The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force Meeting

Electronic Participation Meeting
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Daryl Broadworth
  • John Bush
  • Arthur Hornibrook
  • Barbara MacPherson
  • Glenda Morris
  • Peter Petrosoniak
  • Greg Scott
  • Sajeev Sivayogarajah
  • John Speirs
  • Bill Steffler
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Task Force members in attendance:  Councillor Pat Warren, Daryl Broadworth, John Bush, Arthur Hornibrook, Glenda Morris, Peter Petrosoniak, Bill Steffler

Absent Task Force members:  Barbara MacPherson, Greg Scott, Sajeev Sivayagarajah, John Speirs

Consultants in Attendance:  Jonathan Derworiz, WSP

Municipal Staff in attendance:  Mark Jull, Policy Supervisor, Max Faulhammer, Planner II, Nancy Ord, Administrative Assistant

The meeting was called to order by J. Derworiz with welcome, introductions, overview of the purpose for the meeting and indication the meeting was being recorded for the City’s U Tube site.

After providing an overview of the responsibilities and roles of the Chair and Vice Chair positions, J. Derworiz called for nominations for the position of Chair of the Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force. 

P. Petrosoniak nominated B. Steffler and J. Bush seconded the nomination. B. Steffler accepted the nomination. A second and third call for nominations by J. Derworiz resulted in hearing none and seeing none. J. Derworiz announced that B. Steffler was appointed as Chair by acclamation.

The meeting continued with B. Steffler as Chair.

  • ATMPLTF2024.01
    Moved ByP. Petrosoniak
    Seconded ByJ. Bush

    That B. Steffler be appointed as the Chair of the Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force.


The Chair called for nominations for the position of Vice Chair of the Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force. 

J. Bush nominated P. Petrosoniak and Councillor P. Warren seconded the nomination. P. Petrosoniak accepted the nomination. A second and third call for nominations by the Chair resulted in seeing none and hearing none.

  • ATMPLTF2024.02
    Moved ByJ. Bush
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That P. Petrosoniak be appointed as Vice Chair of the Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force.

  • ATMP2024.03
    Moved ByA. Hornibrook
    Seconded ByP. Petrosoniak

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

City of Kawartha Lakes Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force meeting of July 13, 2023.

That the minutes of the Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force meeting of July 13, 2023 be received.

  • ATMPTF2024.04
    Moved ByA. Hornibrook
    Seconded ByG. Morris

    That the minutes of the July 13, 2023 Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force meeting be received and adopted.


There were no deputations.

There was no correspondence presented.

That the ATMP Task Force endorse the proposed City of Kawartha Lakes Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) February 2024 Master Plan Report for presentation to Committee of the Whole on June 4, 2024.

J. Derworiz referred to the Terms of Reference and indicated the meeting was intended to enable discussion, respond to questions and receive Task Force endorsement of the ATMP Draft Report.

Questions and comments from Task Force members raised the following:

  • Overall very impressed with the documents and hope the Master Plan move towards Council approval and be a living and changing document over time.
  • A requirement for editing and ensuring clear language. Derworiz indicated CIMA+ are currently undertaking editorializing of the Plan.
  • Some trails in Lindsay and some Green Trails need to be included in the Plan. The City map shows a trail up one side of the Scugog River whereas both sides of the River should be available for trails.  There should be a basic overall plan that all rivers in urban areas be available for trails.
  • A biking section of the Trail from the Wellington Street Bridge, past Francis Street connects with the Legacy Trail but is missing reference to walking trails. The Ganaraska Trail has both walking and biking and the Green Trails shows a “Park to Park Route” from Memorial Park Old Mill Park which should be added.
  • Page 95 provides a good list of funding sources but the Plan should provide specific advice on applying for federal grants beyond the aspirational aim of applying for such grants.
  • Wilderness Park, Riverview and Henderson Parks should be coloured green. The final version of the Master Plan should colour parks as green.
  • The Implementation Strategy on Page 103 makes no reference to Task Force members carrying on as a “stewardship” group to ensure ATMP projects move forward.

Discussion followed on Council procedures required to carry on with a Task Force to implement the ATMP (e.g. different Terms of Reference, advertising of Task Force positions and clarifying of mandate).  Members indicated their willingness to carry on to help with implementation and supported Council appointing an ongoing Task Force.

