The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force Meeting

Meeting to commence at 2:00pm - electronic participation
Electronic Participation Meeting
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan
  • Barbara Doyle
  • Beverly Jeeves
  • Dianne Lister
  • Patrick Murphy
  • Susan Taylor
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Donna Goodwin, Economic Development Officer - Arts, Culture and Heritage, and Recording Secretary called the electronic participation meeting to order at 2:06 p.m.  with the following Task Force Members in attendance.

Councillor Tracy Richardson, Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan, Susan Taylor, Beverly Jeeves, Dianne Lister, Barbara Doyle, Patrick Murphy 

The following members of Staff were also in attendance electronically:

Cathie Ritchie, Rebecca Mustard, Craig Shanks, Angela Fornelli, Ryan Cowieson, Richard Holy

Ms. Goodwin, Economic Development Officer - Arts, Culture and Heritage and Recording Secretary, welcomed all in attendance and opened the meeting by describing the process for the appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chair including a brief description of the roles.

Ms. Goodwin, called for the nominations for the position of Chair.

Susan Taylor was nominated.

Ms. Goodwin called a second time for nominations for the position of Chair.

Ms. Goodwin called for a third and final time for nominations for the position of Chair.

Ms. Goodwin declared nominations for the position of Chair for the Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force closed.

Ms. Goodwin asked Susan Taylor if she wished to let her name stand for Chair of the Culture Centre Feasibility Task Force. She consented to the nomination.

Ms. Goodwin declared Susan Taylor as Chair of the Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force.

Ms. Goodwin called for the nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Beverly Jeeves was nominated.

Ms. Goodwin called a second time for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Ms. Goodwin called for a third and final time for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Ms. Goodwin declared nominations for the position of Vice-Chair for the Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force closed.

Ms. Goodwin asked Beverly Jeeves if she wished to let her name stand for Vice-Chair of the Task Force. She consented to the nomination.

Ms. Goodwin declared Beverly Jeeves as Vice-Chair of the Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force.

  • CCFTF2021-01
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByD. Lister

    That the Agenda for the April 7, 2021 Culture Centre Feasibility Task Force Meeting be adopted, as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

As this was the inaugural Task Force Meeting there were no minutes from a previous meeting to adopt.

There were no deputations

There was no correspondence

Review of Terms of Reference for the Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force
Donna Goodwin

Donna Goodwin reviewed the Terms of Reference with the Task Force. 

  • CCFTF2021-02
    Moved ByD. Lister
    Seconded ByB. Jeeves

    That the Cultural Centre Feasibility Task Force recommends to Council to extend the Terms of Reference until June 30, 2022 to coincide with the budget.


Overview of the Cultural Centre Feasibility Study Request for Proposal Process
Marielle van Engelen

Marielle provided an overview of the purchasing procedure for the project, and explained the difference between a Tender and a Request for Proposal (RFP). She shared what needs to be followed: Trade agreements, City purchasing policy, management directive for purchases over $50k.  The RFP will be posted on Bids and Tenders platform. There is a need for confidentiality for RFP to ensure a vendor does not have information before its posted.   If members know of someone who provides the service, they can be directed to Bids and Tenders.  Task Force members must stay away from an unfair advantage or inside knowledge.  Questions come through Bids and Tenders and go to the city's procurement department.

Appointment of Cultural Centre Feasibility Study Request for Proposal Task Force Representative

  • CCFTF2021-03
    Moved ByP. Murphy
    Seconded ByCouncillor Seyour-Fagan

    That Dianne Lister act as the Task Force representative on the Request for Proposal committee



The next meeting will be held at the Call of the Chair.

  • CCFTF2021-04
    Moved ByCouncillor Seyour-Fagan
    Seconded ByD. Lister

    That the meeting be adjourned at 2:56 p.m.

No Item Selected