That Report ML2023-003, Short Term Rental – Licensing Program Implementation, be received;
That the draft Short Term Rental Accommodation Business Licensing By-Law, as attached in Appendix C, be brought forward to Council for approval with the following amendments:
- That Child/Children be defined as individuals aged fifteen (15) years and under;
- That Section 2.011 be amended to confirm that no person or licensee shall permit an unhosted Short Term Rental Accommodation to any person under the age of twenty five (25) years.
- That Sections 2.02 (d) and (e) be deleted;
That Council direct Staff to bring forward an amendment to the Fees By-Law Schedule A-13, Short Term Rentals establishing an Annual License Fees as outlined in Table 2 of this Report;
That Council authorize the Treasurer to establish a 2023 operating budget not to exceed $400,000.00, for the Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Division to fund staffing, equipment and resources to fund the implementation of a Short Term Rental (STR) Licensing Program, to be funded from annual Short Term Rental Licensing Fees;
That Council authorize funding from the uncommitted portion of the Contingency Reserve for any deficit incurred in 2023 to an upset level of $300,000.00;
That Council authorize the creation of a Short Term Rental Reserve and any future operating surplus in the Short Term Rental (STR) Licensing Program launch be transferred to the Short Term Rental Reserve to be used to fund the program in future years;
That Council direct staff to bring an update report to Council Q1 of 2024, reporting on the overall Short Term Rental Accommodation Business Licensing Program along with any recommendation, as needed to amend the Short Term Rental Accommodation Business Licensing By-law; and
That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.