Ms. Evans brought the Committee’s attention to page 4, paragraph 7 and page 5, top of the page, where its reads "proposed garage", instead should read "existing tent storage structure".
Ms. Evans summarized Report COA2024-002. The purpose and effect is to facilitate the construction of a second storey over the existing attached garage and to recognize an existing tent storage structure. Relief sought: Second storey addition. Section b) ii) of the By-law requires a minimum side yard setback of 5.5 metres; the existing setback of 5.34 metres from the northwest corner is to be maintained; Tent storage structure. Section of the By-law permits accessory structures to be located in the interior side or rear yard; the tent storage structure is located in the front yard; and, Section of the By-law provides that an accessory structure may not be erected closer to a street than the required front yard setback for the zone in which it is located. The subject property is within the ‘Rural Residential Type Three (RR3)’ Zone and the minimum front yard setback is 7.5 metres; the existing setback is 6 metres.
The Committee asked the planner if a permit is required for the tent structure. Ms. Evans deferred to the Plans Examiner, Mr. McKinnon. Mr. McKinnon responded.
The Committee asked the planner if the downspout showing on slide 18 would be required to be moved as it is directed to the adjacent property. Ms. Evans stated that this is not a requirement of the minor variance today.
The applicant, Ms. Brazier was present via electronic participation and available for questions.
The Committee sought clarification from the planner as to page 5, paragraph 3 of the report "There are no anticipated impacts on environmental features; neighboring properties; or, the function of the municipal right-of-way with respect to access, drainage, or streetscaping and maintenance”. Where is the municipal right-of-way? Ms. Evans responded, it is the travelled portion of the road as well as the sides.
There were no further questions from the Committee or other persons.