The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes

Regular Council Meeting

Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Deputy Mayor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Dan Joyce
  • Councillor Charlie McDonald
  • Councillor Mike Perry
  • Councillor Eric Smeaton
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo

Please visit the City of Kawartha Lakes YouTube Channel at to view the Meeting electronically.


Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Regular Council Meeting, March 21, 2023
Special Council Meeting, April 11, 2023

  • That the Minutes of the March 21, 2023 Regular Council Meeting and the April 11, 2023 Special Council Meeting, be received and adopted.

Recognition of the Assistance Provided by the City of Kawartha Lakes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Anne Marie Holt, Director of Health Protection, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit

  • That the presentation by Anne Marie Holt, Director of Health Protection, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit, regarding Recognition of the Assistance Provided by the City of Kawartha Lakes During the COVID-19 Pandemic, be received.

EmPower Program Update Presentation
Ron Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer

  • That the presentation by Ron Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer, regarding an Update on the EmPower Program, be received.

Committee of the Whole Meeting, April 4, 2023

  • That the correspondence from Pat O'Donaghue and Flo O'Donaghue, regarding the Transfer of a Dock License Agreement, be received.

Correspondence Regarding the Review of Short Term Rentals
Relating to Item 9.3.1 on the Agenda

  • Afe Helleman
  • Suzanne Alden
  • Cheryl Redfern
  • Liba Radovski-Levin
  • Michael McGann
  • That the correspondence from Afe Helleman, Susanne Alden, Cheryl Redfern, Liba Radovski-Levin and Michael McGann, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.

Correspondence Regarding the Transfer of a Dock License Agreement
Relating to Item 9.3.8 on the Agenda
Debbie Farren

  • That the correspondence from Debbie, regarding the Transfer of a Dock License Agreement, be received.

Correspondence Regarding the Transfer of a Dock License Agreement
Relating to Item 9.3.8 on the Agenda
Pat O'Donaghue
Flo O'Donaghue

  • That the correspondence from Pat O'Donaghue and Flo O'Donaghue, regarding the Transfer of a Dock License Agreement, be received.

  • That recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Meeting of April 4, 2023, included in Section 9.2 of the Agenda, be adopted.


  • That the presentation by Aaron Sloan, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing, and Samantha White, of Granicas, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Afe Helleman, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Don Wood, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Darl Crick, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Ross Fogwell, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Suzanne Alden, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Tharanga Roshan Haggalla, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Greg Wood, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Rahana Khan, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Cheryl Redfern and Charles Carter, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Helene Lowry and Sandra Poytress, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Anna Turek, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of John Cork, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Michael McGann and Dave Haylock, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the deputation of Calvin Pereira, regarding Parking Concerns on Melbourne Street East, Lindsay, be received.


  • That the deputation of Anne Yorke, regarding the Juniper Street Property Update, be received.


  • That the correspondence from Priyanthan Gopalalpillai, Young-Shin Lee, Barbara Peel, Meghan Power, J. Neil Gonsalves, Josh Wood and James Slack, regarding Short Term Rentals, be received.


  • That the correspondence from Shirley McCormick, regarding the Electric Vehicle Fleet Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes, be received.


  • That the presentation by Jenn Johnson, Manager of Parks and Recreation, and Claire Basinski, of CIMA+, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Lindsey Kronister, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Judy Steed, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of John Speirs, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Ted McKeigan, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Craig Curtis, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Nancy LEstrange and Ruth Pillsworth, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Shirley Hackett, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of William Steffler, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Ron Hallman, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Isabella Lowell and Lucas Lowell, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Greg Arkwright, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Pat Dunn, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Rodney Braun, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Liz Phillips and Murray Moore, of the Kawartha Lakes Snowmobile Club, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Rob Jardine, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the deputation of Marylee Boston, Manager, Fenelon Falls and District Chamber of Commerce, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That the correspondence from Andrew Staneland, Chair of the Somerville Tract Forest and Trails Advisory Committee, Rob Jardine, and Peter Brendle, regarding the Trails Master Plan Update, be received.