  • The Plan mentions Senior Staff or City Divisions annually monitoring implementation progress and indication of support to hire Staff for this purpose.
  • The full Master Plan is overwhelming to read and presentation to Council should summarize the key elements and key recommendations for approval.

J. Derworiz confirmed the presentation to Council will be by CIMA+, will include a summary, provide an overview of the Study process, touch on milestones and engagement activities and financial details and will be a “capstone” presentation wrapping up the project for Council.

  • Actions to obtain grants to implement projects should occur now as some Federal grants may soon expire. Staff report to Council may research and report to Council on funding and the hiring of a new Environmental Planning Officer may assist in applying for grants.
  • Reference was made to Council’s Strategic Plan and its directives for thriving and growing communities in a healthy environment. The ATMP makes no mention of and should refer to the Strategic Plan and it values.

The member was requested to submit an email to M. Jull with this request to enable Staff review and forwarding to the consultant. 

All Task Force members were encouraged to submit comments by email to J. Jull with a deadline of the end of April.

Several points were stressed by Task Force members:

  • Especially in urban areas, any trails should be part of an ongoing discussion with the ATMP Task Force.
  • What are the City’s plans for applying for grants? Staff indicated no commitments at this time but will review any recommendation to investigate available grants and which would include clarifying which City Divisions be involved in making grant applications.
  • The new Environmental Planning Officer could be useful in writing grant applications. Some third party groups can undertake funding applications and projects.  The example of the Cycling Group and funding received for its brochure preparation was referenced.
  • There is a need to ensure the ATMP does not sit on a shelf and the Task Force have a role in ensuring its recommendations are implemented in a timely way. Staff sympathized with the concern, referred to supportive responses from City Division in the preparation of the ATMP and its complementary role to the Transportation Master Plan.  The Plan is a public document and Council can be influenced by public deputations and community support in considering options which can implement the ATMP features. Staff recommended diligence in Council monitoring budget discussions and planning applications and that the Jump In website is a place to see details of all projects and to sign up for notifications.
  • Comments on the need for an “oversight committee” to ensure ATMP implementation. Task Force members were not confident of an individual citizens’ ability to monitor and encourage Council action.

Reference was made to a working group of citizens or a local non-for-profit organization with a specific focus to move the ATMP implementation along which could also assist the City in finding funding and which could be an extension of the current Task Force.  The working group could meet once per year but that such advocacy group must represent all areas of Kawartha Lakes.

  • Request for access in the ATMP to the w/s of the Scugog River.
  • In response to TF member question, J. Derworiz will provide details to all members on how much was paid to the consultants for the ATMP study.
  • Broadworth acknowledged and thanked the consultant for adding a multi-use trail to the Mary Street segment of the Plan.
  • Derworiz indicated the Master Plan would be presented to Council Committee of the Whole public meeting for endorsement at its June 4, 2024 meeting and that C. Basinski, CIMA+ will make the presentation with final presentation to Council on June 25, 2024.

Discussion followed on the ideal timing for ATMP Task Force endorsement of the Plan in light of comments/revisions raised at this meeting.  The following motion was proposed with the knowledge that the minutes of this meeting would clarify the minor revisions/comments of the Task Force. The Task Force’s comments will also be forwarded to CIMA+ for editing.

Minor revisions and comments are generally understood to be comprised of changes to wording for clarity, corrections to grammatical and/or spelling errors, and revisions to graphics/images.  It is understood that the vision goals, objectives, recommendations, network and overall technical components of the ATMP are not going to be revised.

Caution was noted on the Task Force delaying endorsement and rescheduling to hold another Task Force meeting and that Staff need Task Force endorsement to support the report before going to Council. 

Thank you was extended to all participants in the ATMP Task Force.

  • ATMPTF2024.05
    Moved ByJ. Bush
    Seconded ByA. Hornibrook

    That the ATMP Task Force endorse the proposed City of Kawartha Lakes Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) February 2024 Master Plan Report subject to minor revisions and comments made at the Task Force meeting of April 23, 2024 for presentation to Committee of the Whole on June 4, 2024.


No schedule was set for a next meeting.

  • ATMPLTF2024.06
    Moved ByJ. Bush
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That the Active Transportation Master Plan Task Force meeting be adjourned at 4:22 p.m.
