The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Lindsay-Ops Landfill Public Review Committee Meeting

Victoria Room
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Councillor Pat Dunn
  • Chris Appleton
  • Karen Buckley
  • Barry Hodgson
  • Lloyd Robertson
  • Larry Scrivens
  • Ken Trodd
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The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00pm.

  • Moved ByL. Scrivens
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dunn

There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Mr. Wilson shared concerns regarding a recent death of one of his cattle, monitoring wells and health concerns from the landfill, and the future environmental assessment process at the City. Mr. Wilson also informed the PRC that the staff at the Lindsay library could not locate the annual monitoring reports for the Lindsay Ops landfill. Mr. Wilson also inquired about a berm located in the clay borrow area following the recent cell construction project. The PRC asked staff to follow up on this and provide a response at the next meeting.

No complaints.

No leachate outbreaks.

Staff provided the draft AMO presentation on the blue box transition that will be presented at the March 10 Committee of the Whole meeting. PRC members were invited to attend the presentation.

  • Moved ByC. Appleton
    Seconded ByK. Trodd

    Resolved that the PRC receive the draft presentation by AMO.


The PRC was provided a chart outlining the timeframe and implementation plan for each Waste Strategy Update initiative in 2020. The PRC will be consulted throughout the year as the initiatives are being implemented.

  • Moved ByC. Appleton
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dunn

    Resolved that the PRC receive the Waste Strategy Implementation Plan for 2020.


The PRC participated in a brainstorming activity to come up with ideas for the Public Education and Communication Strategy that will be presented to Council this year as a Waste Strategy Update initiative.

Staff provided the PRC with an inspection report from November 19th that was completed at the sawtooth area of the Lindsay Ops landfill. The MECP commented that litter collection should be conducted in the area, but there were no action items in the inspection report.

  • Moved ByB. Hodgson
    Seconded ByL. Scrivens

    Resolved that the PRC receive the MECP inspection report.


The PRC asked staff to reach out to the City of Peterborough to find information on their recent funding approval for a composting facility to be used for a City wide green bin program.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 11, at 3:00pm in the Weldon Room, City Hall. 

The meeting was adjourned at 5:05pm.

  • Moved ByL. Scrivens
    Seconded ByC. Appleton