The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee

Meeting Commencing at 9:00 AM - Electronic Participation
Human Services Boardroom
68 Lindsay Street North, Lindsay, Ontario
  • Mayor Andy Letham
  • Councillor Pat Dunn
  • Sheila Carron
  • Amanda Hamu
  • Marina Hodson
  • Jennifer Johnston
  • Jennifer McLauchlan
  • Mark Mitchell
  • Lynda Nydam
  • Pam Stuckless
  • Rod Sutherland
  • Tim Tatchell

Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Chair Chief Mitchell called the meeting to order at 9:02 p.m.

Mayor Andy Letham, Councillor Pat Dunn, Chief Mark Mitchell, Rod Sutherland, Director Human Resources, Detachment Commander Tim Tatchell, Marina Hodson, Executive Director, Kawartha North Family Health Team, Lynda Nydam, Intensive Service Coordination, Children's Services Council, Pam Stuckless, Director of Health Promotion, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit, Jennifer Johnston, Superintendent of Learning, Special Education, Equity and Indigenous Education, Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Amanda Hamu, Mental Health Lead, PVNC Catholic District School Board, Jennifer McLauchlan, Executive Director, Kawartha Haliburton Children's Aid Society were in attendance.

City Support Staff in attendance: Barb Condie, Accessibility Coordinator, Brenda Stonehouse, Strategy and Innovation Specialist, Holly Russett, Executive Assistant Human Services.

Regrets: Sheila Carron, Registered Nurse, Ross Memorial Hospital

  • CSWBPC2021-010
    Moved ByCouncillor Dunn
    Seconded ByL. Nydam

    That the agenda be adopted as circulated.

  • CSWBPC2021-011
    Moved ByR. Sutherland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Dunn

    That the minutes of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee meeting held on June 8, 2021, be adopted as circulated.


Chief Mitchell gave an overview of the activities since the last meeting. He thanked Brenda Stonehouse for organizing and facilitating the 4 Focus Group Sessions, held over the summer months and recognized the tremendous amount of work Lynda Nydam has done on the youth engagement piece. The Focus Sessions reminded us we have a lot of institutions and agencies that are doing really great work and people working admirably under a lot of difficult conditions. There is still things to do to make this Community Safety Plan meaningful.

The Survey and Focus Group Sessions reinforced that the four priority areas have been well selected. There was a clear connection between the four areas. Access to services was an area brought up repeatedly, a lot of disparate recognized. The delay in accessing services, aggravates existing problems and leads to new problems, highlighting the importance of intervening before situations devolve into a crisis.

Other take aways recognized, if budgets were not an issue, a lot of agencies are still having trouble with retention and recruitment of qualified staff. A lot of discussion of the inconsistent and temporary funding of grant streams agencies rely on. Privacy and consent issues often create a barrier to coordinate services.

A Health Equity Lens was a topic of discussion being a guiding principle as we look to the future.

Universal support of the need to invest in the healthy development of our youth and providing family supports for youth to grow up with the best supports possible.

In closing, everything is not going to be addressed through this process. A lot of the issues extend far beyond the local level. There was a wide variety of feedback and lots to work with to develop the local plan.

Lynda Nydam shared the activities that took place over the summer in collaboration with the Kawartha Lakes Arts Gallery. Credit to Susan Taylor, she ran with activities and opportunities for the local Youth! Including art submissions related to the four priority areas, as a way to express their thoughts as part of the consultation process. Youth were given an opportunity to vote in the priority areas along with a few additional areas identified and an opportunity to become part of a Youth Council.

Brenda Stonehouse reviewed the Survey Results through a presentation to the Committee. The Survey was available electronically and by hard copy at all the library branches.

There was good attendance at the four focus sessions, excellent conversations with the agencies. There was a consensus we have the right priority areas and they are all interconnected. It was asked what was working well, overwhelmingly collaboration and cooperation between agencies and organizations was working well and is positive, especially through Covid. Relationships were strengthened and communication channels were opened up. Poverty and Housing were overwhelming the two main focuses identified for the plan as the root of so many issues being seen, though the other two, Mental Health and Additions and Youth were top of list. The lenses of continued communication, diversity, equity and inclusion and accountability and transparency were also identified.

Chief Mitchell noted a lot of comments in the surveys around crime and drug related issues in communities. A public information session is being planned on October 14th at the Armories in Lindsay. A number of Stakeholders groups have been invited to address concerns.

Lynda Nydam commented the need to reach out creatively to ensure the voices of the marginalized population is heard as there voices were not reflected through the survey process and the consultation process their voices were through service providers, again not directly.

  • CSWBPC2021-012
    Moved ByP. Stuckless
    Seconded ByT. Tatchell

    That the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan - Extension Request Letter REPLY - August 18, 2021, be received.


Brenda created Breakout Rooms for a working session. The committee members collaborated using the 'Mural' program to to work on "Actions/Outcomes" and "Plans/Groups in Place", for the four priority areas being focused on in the Plan. When the Breakout Rooms concluded, Brenda reviewed the work with the whole committee.

Brenda will format the results of the working session into the plan. Any additional thoughts or ideas to be shared with Brenda directly.

To be determined via doodle poll.

  • CSWBPC2021-013
    Moved ByCouncillor Dunn
    Seconded ByR. Sutherland

    That the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee Meeting adjourn at 11:07 a.m.
