Moya Beall:
Moya Beall provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan. She recommended a focus on active transportation and on the municipal transit system.
Wesley Found:
Wesley Found provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and recommended that Council review a strategy to address the vacancy rate in the upper level of buildings within Downtown Lindsay.
Angel Godsoe:
Angel Godsoe provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and spoke in opposition to the current draft.
Adam Burdeyney:
Adam Burdeyney provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and questioned the progress indicators that will be in place to measure the accomplishments within the Plan.
Doug Shaw:
Doug Shaw provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and outlined concerns relating to the sustainability and the pace of the development that is proposed for Kawartha Lakes.
Zachary Tisdale:
Zachary Tisdale provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and outlined concern relating to the diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
Maggie Braun:
Maggie Braun provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and expressed concern relating to the inclusion of items relating to climate change.
Gary Malloy:
Gary Mallow provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and questioned the definition of affordable housing.
William Hachey:
William Hachey provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and questioned the use of the term corporation within the draft Plan.
William Steffler:
William Steffler provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and highlighted concerns relating to the environment and the need for all master plans, including the draft Strategic Plan, to promote the health and well being of residents.
William Denby:
William Denby provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and highlighted concern relating to the development that is proposed within Kawartha Lakes.
Nolan Carroll:
Nolan Carroll provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and outlined concern relating to the draft Strategic Plan.
Jim Greensides:
Jim Greensides provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan spoke to the need to support the agricultural sector and increase waste diversion.
Kerstin Kelly:
Kerstin Kelly provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and highlighted concern relating to the rights of all persons.
Jeffrey Armitage:
Jeffrey Armitage provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and spoke in opposition to the current draft.
Gene Balfour:
Gene Balfour provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and requested that all initiatives relating to the reduction of greenhouse gases be removed from the draft Plan.
David Rapaport:
David Rapaport provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and encouraged Council to explore options to connect to regional transportation and to include items that will address the climate change.
Michael Harvard:
Michael Harvard provided comments on the draft Strategic Plan and raised concerns about expansion priorities relating to the Eastern Ontario Regional Network.