  • That Report PR2023-002, Trails Master Plan 2023, be received;

    That the Trails Master Plan Update - Final Report attached as Appendix A to Report PR2023-002, as amended to exclude the restriction of motorized traffic on the Victoria Rail Trail from Garnet Graham Park to Northline Road during the summer season, be endorsed;

    That staff incorporate the guidelines and standards identified in the Trails Master Plan - Final Report, Section 2.2 – Design, when designing and installing signage along the Victoria Rail Trail (approved 2023 Special Project);

    That staff identify increases in staffing needs, as outlined in the Trails Master Plan - Final Report, Section 3 – Implementation and Management, through future operating budgets; and

    That identified capital and operating needs be incorporated into the Long-term Financial Plan 2022-2031.


  • That Report RS2023-027, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance adjacent to 62 Ridout Street, Lindsay, be received;

    That, notwithstanding Section 8.01 of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, the subject property, being a portion of road allowance adjacent to 62 Ridout Street, Lindsay and legally described as Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 6, AKA Kent Street between Lindsay Street and Scugog River, in the Geographic Town of Lindsay, City of Kawartha Lakes, being Part of PIN: 63229-0243 (LT), be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of road allowance and sale to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the higher of the appraised value or the minimum set price of $20.00 per linear foot of road allowance adjacent to a river;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if required; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.


  • That Report RS2023-028, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Road Allowance adjacent to 1459 Mount Horeb Road, Omemee, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of road allowance adjacent to 1459 Mount Horeb Road, Omemee and legally described as Part of the Southwest Quarter of Lot 2, Concession 4, being Part 5 on Highway Plan 864H, in the Geographic Township of Emily, City of Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63255-0122 (LT), be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of road allowance and sale to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the higher of the appraised value or the minimum set price of $15.00 per linear foot of interior road allowance;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if required; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.


  • That Report RS2023-029, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Portion of Shoreline Road Allowance adjacent to 912 Monck Road, Sebright, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of shoreline road allowance adjacent to 912 Monck Road, Sebright and legally described as Part of the Original Shore Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 13, Concession 3 Along the Northerly Bank of Head River, in the Geographic Township of Dalton, City of Kawartha Lakes, be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of shoreline road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of shoreline road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the higher of the appraised value or the minimum set price of $20.00 per linear foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a river;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of shoreline road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if appropriate; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.


  • That Report RS2023-030, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Portion of Shoreline Road Allowance adjacent to 44 McLeish Drive, Sebright, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of shoreline road allowance adjacent to 44 McLeish Drive, Sebright and legally described as Part of the Original Shore Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 31, Concession 3 Along Young Lake, in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of shoreline road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the higher of the appraised value or the minimum set price of $23.00 per linear foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a lake;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of shoreline road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if appropriate; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.


  • That Report RS2023-031, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Portion of Shoreline Road Allowance adjacent to 12 Goldrock Road, Coboconk, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of shoreline road allowance adjacent to 12 Goldrock Road, Coboconk and legally described as Part of the Original Shore Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 2, Concession 11 Along Shadow Lake, in the Geographic Township of Laxton, City of Kawartha Lakes, be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of shoreline road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the higher of the appraised value or the minimum set price of $23.00 per linear foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a lake;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of shoreline road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if appropriate; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.


  • That Report PR2023-003, Juniper Street Property Update, be received for information only.


  • That Report ED2023-014, Proposed Heritage Designation of 34 Lindsay Street South, Town of Lindsay, be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 34 Lindsay Street South under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed;

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of a Notice of Intention to Designate, and preparation of the designating by-law; and

    That a designating by-law be brought forward to Council at the next Regular Council Meeting following the end of the notice period.


  • That Report ED2023-015, Proposed Heritage Designation of 272 Lake Dalrymple Road, Geographic Township of Carden, be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 272 Lake Dalrymple Road under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed;

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of a Notice of Intention to Designate, and preparation of the designating by-law; and

    That a designating by-law be brought forward to Council at the next Regular Council Meeting following the end of the notice period.


  • That Report ENG2023-009, Request for Traffic Calming – Cameron Road (KL Road 34), be received;

    That an electronic, solar speed sign be purchased and erected on Cameron Road approaching Fenelon Township Public School;

    That an electronic, solar speed sign be purchased and erected on Nappadale Street approaching Woodville Elementary School; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this decision.


  • That Report ENG2023-010, Request for Speed Reduction – Pigeon Lake Road (KL Road 17), Lindsay, be received;

    That the speed limit of Pigeon Lake Road (KL Road 17) from Verulam Road (KL Road 36) to a point 50m east of Weldon Road be reduced to 50 km/hr;

    That the necessary By-law for the above recommendations be forwarded to Council for adoption; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this decision.


