Ms. Evans summarized Report COA2024-086. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of a single detached dwelling. Relief sought: Section 8.2 f) of the Zoning By-law requires a minimum rear yard setback of 7.5 metres; the proposed setback is 1.2 metres.
After the writing of the report, comments were received from the Supervisor of Plans Review and Inspections stating that spatial separation could be an issue but will be dealt with at the building permit stage.
Public concerns were received from Mr. Tejas Shah, the owner of 5 Charles Street relating to the location of the lots adjacent to 5 Charles Street and property rear yard setbacks. Ms. Evans responded indicating the subject lots were part of the draft plan approval in 2019. The rear yard setback is a result of the unique shape of the lot.
The Committee had the following questions:
1) What is the rear yard setback for 5 Charles Street and is it fenced?
2) Condition 2. Why thirty-six (36) months to complete construction?
3) Will a deck be permitted in the future for this shallow lot and if there are differences in grades will a potential deck be an issue regarding privacy?
4) What was the intended use of these lots, which are part of the plan of subdivision?
5) The spelling of Randal Street.
6) Page 3 of 8 of the report. Ministers Zoning Order versus Local By-laws.
7) Ministers Zoning Order referred to on page 7 and 8 of the report be included in a condition. Ms. Barrie, Director of Development Services responded.
8) Page 8 of the report, clarification of minimum front yard setback.
Ms. Evans responded. Thirty-six months is requested for the condition due to the current status of the subdivision. A deck is not being proposed, and if a deck was proposed in the future, a Minor Variance would be required. The minimum front yard setback is established by the MZO.
The applicant, Ms. Klets, Junior Planner for DG Biddle and Associates was present and in person. Ms. Klets thanked staff for the report and spoke to the proposal.
Opposed to the application, Mr. Shah of 5 Charles Street was present and in person. He addressed the Committee with concerns to dust clouds, privacy, green space, grading and noise. Mr. Shah also confirmed he does not have a fenced rear yard. The Chair reminded Mr. Shah to speak specifically to the minor variance. Ms. Evans referred to the 2019 draft plan approval and stated that it was never intended to be green space and that the area is not regulated by Kawartha Region Conservation Authority.
The Committee continued with questions concerning green space and architectural aspects, placement of windows for privacy etc. The Chair stated the Committee cannot enforce where owners can position a window on a structure. Ms. Barrie agreed with the Chair.
The Chair suggested to Mr. Shah of 5 Charles Street to connect with Ms. Klets of DG Biddle and Associates, the Planning Division and the Building and Septic Division if he has any further concerns.
There were no further questions from the Committee or other persons.