The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting

Electronic Participation Meeting
  • Deputy Mayor Charlie McDonald
  • Frederico (Arbee) Buenafe
  • Diane Engelstad
  • Matthew Kuiken
  • Katelyn Lowes
  • Crystal Morrissey
  • Elizabeth Peeters
  • Mary Jean Porteous
  • Joli Scheidler-Benns
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Christine Briggs, IDEA Partner called the meeting to order at 4:03pm. Deputy Mayor McDonald, Diane Engelstad, Katelyn Lowes, Crystal Morrisey, Elizabeth Peeters, Joli Scheidler-Benns and Sarah Bovay were in attendance.


Matthew Kuiken joined the meeting at 4:10pm.

Frederico Buneafe joined meeting at 4:18pm.

Mary Jean Porteous was absent.

Christine Briggs, IDEA Partner, provided an overview of the role of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee.

C. Briggs called for nominations for the position of Chair.

Elizabeth Peeters was nominated as Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2024.

  1. C. Briggs called for nominations for a second time.
  2. C. Briggs called for nominations for a third and final time.
  3. C. Briggs declared that nominations for the position of Chair closed.

Elizabeth Peeters was declared as Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2024.

C. Briggs called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Katelyn Lowes was nominated as Vice-Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2024.

  1. C. Briggs called for nominations for a second time.
  2. C. Briggs called for nominations for a third and final time.
  3. C. Briggs declared that nominations for the position of Vice-Chair closed.

Katelyn Lowes was declared as Vice-Chair for the Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2024.

  • Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByJ. Scheidler-Benns

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

  • Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByK. Lowes

    That the minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held on December 13, 2023 be adopted as circulated.


C. Briggs provided the Senior Management Team with an update on the Accessibility Master Plan and will incorporate their comments in the plan.

CAO Ron Taylor confirmed that the Accessibility Awards will be held the first Committee of the Whole meeting in June.

C. Briggs will circulate the final draft of the Accessibility Master Plan at the next meeting seeking committee endorsement.

E. Peeters informed the committee that dates for the Public Awareness group will be shared within the next few weeks.  

E.Peeters informed the committee that dates for the Public Spaces group will be shared within the next few weeks.  

Deputy Mayor McDonald shared that there will be a Special Council meeting Thursday February 15, 2024 to share the Strategic Plan and hear from the public.

Melissa McFarland from the BIA will reach out to the public downtown Lindsay to determine if any business have taken steps towards increased accessibility. She will be looking for candidates for the Accessibility Awards.

K.Lowes and M. Kuiken shared their concerns regarding accessible parking downtown and the timely removal of snow from curbs and sidewalks.

Deputy Mayor McDonald confirmed Public Works is responsible for this. He attended a meeting with the BIA, the need for increased accessible parking spots downtown Lindsay was discussed. He shared that they are working on replacing missing signs and moving accessible spots to allow for proper space required to load and unload. These concerns, as well as accessible parking in other locations other than Lindsay, have been brought to the attention of the Director of Public Works and staff.

C. Briggs informed the Committee of the new reporting system Report It, where members of the public report any issues they experience. This gives us the ability to track accessibility related concerns and follow up with staff to ensure concerns are addressed.

  • Moved ByJ. Scheidler-Benns
    Seconded ByD. Engelstad

    That the reports provided under agenda items 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 be received by Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee for information purposes.


C.Briggs asked that members contribute their annual accessibility priorities to bring to Council.

Deputy Mayor McDonald priorities include proper signage in areas, accessible parking that allow for enough space and repositioning of accessible spots.

E.Peeters asked if the slippery paint used for accessible spots has been changed.

Deputy Mayor McDonald will follow up.   

C. Briggs will include parking in her list of priorities.

J. Scheidler-Benns would like accessibility to be considered in new builds.

C. Briggs has discussed this with Planning and their pre-consultation is less involved with Bill 23. Planning will work on posting on the City’s website the direct tie accessibility has to development. If we can directly link planning considerations to AODA legislation, we hope this will encourage businesses to apply for the Million Dollar Makeover program.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday April 16 at 4pm via zoom.

  • Moved ByJ. Scheidler-Benns
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting adjourn at 4:34pm.

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