  • That Report MAYOR2023-001, Council Expense Policy and Council Computer Systems Policy Amendments, be received; and

    That the policies entitled Council Expense Policy and Council Computer Systems Policy attached as Appendix A and B respectively to Report MAYOR2023-001, be adopted and numbered for inclusion in the City’s Policy Manual, replacing all predecessor versions.


  • That Report WM2023-005, Bulky Plastics Recycling Program, be received; and

    That Council approves a permanent Bulky Plastics Recycling Program at the Lindsay Ops landfill, with a proposed increase to the existing program budget to $35,000.00 in 2024.

Please Note: The recommendations listed within Section 9.3 may be subject to change as they will be considered during the continuation of the April 4th Committee of the Whole Meeting which is to be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

  • That Report ML2023-001, Short Term Rentals – Regulation Options, be received;

    That Option 2 be approved, and that staff be authorized to proceed with Soft Start Short Term Rental licensing program implementation;

    That the draft Short Term Rental Licensing By-Law 2023-xx, as attached in Appendix H, be brought forward to Council for approval;

    That Council direct Staff to bring forward an amendment to the Fees By-Law Schedule A-13, Short Term Rentals establishing an Annual License Fees;

    That Council authorize the Treasurer to establish a 2023 operating budget not to exceed $400,000.00, for the MLEL division to fund staffing, equipment and resources to fund the implementation of a Short Term Rental (STR) licensing program, to be funded from annual STR licensing fees;

    That Council authorize funding from the uncommitted portion of the Contingency Reserve for any deficit incurred in 2023 to an upset level of $300,000.00; and

    That Council authorize the creation of a Short Term Rental Reserve and any future operating surplus in the Short Term Rental (STR) licensing program be transferred to the Short Term Rental Reserve to be used to fund the program in future years.


  • That the presentation by Sara Groves, Account Manager, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), regarding the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) 101 Council Orientation Session, be received.

  • That Report CORP2023-005, 2023 Tax Policy Decisions, be received;

    That optional property classes for the 2023 tax year are not adopted;

    That the tax rate reduction for vacant and excess land in the commercial and industrial class be set as 30% and 35% respectively for 2023;

    That the tax rate reduction for First Class Undeveloped Farm Land be set at 45% for 2023; and

    That Council approve the 2023 tax ratios as outlined in Appendix A to report CORP2023-005.


  • That Report CORP2023-006, High Water Bill Relief – 205 St. George Street, Lindsay, be received; and

    That Council approve the recommendation of providing the maximum relief under the High Water Bill Adjustment Policy of $1,500.00, as a one-time exemption for the same property owners.


  • That Report ED2023-011, Amendments to the Heritage Applications Policy, be received;

    That Policy CP2021-040, entitled Heritage Applications Policy, be amended as outlined in Appendix A of this report;

    That By-law 2019-154, a By-law to Delegate Authority for the Alteration of Heritage Property, be amended to modify the definition of “demolition” and associated procedures, as outlined in Appendix C of this report;

    That By-law 2021-194, a By-law to Repeal and Replace By-law 2021-154, being a By-law to Prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Processing of Heritage Applications, be amended as outlined in Appendix D of this report; and

    That the necessary amending by-laws be brought forward to Council for adoption.

  • That Report ED2023-027, Cultural Centre Feasibility Study – Phase 2, be received;

    That Council authorizes staff to apply for federal funding to leverage the 2023 Phase 2 Cultural Centre Feasibility study budget; and

    That staff be authorized to increase the overall project budget with grant funding, and update the financing of the project in the event grant applications are successful.

  • That Report ENG2023-013, Mill Pond Bridge - Pedestrian Deck Update, be received; and

    That the original design for the Mill Pond Bridge pedestrian decking be adhered to.

  • That the Memorandum from Councillor Ashmore, regarding Cedar Glen Dock Transfer, be received; and

    That Realty Services staff be requested to add the transfer provision to Cedar Glen Dock leaseholders for all 800 number addresses.

  • That the Memorandum from Councillor Ashmore, regarding Reaboro Park Postal Boxes, be received; and

    That Canada Post be requested to work with City staff to coordinate the relocation of the temporary mail boxes from Osborne Street to the Reaboro Park entrance.

Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, April 5, 2023

  • That the Minutes of the April 5, 2023 Planning Advisory Committee Meeting be received and the recommendations, included in Section 10.3 of the Agenda, be adopted.


  • That Report PLAN2023-015, Subdivision Agreement for Hygge Towns, Lindsay and Condominium Description Exemption Application by Fernbrook Homes (Lindsay 2021) Ltd., be received;

    That the Subdivision Agreement for Hygge Towns, City of Kawartha Lakes, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2023-015 be approved by Council;

    That the Application for Condominium Description Exemption filed by GHD on behalf of Fernbrook Homes (Lindsay 2021) Ltd. for a 155 lot subdivision on Lindsay Street North and Alcorn Drive, respecting Part of Lot 3, Block X, Registered Plan No. 1 and Part of Lot 24, Concession 5, geographic Township of Ops, be approved by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this Agreement.


  • That the update from Richard Holy, Director of Development Services, regarding the Rural Zoning By-law Consolidation Project, be received.

  • That all of the proposed resolutions shown in Section 11.1 of the Agenda be approved and adopted by Council in the order that they appear on the agenda and sequentially numbered.



Rehabilitation of City of Kawartha Lakes Road 35 and Fish Hawk Road Bridges
Linda Lee, Buyer

  • That Report PUR2023-004, Rehabilitation of CKL Road 35 and Fish Hawk Road Bridges, be received;

    That Bob Hendricksen Construction Ltd., be awarded the Request for Quotation 2022-124-CQ Rehabilitation of CKL Road 35 and Fish Hawk Road Bridges for the amount of $2,880,179.53 not including HST;

    That Chisholm, Fleming and Associates be selected for the single source award for contract administration and inspection in the amount of $141,780.00;

    That the additional expenditure of $1,509,555.00 be funded from Debenture;

    That subject to receipt of the required documents the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That the Procurement Division be authorized to issue a purchase order.

Request for Quotation 2023-04-OQ Road Marking Services – Multi-Year Contract
Marielle van Engelen, Buyer

  • That Report PUR2023-008, Request for Quotation 2023-04-OQ Road Marking Services – Multi-Year Contract, be received;

    That Stoneline Ltd., be awarded RFQ 2023-04-OQ Road Marking Services – Multi-Year for the estimated cost of $149,740.00 (not including HST) for the initial term;

    That Council authorize the option to renew the contract, after the initial term, for an additional four (4) one (1) year terms, based upon successful completion of the initial term and each subsequent renewals, annual budget approval, Consumer Price Index increase of not more than 3% and mutual agreement;

    That subject to receipt of the required documents, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That the Procurement Division be authorized to issue a purchase order.

Request for Quotation 2023-22-OQ Street Sweeping Services – Multi Year Contact
Marielle van Engelen, Buyer
Benjamin Van Der Werff, Engineering Technician 

  • That Report PUR2023-009, Request for Quotation 2023-22-OQ Street Sweeping Services – Multi Year Contact, be received;

    That Cardan Road Cleaners Inc. be awarded Request for Quotation 2023-22-OQ Street Sweeping Services – Multi Year Contact for an initial one (1) year term at the estimated annual spend of $203,000.00 plus HST;

    That Council authorize the option to renew the contract, after the initial term for an additional four (4) one (1) year terms, pending successful completion of the initial term and each subsequent renewal, budget approval, Consumer Price Index All Items excluding Energy – Ontario increase and mutual agreement;

    That subject to the receipt of the required documents the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That the Procurement Division be authorized to issue a purchase order.

Request for Quotation 2023-41-OQ Chipping and Grinding of Leaf and Yard Waste at Various Landfills
Marielle van Engelen, Buyer
Deyonte Levene, Waste Technician II

  • That Report PUR2023-011, Request for Quotation 2023-41-OQ Chipping and Grinding of Leaf and Yard Waste at Various Landfills, be received;

    That Summers Logging & Tree Service Ltd. (Doing business as (dba) Killaloe Wood Products) be awarded Request for Quotation 2023-41-OQ Chipping and Grinding of Leaf and Yard Waste at Various Landfills for an estimated cost of $76,290.20 plus HST for the first year of the initial term;

    That Council authorize the option to renew the contract, after the initial term (May 11, 2023 to May 10, 2025) for an additional two (2) one (1) year terms, based on successful completion of the initial term and each subsequent renewal, annual budget approval, an annual Consumer Price Index increase of not more than three percent (3%) and mutual agreement;

    That subject to the receipt of the required documents the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That Department be authorized to issue a purchase order.

