The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


City of Kawartha Lakes Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force

Meeting to commence at 10:00am - electronic participation
Public Works and Engineering Boardroom
322 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V 4T7
  • Councillor Pat Dunn
  • Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Steve Lane
  • Don Mitchell
  • Jason Ramsay
  • Carolyn Richards

Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Councillor Dunn called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. with the following members present electronically Councillor Richardson, Councillor Seymour-Fagan, S. Lane, D. Mitchell, J. Ramsay and C. Richards.

Director of Public Works B. Robinson and Administrative Assistant B. Harrison were also in attendance electronically.

  • ORVTF2021-012
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force Meeting Minutes - March 4, 2021

  • ORVTF2021-013
    Moved ByC. Richards
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the minutes of the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force meeting held on March 4, 2021, be adopted as circulated.


Councillor Dunn advised that 26 residents had registered to speak about the use of off road vehicles on City Roads. The speakers were called in order of registration:

Shirley Hackett
Ms. Hackett spoke in favour of multi-use trails.

Jamie Morris
Mr. Morris identified concern regarding the tasks that have been set by the Off Road Vehicle Task Force. Mr. Morris spoke in favour of use of the trails to remain as the status quo and that the use not be expanded to accommodate Off Road Vehicles.

Glenda Morris
Ms. Morris spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and highlighted concern relating to the environmental impact resulting from the use of Off Road Vehicles.

Jim Armstrong
Mr. Armstrong highlighted the need for a safe and responsible decision making process as the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads is examined.

Bill Steffler
Mr. Steffler spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and highlighted concerns relating to increased maintenance costs for roads and trails resulting from increased usage and also identified safety concerns.

Kathleen Cooper
Ms. Cooper highlighted the need to consider the use of the equestrian use of the trails and noted that it would be beneficial to establish an education program to promote awareness surrounding the use of trails by equestrians.

Dr. Peter Petrosoniak
Dr. Petrosoniak spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and outlined concerns relating to public health and safety that would result from the multi-use.

Mark Stewart
Mr. Stewart spoke in favour of multi-use trails and provided on overview of the benefits that could result from that multi-use.

Heather Stauble
Ms. Stauble spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and outlined concerns associated with safety. Ms. Stauble also highlighted a need to establish enforcement and increase education regarding the use of Off Road Vehicles.

Ross Pettty
Mr. Petty spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and outlined the economic benefits that could result from increased use of Off Road Vehicles in the area.

Shane Kelly
Mr. Kelly spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and provided an overview of how the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads would benefit the Villages surrounding the Town of Lindsay and provide a way for individuals with mobility issues to explore the local area.

Ray DeNure
Mr. DeNure spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and highlighted concerns relating to the compatibility of Off Road Vehicles with pedestrians and cyclists. Mr. DeNure also noted that it would be beneficial for the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads to be considered in conjunction with the Trails Master Plan.

Rob Jardine
Mr. Jardine spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and provided an overview of the positive impact that could result from the increased use of Off Road Vehicles in the local area.

Michael Ormiston
Mr. Ormiston spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and outlined how the use of Off Road Vehicles can have a positive impact on the local area. Mr. Ormiston noted the importance of education on the safe use of Off Road Vehicles.

Bruce Fraser
Mr. Fraser spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads and how use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads. Mr. Fraser noted the importance of safe use of Off Road Vehicles and also noted that the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads will increase the use of the trails by individuals by removing the need move an Off Road Vehicle by trailer.

Jeri Campbell
Ms. Campbell spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles and noted that there gates along the rail trail corridor are limiting the use of those trails by Side-by-Side Vehicles. Councillor Dunn confirmed that the issue surrounding the gates would be something to be reviewed in conjunction with the Trails Master Plan.

Greg Fitch
Mr. Fitch spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and asked if Off Road Vehicles will be required to have mirrors or signal lights. Mr. Fitch also questioned who would be policing the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads.

John Speirs
Mr. Speirs spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and highlighted concerns relating to a possible increase in volume of traffic along residential corridors. Mr. Speirs suggested that by-pass options be considered to direct traffic around high volume residential corridors.

Arthur Hornibrook
Mr. Hornibrook spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads and noted that it would be beneficial for the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads to be reviewed in conjunction with the City's Active Transportation Plan.

Sandy Hickson
Ms. Hickson spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads. Ms. Hickson noted that Off Road Vehicles provide an opportunity for residents to enjoy the local area.

John Bush
Mr. Bush advised that he is the co-president of Enviromental Action Bobcaygeon and he spoke in opposition to the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads. Mr. Bush noted that the Active Transportation Plan should be implemented before the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads should be considered.

Phil Hodgson
Mr. Hodgson, of HB Cycle, spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads.

Kerrie Bartlett
Ms. Bartlett spoke in favour of the use of Off Road Vehicles on City roads. Ms. Bartlett noted that the use of Off Road Vehicles provide individuals with mobility issues with an opportunity to explore the local area.

Chuck Moore
Mr. Moore spoke in favour of multi-use trails. Mr. Moore noted that the increased use of Off Road Vehicles in the area would have a positive economic impact.

  • ORVTF2021-014
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the deputation by Shirley Hackett, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-015
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the deputation by Jamie Morris, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-016
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the deputation by Glenda Morris, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-017
    Moved ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the deputation by Jim Armstrong, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-018
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the deputation by Bill Steffler, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-019
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the deputation by Kathleen Cooper, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-020
    Moved ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the deputation by Peter Petrosoniak, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-021
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the deputation by Mark Stewart, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-022
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the deputation by Heather Stauble, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-023
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the deputation by Ross Petty, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-024
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByJ. Ramsay

    That the deputation by Shane Kelly, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-025
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the deputation by Ray DeNure, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-026
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the deputation by Rob Jardine, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-027
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the deputation by Michael Ormiston, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-028
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByJ. Ramsay

    That the deputation by Bruce Fraser, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-029
    Moved ByD. Mitchell
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the deputation by Jeri Campbell, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-030
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the deputation by Greg Fitch, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-031
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the deputation by John Speirs, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-032
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the deputation by Arthur Hornibrook, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-033
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByS. Lane

    That the deputation by Sandy Hickson, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-034
    Moved ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the deputation by John Bush, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-035
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the deputation by Phil Hodgson, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-036
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByJ. Ramsay

    That the deputation by Kerrie Bartlett, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF2021-037
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan

    That the deputation by Chuck Moore, regarding the Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, be received.

  • ORVTF 2021-038
    Moved ByCouncillor Seymour-Fagan
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the correspondence submitted to the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force be received.

  • ORVTF2021-039
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByC. Richards

    That the proposed recommendations from the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force be amended to include a recommendation that the City of Kawartha Lakes, in consultation with Kawartha ATV Assocation ("KATVA"), provide further education for individuals wanting to use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads.

  • ORVTF2021-041
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the proposed recommendations regarding the use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads, as amended, be adopted by the Task Force and forwarded to Council for consideration.


The next Use of Off Road Vehicles on City Roads Task Force Meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.

  • ORVTF2021-042
    Moved ByS. Lane
    Seconded ByD. Mitchell

    That the Off Road Vehicle Use of City Roads Task Force Meeting adjourn at 12:31 p.m.
