plan, be received; and

    That the presentation regarding the current status of the Archaeological Management Plan be received for information.


J. Bhatt, Heritage Planning Intern

J. Bhatt provided a presentation on the National Trust for Canada conference that staff attended in November and shared information regarding the key highlights of the conference and different projects focused on by the presenters.

  • KLMHC2024-102
    Moved ByS. Sims
    Seconded ByK. Virag-Cavanagh

    That the presentation from staff regarding the National Trust for Canada conference be received for information.


Heritage Planning Update

E. Turner provided an overview of the heritage planning activities for November 2024.

  • KLMHC2024-103
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByT. Barnett

    That Report KLMHC2024-060, Heritage Planning Update, be received for information.


2025 Meeting Dates

The Committee reviewed its meeting dates for 2024 which continue to be held on the first Thursday of the month from 5pm to 7pm in Council Chambers. E. Turner reminded the Committee that in the event of inclement weather, the meetings would be shifted to a virtual format.

  • KLMHC2024-104
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByS. Sims

    That Report KLMHC2023-062, 2025 Meeting Dates, be received; and

    That the meeting dates for 2025 be approved.


2024 Part IV and V Permits - Delegated Authority

The Committee reviewed the permits that had been approved by staff in 2024 under the delegated authority by-law.

  • KLMHC2024-105
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByI. McKechnie

    That Report KLMHC2024-061, Part IV and V Heritage Permits - Delegated Authority, be received for information.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 1436 Highway 7A, Geographic Township of Manvers

E. Turner provided an overview of the proposed heritage designation of 1436 Highway 7A in Bethany. Councillor Richardson noted that the former church was a beautiful and very well-maintained building, a benchmark in the hamlet and its designation would be well-received in the community.

  • KLMHC2024-106
    Moved ByI. McKechnie
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That Report KLMHC2024-064, Proposed Heritage Designation of 1436 Highway 7A, Geographic Township of Manvers, be received;

    That the designation of the property known municipally as 1436 Highway 7A be endorsed; and

    That the recommendation to designate the subject property be forwarded to Council for approval.


Request to Designate 121-123 William Street North, Town of Lindsay

E. Turner reviewed the background information and preliminary heritage evaluation matrix prepared by staff in response to the request to by a member of the public to designate 121-123 William Street North in Lindsay. The preliminary heritage evaluation of the property indicated that the property was eligible for designation based on its fulfillment of four of the nine Ontario Regulation 9/06 criteria. She indicated that the Committee had two options which were to support the designation of the property and request that staff prepare a full heritage evaluation of the property for review or that the property, which is listed, not be designated at this time and that a designation be pursued if there was a demolition request received for the property. J. Hartman noted that the deputant has raised concerns about the expropriation and demolition of the house as part of the Colborne Street bridge construction project and also that she supported waiting for a demolition request to come in. E. Turner clarified that a review of heritage assets were part of the MCEA process for infrastructure construction and that this house was flagged as a heritage asset in this area because it is listed on the Heritage Register. S. Sims asked if there had been interactions with the owner regarding designation of the property. E. Turner let the Committee know that owners of residential listed property owners had received a letter regarding Bill 23 changes to listed properties and information regarding designation, but the owner had not reached out after that letter had been sent. A. Hart asked if there was staffing capacity to undertake the designation. E. Turner replied that there was, but that the preparation of a heritage evaluation report would likely not be possible until the spring as staff addressed properties that had been prioritized for designation under the Bill 23 framework. Councillor Richardson agreed that it was best to wait and pursue a designation later if there was a specific threat to the property. T. Barnett agreed with postponement.

  • KLMHC2024-107
    Moved ByS. Sims
    Seconded ByJ. Hartman

    That Report KLMHC2024-065, Request to Designate 121-123 William Street North, Town of Lindsay, be received; and

    That the requested designation not be pursued at this time.


Proposed Amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act through Bill 227

E. Turner provided an overview of the proposed amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act through Bill 227 which impact primarily the operations of the Ontario Heritage Trust and its easement program. She noted that there would likely be little if any impact on Kawartha Lakes and that the bill had already been given royal assent, despite the stated commenting deadline of December 20.

  • KLMHC2024-108
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByT. Barnett

    That Report KLMHC2024-066, Proposed Amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act through Bill 227, be received for information.


There were no subcommittee updates.

E. Turner reviewed the letter sent to municipal heritage planners from the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism regarding upcoming consultation regarding Ontario's heritage planning framework.

  • KLMHC2024-109
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByS. Sims

    That the letter from the Acting Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism be received for information.


There was no new or other business.

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 9 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay).

  • KLMHC2024-110
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByK. Virag-Cavanagh

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting adjourn at 6:43 p.m.