Multi Year Procurement for the Supply and Delivery of Fire Rescue Pumper and Tanker Trucks
Marielle van Engelen, Buyer

  • That Report PUR2023-012, Multi Year Procurement for the Supply and Delivery of Fire Rescue Pumper and Tanker Trucks, be received;

    That Request for Proposal 2023-02-CP Supply and Delivery of New Fire Rescue Pumper Trucks –Multi Year Contract be awarded to Camions Carl Thibault inc.;

    That Request for Proposal 2023-03-CP Supply and Delivery of New Fire Rescue Tanker Trucks –Multi Year Contract be awarded to Camions Carl Thibault inc.;

    That Council authorize the option to renew each of the contracts after the initial term for four (4) additional one (1) year periods, based upon annual Council budget approval, mutual agreement of the pricing and successful completion of the initial term and each term thereafter;

    That the total deficit for these projects be funded by the Fire portion of the Fleet Reserve (1.32070) in the amount of $781,530.00 and the remaining $733,732.00 be funded by the Development Charge Reserve – Fire (3.24140), as outlined in Table-1 in report PUR2023-012 Multi-Year Procurement for Supply and Delivery of Fire Rescue Pumpers and Tankers;

    That subject to receipt of the required document, that the Mayor and clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That the Department be authorized to issue a purchase order.

2023-34-OQ Supply of Regulatory, Warning and Temporary Condition Signs and Hardware
Kristy Wilson, Junior Buyer
Benjamin Van Der Werff, Engineering Technician

  • That Report PUR2023-013, 2023-34-OQ Supply of Regulatory, Warning and Temporary Condition Signs and Hardware, be received;

    That Stinson Equipment Limited O/A Stinson Owl-Lite be selected for the award of 2023-34-OQ for the annual estimated quoted price of $75,595.00 plus HST for the first year of the contract;

    That Council authorize the option to renew the contract after the initial term (May 23, 2023 to May 22, 2024) for an additional four (4) additional, one (1) year terms, based on successful completion of the initial term and each subsequent renewal, annual budget approval, and an annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase of not more than three percent (3%) and mutual agreement;

    That subject to receipt of the required documents, the Major and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement to award this quotation; and

    That the Department be authorized to issue purchase orders as applicable.

2023-26-CQ Renovations to the Janetville Community Centre
Ashley Wykes, Buyer

  • That Report PUR2023-014, 2023-26-CQ Renovations to the Janetville Community Centre, be received;

    That Jeffrey G. Wallans Construction Ltd., being the lowest compliant submission be awarded Request for Quotation 2023-26-CQ Renovations to the Janetville Community Centre for the amount of $294,800.00 not including HST;

    That the additional funding required of $124,463.00 be funded from the Capital Contingency Reserve (1.32248); and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement.

2023-01-CQ Demolition and Reconstruction of Memorial Park Washroom
Ashley Wykes, Buyer

  • That Report PUR2023-015, 2023-01-CQ Demolition and Reconstruction of Memorial Park Washroom, be received;

    That Jeffrey G. Wallans Construction Ltd., being the lowest compliant submission be awarded Request for Quotation 2023-01-CQ Demolition and Reconstruction of Memorial Park Washroom for the amount of $611,999.98 not including HST;

    That the additional funding required of $224,832.00 be funded from the Capital Contingency Reserve (1.32248); and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement.

Single Source for the Design and Tendering for Omemee Wastewater Facility Upgrades
Linda Lee, Buyer
Nafiur Rahman, Supervisor, Environmental Capital Project Management

  • That Report PUR2023-016, Single Source for the Design and Tendering for Omemee Wastewater Facility Upgrades, be received;

    That The Greer Galloway Group be awarded the single source for the design and tendering for the Omemee Wastewater Facility Upgrades for the amount of $155,628.00, not including HST;

    That subject to receipt of the required documents, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement to award the contract; and

    That the Procurement Division be authorized to issue a purchase order.

