Ms. Nooren confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to rezone the portions of the subject lands to facilitate the expansion of the existing Kawartha Dairy Manufacturing Plant. An addition to the manufacturing plant including a retail store and patio component is proposed for the properties linked to 89 Prince Street West. The development of an off-site employee parking lot is proposed at 82 & 94 Head Street and a dairy museum is proposed at 96, 100 & 102 Prince Street West. Additionally, the water feature will be realigned to continue along the west end of the site and connect to the existing culvert located beneath the intersection of Prince Street West and Head Street. Many of the existing buildings will be demolished to facilitate the expansion. Portions of the existing manufacturing plant and freezer storage, homestead, and single-detached building used as an office at 82 Joseph Street, and the truck entrance from Head Street will be maintained. Consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, and conformity to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan will be determined upon further review of the application. Ms. Nooren summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report, noting that subsequent to the writing of the report additional comments were received. Staff are recommending that the application be referred back to staff for further review and refinements based on the comments that have been received. She responded to questions from members of the Committee.
The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.
Diana Keay of DM Wills spoke as the applicants on behalf of the owners, and provided an overview of a presentation (attached to the minutes) shared with the committee that highlighted the following themes:
- Purpose of the zoning amendment;
- Location context;
- Photographs of existing conditions; and
- Proposed site plan for the new plant, store, parking area, and museum.
Ms. Keay further noted that they had hosted an Open House for the community to attend and learn about the proposal, and further discussed the issues raised by the public including concerns with traffic, and noise. Ms. Keay further addressed the natural water channel alignment, and noted that since some new environmental policy has been enacted, updates may be required to the Environmental Impact Assessment. She responded to questions from the members of the Committee.
The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.
Craig James expressed issues of concern regarding the proposal including:
- Size of expansion;
- Safety issues for children using area street crossings to get to school with increased truck traffic;
- Operating Hours of the plant; and
- Potential decreases of property values in area.
Craig Bradley of Head Street expressed issues of concern regarding the proposal including:
- Truck traffic increases north of the plant to Duke and North Streets;
- Potential decreases of property values in area;
- Safety concerns for school crossing to the north;
- Noise due to truck traffic and back-up alarms
No other persons spoke to the application.
The Chair permitted Ms. Keay to respond to the issues raised by the members of the public. She stated that the expansion is proposed to be just over an additional 5000sq. m., and noted truck traffic is proposed to be directed north to North and Duke Streets. She further noted that there would be reduced times for truck traffic from the current 24 hour usage. She responded to questions from the members of the Committee.
The Public Meeting concluded at 1:38 p.m.