The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting

Meeting #:CKLEAC2017-004
Victoria Room
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Councillor Gord Miller
  • Susan Blayney
  • Josh Feltham
  • Douglas Lowles
  • Pat Warren
  • J. Petit Kerr
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Chair P. Warren called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  Chair P. Warren, Councillor G. Miller, Susan Blayney, D. Lowles, J. Feltham and H. Shipclark  were in attendance.  Director C. Marshall was in attendance at the meeting.

  • Moved ByS. Blayney
    Seconded ByD. Lowles

    RESOLVED THAT the November 23, 2017 Environmental Advisory Committee Agenda be adopted as amended.



There were no declarations of pecuniary interest noted.




  • Moved ByS. Blayney
    Seconded ByJ. Feltham

    RESOLVED THAT the September 28, 2017 Minutes be adopted with the following amendment, the CKLEAC Committee assembled the Watershed Welcome packages.


Chair P. Warren noted City staff were asked to attend tonight's meeting to discuss the pesticide use.

  • Moved ByJ. Petit Kerr
    Seconded ByJ. Feltham

    RESOLVED THAT the November 25, 2018 CKLEAC meeting date be changed to November 22, 2018.


CKLEAC work initiatives for 2018

Tree Cutting By-law

Bee City Initiative

Active Community Plan

Invasive Species

Engagement Project Group

Bee City Initiative:

The Committee agreed that S. Blayney would continue to champion this work in 2018.

Invasive Species:

H. Shipclark will continue to champion this work in 2018.

Engagement Project Group:

The Committee discussed how this initiative could combine a number of other projects to help motivate the public to get out and participate in environmental action.  It was suggested that Cheri Davidson be invited to the next CKLEAC meeting in January 2018 to discuss ways in which the environmental initiatives could be promoted on social media and the City's Website.

  • Tree Cutting By-law
    Moved ByD. Lowles
    Seconded ByCouncillor Miller

    RESOLVED THAT CKLEAC research the Tree Cutting By-laws and develop a Tree Cutting By-law for the City of Kawartha Lakes that focuses on restricting tree cutting next to lakes, rivers and streams and other environmentally sensitive areas; and

    THAT D. Lowles be the champion for this work and H. Shipclark and J. Petit Kerr help on this project.

  • Active Community Plan
    Moved ByD. Lowles
    Seconded ByJ. Petit Kerr

    RESOLVED THAT the CKLEAC continue to work on the Active Transportation Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes; and

    THAT Chair P. Warren champion this project.

  • Engagement Project Group
    Moved ByJ. Feltham
    Seconded ByJ. Petit Kerr

    RESOLVED THAT CKLEAC work on an Engagement Project Group that would include the following initiatives:

    - Green Map;

    - Yellow Fish;

    - Tree Planting; and

    - Watershed Welcome Packages


Correspondence - Vice Chair J. Taylor resignation

  • Moved ByJ. Petit Kerr
    Seconded ByD. Lowles

    RESOLVED THAT the correspondence from Vice Chair J. Taylor advising of her resignation from the CKLEAC be received; and

    That the Committee accept the resignation from J. Taylor with regret and offer a sincere thank you for all of her service.

  • Moved ByJ. Petit Kerr
    Seconded ByD. Lowles

    RESOLVED THAT S. Blayney be appointed Vice Chair of the CKLEAC Committee.



Oliver Vigelius, Manager of Lindsay Maintenance Area and Capital Projects, attended the CKLEAC meeting to explain the City's program to control noxious weeds in the right of ways.  Oliver explained the City does not use glyphosates in controlling weeds and only use herbicides. The main herbicide they are using now is called "Clearview". The only time they use glysophates is in a new experimental program where they spray the guard rails. The reason they do this is that it is safer and cheaper than having staff clearing the weeds on the side of the road. The majority of the work they do is on a complaint basis to control problem plants like poison ivy, Japanese Knott Weed, Hog Weed and  wild parsnips.

Chair P. Warren asked that Oliver forward the SDS sheet on Clearview so that it could be placed on the next Agenda.

Councillor Miller suggested there could be a better communications program to let people know that the City is not using harmful pesticides in the right of ways as he receives a number of phone calls from people who are concerned with the City doing this work.

Oliver advised staff have a requirement to notify the public of the weed control they are doing in the right of ways and do so once a month. Press releases are also circulated explaining the work they are doing. Oliver agreed to send to the Chair the list of press releases and notices they put in the newspaper and a list of the noxious plants they are controlling.

Councillor Miller suggested that Oliver notify the Lakes Associations of the details of the work they are doing and the herbicides they are using. This may reduce the mis-information that is circulating.

  • Moved ByS. Blayney
    Seconded ByD. Lowles

    RESOLVED THAT the deputation by Oliver Vigelius be received.


Susan Blayney

Bee City Initiative

S. Blayney provided an update to the Committee on the Bee City Initiative. 

Susan had her first Committee meeting on November 11, 2017 and was very impressed with the mix of people on the Committee including five bee keepers.

The Chair advised the next meeting will be Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the Victoria Room, City Hall.

  • Moved ByJ. Feltham
    Seconded ByS. Blayney

    RESOLVED THAT the CKLEAC meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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