The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes

Amended Agenda

Committee of the Whole Meeting

Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Deputy Mayor Charlie McDonald
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Dan Joyce
  • Councillor Mike Perry
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Eric Smeaton
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo

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Dock Spaces within Dunsford
Doug Hellawell

  • That the deputation of Doug Hellawell, regarding Dock Spaces in Dunsford, be received; and

    That this recommendation be forwarded to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Request for an Entrance Permit
Frank Arnold
Anke Arnold

  • That the deputation of Frank Arnold and Anke Arnold, regarding a Request for an Entrance Permit, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Request to Purchase the Portion of Road Allowance along the South and West Sides of 7 Thomas Street, Pontypool
James Cochrane
Amanda Wilson

  • That the deputation of James Cochrane and Amanda Wilson, regarding a Request to Purchase the Portion of Road Allowance along the South and West Sides of 7 Thomas Street, Pontypool, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Energy Security
Gene Balfour

  • That the deputation of Gene Balfour, regarding Energy Security, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Concerns Relating to Foreign Interference with Municipal Government
Joan Abernethy

  • That the deputation of Joan Abernethy, regarding Foreign Interference with Municipal Government, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Snow Removal
Sherry McKelvey

  • That the deputation of Sherry McKelvey, regarding Snow Removal, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Energy Security
(relating to Item 4.4 on the Agenda)
Gene Balfour

  • That the correspondence from Gene Balfour, regarding Energy Security, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Update on the Status of the Low Volume Gravel Roads Program Presentation
Michael Farquhar, Manager of Technical Services ECA

Update on the Status of the Low Volume Gravel Roads Program
Michael Farquhar, Manager of Technical Services ECA

  • That Report ENG2024-001, Update on the Status of the Low Volume Gravel Roads Program, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

  • That all of the proposed recommendations shown in Section 7.1 of the Agenda be approved by the Committee of the Whole in the order that they appear on the agenda, sequentially numbered and forwarded to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.



Customer Experience Strategy
Steve Babcock, Manager, Customer Service

  • That Report CS2024-001, Customer Experience Strategy, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Release of Fenelon Falls C.H.E.S.T. Funds
Leann Donnelly, Executive Assistant, Community Services

  • That Report CS2024-002, Release of Fenelon Falls Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Funds, be received;

    That the Fenelon Falls Turkey Trot be approved for funding in the amount of $6,000.00 with the allocation to come from the Fenelon Falls Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Reserve (3.24350);

    That the Kawartha Lakes Community Co-operative on behalf of the Fenelon Arts Committee be approved for funding in the amount of $6,220.00 with the allocation to come from the Fenelon Falls Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Reserve (3.24350);

    That the Fenelon Falls Grannies be approved for funding in the amount of $1,000.00 with the allocation to come from the Fenelon Falls Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Reserve (3.24350); and,

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Proposed Heritage Designation of 479 Eldon Road, Geographic Township of Mariposa (Little Britain Public and Continuation School)
Emily Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning

  • That Report ED2024-003, Proposed Heritage Designation of 479 Eldon Road, Geographic Township of Mariposa (Little Britain Public and Continuation School), be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 479 Eldon Road under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed;

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of Notices of Intention to Designate, and preparation of the designating by-laws; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Proposed Heritage Designation of 13-17 King Street East, Village of Omemee (Grandy Block)
Emily Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning

  • That Report ED2024-005, Proposed Heritage Designation of 31-37 King Street East, Village of Omemee (Ivory and Williamson Block), be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 31-37 King Street East under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed;

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of Notices of Intention to Designate, and preparation of the designating by-laws; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Proposed Heritage Designation of 31-37 King Street East, Village of Omemee (Ivory and Williamson Block)
Emily Turner, Economic Development Officer - Heritage Planning

  • That Report ED2024-005, Proposed Heritage Designation of 31-37 King Street East, Village of Omemee (Ivory and Williamson Block), be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 31-37 King Street East under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed;

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of Notices of Intention to Designate, and preparation of the designating by-laws; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

Backyard Chicken Coops Pilot Project
Aaron Sloan, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing

  • That Report ML2024-001, Backyard Chicken Coops Pilot Project, be received;

    That Section 3.00 of By-Law 2021-072, being a By-Law to Regulate Animals in the City of Kawartha Lakes, be amended, as outlined within Appendix C to Report ML2024-001;

    That By-Law 2018-234, being the Consolidated Fees By-Law, be amended to remove the licensing fee for coop registration and inspection;

    That the necessary By-Laws be brought forward to Council for consideration; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.