Mr. Alexander confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act and circulated to each owner of land within 120 metres, and that a sign was posted on the subject property. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to rezone the subject lands from General Employment (GE) Zone to General Employment Exception (GE-XX) Zone to provide a site-specific exception to add a self-storage facility as a permitted use on the subject lands. The proposed facility will include one large building with storage units that will be accessed from within the building. A smaller building is to be located along the eastern lot line with units that will have external access. The proposal includes a gatehouse at the main entrance and an administration building near the rear of the property. Vehicular access to the site will be located on Hamilton Street. Seventeen (17) standard parking spaces and one accessible space will be provided on site, with an emergency vehicle route proposed around the main building. Consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, and conformity to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Town of Lindsay Official Plan will be determined upon further review of the application. Mr. Alexander summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report, noting that subsequent to the writing of the report additional comments were received from the Development Engineering Division with no concerns, and from members of the public with questions about the application and vegetation, and requests for supporting documentation. Staff are recommending that the application be referred back to staff for process. Mr. Alexander responded to questions from members of the Committee.
The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.
Ashlyn Kennedy of EcoVue Consulting spoke as the applicant on behalf of the owner, and thanked Mr. Alexander for the overview of the application. She noted that the environmental buffer around the facility will be addressed at Site Plan approvals, and thanked the committee for their time to consider this application. She responded to questions from the members of the committee.
The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.
Marc Janssen spoke as a storage facility owner in the area expressed the following concerns with the application:
- Fire separations to other buildings are unknown;
- Parking requirements and heavy traffic entering and exiting;
- Best use considerations for lands in urban areas;
- Value to the community when other storage options exists; and
- Sewer and water capacity.
Lindsay Griffin Mesure spoke as a storage facility owner in the area expressed the following concerns with the application:
- Light pollution in a residential area;
- Increased traffic flow from heavy trucks;
- Polluted lands from previous uses;
- Incompatible uses to nearby college area;
- Fire access lanes widths in proposed plans;
- Drainage and stormwater management; and
- Alignment of uses for this property with the Growth Management Study.
Robert Grovum spoke as a storage facility owner in the area expressed the following concerns with the application:
- Drainage and stormwater management;
- Contamination of the existing site;
- Traffic flow with 24 hour access to the site;
- Noise to the neighbouring community;
- Parking at the facility;
- Light pollution, and effects on wildlife; and
- Incompatible uses to nearby college area.
No other persons spoke to the application.
The Chair permitted the applicant to respond to the comments provided by the members of the public, however, Ms. Kennedy advised that they would respond at a later date through staff.
The Public Meeting concluded at 1:36 p.m.