The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting #:PC2018-010
Victoria Room
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Andy Letham, Mayor
  • Councillor Brian Junkin, Councillor
  • Councillor Rob Macklem, Councillor
  • Councillor Patrick O'Reilly, Councillor
  • Councillor Heather Stauble, Councillor
  • Councillor Andrew Veale, Councillor
  • Mike Barkwell
  • Debbie Girard
  • Councillor Doug Elmslie, Councillor
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request.

Chair O'Reilly called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Councillors D. Elmslie (alternate), B. Junkin, R. Macklem, H. Stauble and A. Veale and M. Barkwell and D. Girard were in attendance.

Deputy Clerk and Recording Secretary J. Watts, Director of Development Services C. Marshall, and Planners II Q. Adebayo and D. Harding were also in attendance.

Absent: Mayor A. Letham

The Chair opened the meeting and introduced Planning Advisory Committee and the members of staff present. He also expressed a note of thanks to alternate member Councillor Elmslie for attending the meeting in place of Councillor Miller who recently passed away, and noted that an expression of appreciation to Councillor Miller's service to the community would be presented at the November 13, 2018 Special Council Meeting.


  • Moved ByD. Girard
    Seconded ByCouncillor Macklem

    That the agenda for the Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, as amended, be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest noted.

The Chair stated that, as required under the Planning Act, a public meeting is being held prior to the City of Kawartha Lakes Council making decisions on the following planning matters.

Quadri Adebayo, Planner II
An application to amend the Township of Manvers Zoning By-law 87-06 to change the zone category on the agricultural portion of the retained part of the property from a Rural General (A1) Zone to prohibit residential use, and to amend General Provision requirements for two zones on one (1) lot on the proposed retained portion on land described as Part of Lot 6, Concession 8, geographic Township of Manvers, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 40 Janetville Road - Kerr

The Chair requested staff to advise on the manner of giving notice for the proposed zoning by-law amendment.  He also asked staff to briefly describe the proposal and summarize the correspondence, if any, received to date.

Mr. Adebayo confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act and circulated to each owner of land within 500m, and a sign was posted on the subject property.  He summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to fulfill a zoning condition of a provisional consent (granted on February 26, 2018) to sever approximately 0.49ha piece of land containing a single detached dwelling and retain 39.51ha of agricultural lands (to be consolidated with non-abutting agricultural lands). The zoning amendment will prohibit residential use on the retained agricultural lands. The application conforms to the Growth Plan, and the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.  Mr. Adebayo summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in his report, noting that no comments were received from the public, and that no concerns were brought forward from any agencies or City departments. Staff are recommending that the application be forwarded to Council for approval. Mr. Adebayo and Mr. Marshall responded to questions from committee members.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

The applicant was not in attendance, but the applicant's mother stated that she would speak for her son if there were any questions.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

Cathy Dexter of 101 Janetville Road, presented questions to the committee including what does the change of zoning mean for her property, what is a rural exception zone, and if the zoning change will permit the forest and marshes on the property to be removed. Mr. Adebayo provided clarification to Mrs. Dexters's questions. Mrs. Dexter responded to questions from committee members.

No other persons spoke to the application.

The public meeting concluded at 1:24pm.

  • PAC2018-042
    Moved ByCouncillor Veale
    Seconded ByCouncillor Junkin

    Recommend that Report PLAN2018-076, respecting Part of Lot 6, Concession 8, geographic Township of Manvers, and identified as 40 Janetville Road; Application No. D06-2018-023 (Kerr), be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2018-023, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2018-076, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.


Harry Groeger
Relating to Report PLAN2018-081 (Item 7.1 on the Agenda)

Mr. Groeger stated that the reason they are here is because they had to ask for a second minor variance for the extension of their shed roof. He stated that the Committee of Adjustment granted the variance as an addition of the original variance, and that they felt that the application fee for the second minor variance should be refunded. He responded to question from Committee members.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Junkin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Stauble

    That the deputation of Harry Groeger, regarding Report PLAN 2018-081, be received.


David Harding, Planner II
A Request to Refund Minor Variance Application Fees for applications D20-2017-002 and D20-2018-041 respecting 76 Chadwin Drive - Groeger

Mr. Harding started by noting that this is a non-standard request to the Committee, and presented an overview of the request, as detailed in his report. He noted that the Groegers have requested consideration for a refund from one of their two minor variance application fees. He provided a brief history of their minor variance applications and identified why a second variance application was required. He stated that because variances are so specific, a second variance application and Committee of Adjustment decision was required for the extension of the partially enclosed sunroom. He stated that staff are respectfully recommending that the fees outlined in the Consolidated Fees By-law be upheld for both applications. Mrs. Groeger was requested to clarify their position by the chair. Mr. Harding and Mr. Marshall responded to questions from Committee members.

  • PAC2018-043
    Moved ByCouncillor Elmslie
    Seconded ByD. Girard

    That Report PLAN2018-081, respecting the request to refund minor variance application fees pertaining to 76 Chadwin Drive, geographic Township of Lindsay, be received; and

    That the request to refund the minor variance application fees be approved in the amount of $750.00.


As this was the last scheduled Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of this term of Council, Chair O'Reilly thanked all the committee members for their service to the City of Kawartha Lakes.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Stauble
    Seconded ByCouncillor Junkin

    That the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting adjourn at 1:49 p.m.
