The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes

Amended Agenda

Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Mike Barkwell
  • Patrick O'Reilly
  • Andrew Veale
  • Jason Willock

Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.


 To speak to a "Public Meeting Report" on this agenda either attend the meeting in person, or participate via Zoom by emailing [email protected] and reference the report number in your email by Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. To speak to a "Regular and Returned Report", you must submit a completed deputation request form by Monday, January 13, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. After we receive your request, you will receive instruction from staff on how to participate either by Zoom or in person at the meeting. Anyone may provide written comments on each application by email to [email protected].


Limited seating in Council Chambers is available in Council Chambers for in person attendance. Contact the City Clerk's Office at [email protected] or 705-324-9411 ext. 1322 to confirm space, or to request links to participate electronically. Alternatively, access the meeting livestream on the Kawartha Lakes YouTube Channel at .

Application to Amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78 at 58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon - 2259052 Ontario Inc.
Robert Wilson, Urban Planner, Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

  • That Report PLAN2025-001, Application to Amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78 at 58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon - 2259052 Ontario Inc., be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-022, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-001, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.

Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and the Township of Dalton Zoning By-law 10-77 at 2475 Housey's Rapids Road, Washago - Faria
Amanda-Brea Watson, MCIP, RPP, and Lindsay Nooren, MCIP, RPP, Dillon Consulting on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes 

  • That Report PLAN2025-002, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and the Township of Dalton Zoning By-law 10-77 at 2475 Housey's Rapids Road, Washago - Faria be received for information.

Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 at 4 Riverwood Park Road, Lindsay - Eatson Properties Inc.
Raphael Romeral, Urban Planner, Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

  • That Report PLAN2025-003 Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 at 4 Riverwood Park Road, Lindsay - Eatson Properties Inc. be received for information.

Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 54 Loop Line, Omemee - Marideane Acres Inc. (c/o Wellman)
Harane Jegatheswaran, Planner, Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

  • That Report PLAN2025-004, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 54 Loop Line, Omemee - Marideane Acres Inc. (c/o Wellman) be received for information.

Relating to Report PLAN2025-007 (Item 6.1 on the Agenda)

Application to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 at 139 Verulam Road South, Lindsay - Laz Developments Inc.
Matt Alexander, MCIP, RPP, WSP Canada Inc., on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes 

  • That Report PLAN2025-007, Application to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 at 139 Verulam Road South, Lindsay - Laz Developments Inc., be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment, respecting application D06-2023-030 substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-007, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.

Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 10 Northside Road, Lindsay - Chakraborty (DG Biddle and Associates)
Matt Alexander, MCIP, RPP, WSP Canada Inc., on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

  • That Report PLAN2025-008, Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 10 Northside Road, Lindsay - Chakraborty (DG Biddle and Associates), be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment, respecting application D06-2023-025 substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-008, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.

Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, Lindsay (Alcorn Drive and Sanderling Crescent)
Christina Sisson, Manager, Development Engineering

  • That Report ENG2025-004, Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, Lindsay, be received;

    That the Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved;

    That an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report ENG2025-004 be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.

Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, Lindsay (Claxton Crescent and Springdale Drive)
Christina Sisson, Manager, Development Engineering

  • That Report ENG2025-005, Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, Lindsay, be received;

    That the Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved;

    That an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report ENG2025-005 be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.