That Report MAYOR2024-001, Council Member Appointments, be received;
That the following councillor appointments be approved and continue until the end of the current term of Council, being November 14, 2026:
Board, Committee, or Task Force - New Member Appointments
Kawartha Lakes Municipal Heritage Committee - Councillor Richardson
Planning Advisory Committee - Councillor Ashmore
Victoria Manor Committee of Management - Councillor Ashmore
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit Board - Councillor Joyce
Kawartha Lakes Police Service Board - Councillor McDonald
OPP Board - Councillor Perry
That the Terms of Reference for the Victoria Manor Committee be amended to increase the composition to four (4) members of Council; and
That the Terms of Reference for the Planning Advisory Committee be amended to increase the membership to 9 members, being four (4) Members of Council and five (5) Members of the Public with one (1) appointed alternate Member of Council;
That the following appointments, scheduled to end in 2024, be approved and continue until the end of the current term of Council, being November 14, 2026, and:
Committee of Adjustment - Councillor Yeo
Fenelon Cemetery Board - Councillor Perry
That any necessary By-Laws to facilitate the new or continuing appointments be brought forward for adoption.