The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Committee of the Whole Meeting

Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Deputy Mayor Charlie McDonald
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Dan Joyce
  • Councillor Mike Perry
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Eric Smeaton
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo

Please visit the City of Kawartha Lakes YouTube Channel at to view the proceedings electronically.


Video and/or audio recording is not permitted during Council or Committee of the Whole Meetings, pursuant to Trespass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.T.21.


To speak to an Item on this Agenda you must submit a completed Deputation Request Form by Friday, October 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.


Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Maintenance Issues within the Village of Omemee
John Bianco

  • That the deputation of John Bianco, regarding Maintenance Issues within the Village of Omemee, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application - 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers
relating to Item 7.1.2 on the Agenda
Rodger Cooke

  • That the deputation of Rodger Cooke, regarding a Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application - 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update Presentation
Sara Johnston, Chief, Paramedic Services
James Smith, Manager of Building and Property
Ryan Stitt, Salter Pilon Architecture
Brandon Bortoluzzi, Salter Pilon Architecture

  • That the presentation by Sara Johnston, Chief, Paramedic Services, James Smith, Manager of Building and Property, Ryan Stitt, of Salter Pilot Architecture and Brandon Bartoluzzi, of Salter Pilon Architecture, regarding the Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update
James Smith, Manager of Building and Property

  • That Report BP2024-003, Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update, be received;

    That the Lease Agreement between Trillium Lakelands District School Board and the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes as generally outlined in Appendix A to Report BP2024-003, be approved;

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Automated Speed Enforcement Presentation
Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor

  • That the presentation by Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor, regarding Automated Speed Enforcement, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Automated Speed Enforcement Update
Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor

  • That Report ENG2024-022 , Automated Speed Enforcement Update, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Mandatory Connection By-Law Review (By-Law 2014-255)
Linda Liotti, Manager of Revenue and Taxation

  • That the presentation by Linda Liotti, Manager, Revenue and Taxation, regarding the Mandatory Connection By-Law Review (By-Law 2014-255), be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Mandatory Connection By-Law Review (By-Law 2014-255)
Linda Liotti, Manager, Revenue and Taxation

  • That Report CORP2024-022, Mandatory Connection By-Law Review, be received;

    That Council approve the amendments to By-Law 2014-255, A By-Law To Require Owners of Buildings To Connect Such Buildings To Drinking Water Systems and/or Wastewater Collection Systems in The City of Kawartha Lakes, as specified in Appendix B; and

    That these recommendations be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next regular Council Meeting.

  • That all of the proposed recommendations shown in Section 7.1 of the Agenda be approved by the Committee of the Whole in the order that they appear on the Agenda, sequentially numbered and forwarded to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.



Provincial Planning Statement – Information Report
Mark Jull, Supervisor, Policy Planning

  • That Report PLAN2024-056, Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 – Information Report, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application – 498 Golf Course Road (Geographic Township of Manvers)
Nicolas Smith, Planner II

  • That Report PLAN2024-057, 498 Golf Course Road (Geographic Township of Manvers), be received;

    That the 90.0 metre telecommunication facility proposed at 498 Golf Course Road and generally outlined in the Appendices to Report PLAN2024-057, be supported by Council, conditional upon the applicant entering into a Telecommunication Facility Development Agreement with the City;

    That Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada, the applicant, and all interested parties be advised of Council’s decision; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents and agreements required by the concurrence of this application.

Rural Economic Development Funding Novation Agreement
Kimberly Callaghan, Economic Development Officer, Agriculture

  • That Report ED2024-040, Rural Economic Development Funding Novation Agreement, be received;

    That the Mayor and Clerk, following a review of the agreements to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, be authorized to execute the Novation Agreement with the Province of Ontario for the Growing Local Food Wholesale Market in the Kawartha Region project, attached as Appendix A; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.