Pinewood Water Treatment Plant Upgrades
Linda Lee, Buyer
Nafiur Rahman, Supervisor, Environmental Capital Project Management

  • That Report PUR2023-017, Pinewood Water Treatment Plant Upgrades, be received;

    That Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) be awarded the Pinewood Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Upgrades for the amount of $279,417.00;

    That Council authorize the additional project funding in the amount of $150,346.00 to come from the Sewer Infrastructure Renewal Reserve (1.32030);

    That subject to receipt of the required documents, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement to award the contract; and

    That the Department be authorized to issue a purchase order.

50/50 Community Project Capital Fund
Shelley Cooper, Community Partnership and Programs Supervisor

  • That Report PR2023-004, 50/50 Community Project Capital Fund, be received for information.

Community Partnership and Development Fund
Shelley Cooper, Community Partnership and Programs Supervisor

  • That Report PR2023-005, Community Partnership and Development Fund, be received for information only.

Supporting Collaboration on Energy from Waste
David Kerr, Manager, Environmental Services

  • That Report WM2023-007, Supporting Collaboration on Energy from Waste, be received; and

    That a letter of support be sent to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks from the Mayor indicating support for a multi-municipal Energy from Waste Collaboration.

Muskoka D & M Corporation - Condominium Exemption - West Street North, Fenelon Falls
Richard Holy, Director of Development Services

  • That Report PLAN2023-017, Condominium Description Exemption Request by Muskoka D&M Corporation, Application D04-2023-002, be received;

    That the Application for Condominium Description Exemption filed by Muskoka D&M Corporation for a townhouse and apartment development consisting of 86 dwelling units on 19 and 39 West Street North, respecting Firstly: Lots 53 & 54, Plan 190, save and except Part 2 of Plan 57R-10954; Secondly: Part of Lot 23, Concession 9, Fenelon, Parts 1 & 2 of Plan 57R-2352 and Parts 1 & 2 of Plan 57R-8353, save and except Part 1 of Plan 57R-10954; Thirdly: Part of Third Street Plan 190, Part 3 of Plan 57R-8353, (Closed by R380930), save and except Parts 1 & 2 of Plan 57R-10941, geographic Township of Fenelon, be approved by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.

Removal of Holding for Lindsay 2017 Developments Inc., Lindsay
Richard Holy, Director of Development Services

  • That Report PLAN2023-020, Removal of Holding for Lindsay 2017 Developments Inc., Lindsay, be received;

    That the proposed zoning by-law amendment, substantially in the form attached as Appendix ‘C’ to Report PLAN2023-020, be adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents required by the approval of this application.

Supply and Delivery of CPR Assist Devices
Stephen Lucas, Deputy Chief of Operations

  • That Report EMS2023-002, Supply and Delivery of CPR Assist Devices, be received;

    That Stryker Canada be awarded the Supply and Delivery of Lucas CPR Assist Devices for the total quoted amount of $214,783.13 plus HST; and

    That the Paramedic Service Division be authorized to issue a purchase order.


  • That the By-Laws shown in Section 14.1 of the Agenda, namely: Items 14.1.1 to and including 14.1.26 be read a first, second and third time, passed, numbered, signed and the corporate seal attached.

By-Law to Stop up, Close and Sell Part of the Road Allowance Between Lot 5 and Lot 6, Concession 2, in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, Designated as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 57R-10999 (122 Miller Road, Brechin)

By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of Aylmer Drive on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, described as Part 9 on 57R-10979 (Part of PIN: 63126-0484 (LT)), and to Authorize the Sale of the Land to the Abutting Owner (6 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered for Lands Within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Not to Be a Registered Plan of Subdivision in Accordance with the Planning Act, Described as Lot 23 on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63126-0528 (LT) (6 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of Aylmer Drive on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, described as Part 7 on 57R-10979 (Part of PIN: 63126-0484 (LT)), and to Authorize the Sale of the Land to the Abutting Owner (10 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered for Lands Within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Not to Be a Registered Plan of Subdivision in Accordance with the Planning Act, Described as Lot 21 on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63126-0526 (LT) (10 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of Aylmer Drive on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, described as Part 6 on 57R-10979 (Part of PIN: 63126-0484 (LT)), and to Authorize the Sale of the Land to the Abutting Owner (14 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered for Lands Within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Not to Be a Registered Plan of Subdivision in Accordance with the Planning Act, Described as Lot 20 on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63126-0525 (LT) (14 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of Aylmer Drive on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, described as Part 5 on 57R-10979 (Part of PIN: 63126-0484 (LT)), and to Authorize the Sale of the Land to the Abutting Owner (16 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered for Lands Within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Not to Be a Registered Plan of Subdivision in Accordance with the Planning Act, Described as Lot 19 on Plan 373, in the Geographic Township of Verulam, City of Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63126-0524 (LT) (16 Aylmer Drive, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of Aylmer Drive on Part of the Original Shore Road Allowance Along Lake Dalrymple Lying in Front of Lot 72 on Registered Plan No. 150, in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, designated as Parts 1, 2, and 3 on Plan 57R-10987, and to Authorize the Sale of the Land to the Abutting Owner (243 Avery Point Road, Sebright)

