The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Kawartha Lakes Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting

Economic Development Boardroom
Economic Development
180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario
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A. Hart called the meeting to order at 4:54 p.m. with the following members present: Councillor Ashmore, A. Adare, W. Bateman, J. Hartman, S. McCormack, J. Pitcher and S. Sims.

Regrets: I. McKechnie

Absent: T. Richards

Staff: E. Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning, L. Love, Economic Development Officer - Curatorial Services and M. Faulhammer, Planner II

A. Hart read the Land Acknowledgement.

  • KLMHC2024-061
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

The Committee reviewed the minutes of the June 6 meeting.

  • KLMHC2024-062
    Moved ByW. Bateman
    Seconded ByJ. Pitcher

    That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee meeting held on June 6, 2024, be adopted as circulated.


There were no presentations or deputations.

Heritage Planning Update

E. Turner provided an overview of the heritage planning activities for June 2024. In addition to the items outlined in the report, she also presented the new Doors Open website to the Committee. L. Love introduced the Moments and Memories project to the Committee and presented the new webpage for the project. E. Turner will circulate the links to the online resources to the Committee.

  • KLMHC2024-063
    Moved ByA. Adare
    Seconded ByS. McCormack

    That Report KLMHC2024-040, Heritage Planning Update, be received for information.


Proposed Amendments to the Heritage Applications Policy

E. Turner provided an overview of the amendments to the Heritage Applications Policy as a result of the changes to the Ontario Heritage Act through Bill 139.

  • KLMHC2024-064
    Moved ByCouncillor Ashmore
    Seconded ByS. McCormack

    That Report KLMHC2024-042, Proposed Amendments to the Heritage Applications Policy, be received;

    That the proposed amendments to the Heritage Applications Policy (CP2021-040), as outlined in Appendix A of this report, be endorsed; and

    That this recommendation be forwarded to Council for approval.


Proposed Amendments to the Heritage Delegated Authority By-law

E. Turner provided an overview of the proposed amendments to the Heritage Delegated Authority by-law which would streamline the approval of utilities installation through staff as opposed to via the Heritage Committee. J. Hartman asked for a clarification on the process and whether some applications would still come to the Committee. E. Turner clarified that any applications that had an actual impact on the property would come to the Committee whereas those that had no or minimal impact would be approved at the staff level. A. Adare asked about solar panels since some are very large and might have a significant impact and E. Turner said she would add some language to the amendments to make sure that those types of applications still came to the Committee.

  • KLMHC2024-065
    Moved ByS. McCormack
    Seconded ByA. Adare

    That Report KLMHC2024-042, Amendments to the Heritage Delegated Authority By-law, be received;

    That the proposed amendments to By-law 2019-154 (Heritage Delegated Authority By-law) related to utilities installation, as outlined in Appendix A of this report, be endorsed; and

    That this recommendation be forwarded to Council for approval.


Alteration Application - 1474 Highway 7A, Manvers Township

E. Turner reviewed the proposed alteration to the Bethany Library and the Committee viewed the plans. The Committee is an agreement with the proposed changes.

  • KLMHC2024-066
    Moved ByW. Bateman
    Seconded ByJ. Hartman

    That Report KLMHC2024-043, Alteration Application – 1474 Highway 7A, Geographic Township of Manvers, be received; and

    That that the proposed alteration be approved.


Proposed Heritage Designation of 3740 Highway 7, Emily Township

E. Turner reviewed the proposed designation of 3740 Highway 7 with the Committee, which is a request from the owner. J. Pitcher asked if the barn was still on the property and E. Turner replied that it had come down a number of years ago.

  • KLMHC2024-067
    Moved ByJ. Pitcher
    Seconded ByA. Adare

    That Report KLMHC2024-045, Proposed Heritage Designation of 3740 Highway 7, Geographic Township of Emily, be received;

    That the designation of the property known municipally as 3740 Highway 7 be endorsed; and

    That the recommendation to designate the subject property be forwarded to Council for approval.


Objection to the Proposed Heritage Designation of 97 King Street, Village of Woodville

E. Turner reviewed the objection to the proposed designation of 97 King Street in Woodville. The staff position is that the designation for the property should proceed as the property fulfills the criteria for designation under Ontario Regulation 9/06 but also as part of the broader importance of preserving and supporting downtowns across Kawartha Lakes. A. Hart noted that he found the reasons the owner had objected not convincing. S. McCormack asked what discussions had been had with the owner around the designation and E. Turner let the Committee know that the owner had just submitted the objection letter and not engaged with staff any further. J. Hartman noted that while the ground floor of the building had been renovated, the top floor was very unique and was important to the character of the downtown. She asked if there was an imminent risk of redevelopment for this property. E. Turner said there was no known redevelopment proposal but the property's location made it a potential risk for redevelopment in future.

  • KLMHC2024-068
    Moved ByJ. Hartman
    Seconded ByS. McCormack

    That Report KLMHC2024-044, Objection to the Proposed Heritage Designation of 97 King Street, Village of Woodville, be received;

    That the objection not be supported and a by-law passed to designate the property; and

    That this recommendation be forwarded to Council for approval.


There were no subcommittee updates.

There was no correspondence received.

Councillor Ashmore asked if there was any update on the Omemee Train Station now that Lady Eaton Elementary School has closed. E. Turner was not sure but said she would reach out to the group in Omemee that is looking at restoring it and provide an update to the Committee.

The next meeting will be Thursday, August 1 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall (26 Francis Street, Lindsay).

  • KLMHC2024-069
    Moved ByJ. Pitcher
    Seconded ByW. Bateman

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting adjourn at 5:45 p.m.