By-Law to Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered for Lands Within the City of Kawartha Lakes, Not to Be a Registered Plan of Subdivision in Accordance with the Planning Act, Described as Lot 72 on Plan 150, in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, being PIN: 63108-0364 (LT) (243 Avery Point Road, Sebright)

By-Law to Authorize the Sale of Munically Owned Property Legally Described as Part of the Northwest 1/4 of Lot 13, Concession 6, in the Geographic Township of Emily, City of Kawartha Lakes, described as Part 3 on Plan 57R-1596, being PIN: 63252-0247 (R) to the Abutting Owner (8 Mitchell Drive, Omemee)

By-Law to Repeal and Replace By-Law 2022-082 and By-Law 2022-109, Designating 1590 Elm Tree Road, Geographic Township of Ops in the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Amend By-Law 2019-154, being a By-Law to Delegate Authority for the Alteration of Heritage Property in the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Amend By-Law 2021-194, being a By-Law to Repeal and Replace By-Law 2021-154, being A By-Law to Prescribe a Tariff of Fees for the Processing of Heritage Applications in the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Amend By-Law 2005-328 being A By-Law to Establish Speed Limits (Pigeon Lake Road 17)

By-Law to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-Law No. 2000-75 to Remove The Holding Symbol (H) From A Zone Category On Property Within The City of Kawartha Lakes (Lindsay 2017 Developments Inc.)

By-Law to Appoint a Building Inspector and Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the City of Kawartha Lakes (Small, Charlene)

By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for Limited By-law Enforcement Purposes (Chapman, Don)

By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for Limited By-law Enforcement Purposes (Kerr, Scott)

By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for Limited By-law Enforcement Purposes (Mellor, David)

By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for Limited By-law Enforcement Purposes (Arkwright, Greg)

By-Law to Amend By-Law 2021-162, being a By-Law to Regulate Water and Wastewater Services in the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Provide 2023 Tax Relief To Certain City of Kawartha Lakes Property Owners Who Are Low Income Elderly Persons, Low Income Persons Between The Ages Of 55 And 64, Low Income Disabled Persons Or Ontario Disability Support Program Recipients

By-Law to Provide 2023 Water Rate Relief To Certain City of Kawartha Lakes Property Owners Who Are Low Income Elderly Persons, Low Income Persons Between The Ages Of 55 And 64, Low Income Disabled Persons Or Ontario Disability Support Program Recipients

By-Law to License, Regulate and Govern Short-Term Rental Accommodation in the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Provide for Drainage Works in The City of Kawartha Lakes, to be Known as The Desroches Municipal Drain By-Law

  • That a By-Law to Provide for Drainage Works in The City of Kawartha Lakes, to be Known as The Desroches Municipal Drain By-Law, be read a first and second time.

  • That the Closed Session agenda be adopted as circulated.

  • That Council convene into closed session at ___ p.m. pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001 s.25, in order to consider matters identified in Section __ of the Regular Council Meeting Agenda of Tuesday, April 18, 2023, namely Items 16.3.1 to and including 16.3.3.

Confidential Closed Session Minutes, Regular Council Meeting of March 21, 2023



2023 Accessibility Awareness Recognition Awards
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(b) Personal Matters About Identifiable Individuals
Christine Briggs, IDEA Partner

FLATO Lindsay Community Inc. Ministerial Zoning Order Amendment - Verbal Report
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(f) Advice that is Subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege
Ron Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer
Robyn Carlson, City Solicitor
Richard Holy, Director of Development Services
Leah Barrie, Manager of Planning

By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting of April 18, 2023

  • That a by-law to confirm the proceedings of a Regular Council Meeting held Tuesday, April 18, 2023 be read a first, second and third time, passed, numbered, signed and the corporate seal attached.

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