The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Committee of the Whole Meeting

Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Deputy Mayor Charlie McDonald
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Dan Joyce
  • Councillor Mike Perry
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Eric Smeaton
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Mayor Elmslie called the Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Deputy Mayor C. McDonald and Councillors R. Ashmore, D. Joyce, M. Perry and T. Richardson were in attendance in Council Chambers.

Councillor P. Warren and E. Yeo were in attendance electronically.

Councillor E. Smeaton was absent.

CAO R. Taylor, City Clerk C. Ritchie, Deputy Clerk S. O'Connell, Directors L. Barrie, J. Johnson, B. Robinson, J. Rojas, Fire Chief T. Jones, Paramedic Chief S. Johnston, Deputy Paramedic Chief S. Lucas, Deputy Paramedic Chief J. Golden, Manager of Building and Property J. Smith and Traffic Management Supervisor J. Kelly were also in attendance in Council Chambers.

City Solicitor R. Carlson, Director C. Faber, Manager of Economic Development R. Mustard, Manager of Corporate Assets Dr. A. Found and Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing A. Sloan were in attendance electronically.

Mayor Elmslie provided words in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness which is an annual October campaign promoting disability inclusion in business and the workplace.

  • CW2024-170
    Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the Agenda for the Committee of the Whole of Tuesday, October 8, 2024, be adopted as circulated and with the following amendments:


    Item 4.3 being a deputation by Keith Aubrey regarding water infrastructure on Bruce Street and Doble Drive, Oakwood

    Item 4.4 being a deputation by Glenda Morris regarding Sidewalk Safety within Lindsay

    Item 4.5 being a deputation by Eric Belchamber regarding a Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application for 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

Maintenance Issues within the Village of Omemee
John Bianco

John Bianco reviewed maintenance concerns within the Village Omemee.  He highlighted a concerns relating to sidewalk repair, outstanding bridge work, exterior light installation, the state of hydro poles within the Village and his desire to see outstanding projects completed. He also encouraged Council to pursue the improvement of the Omemee Beach Park.  He outlined that he would like to see additional investment within the Village of Omemee.

  • CW2024-171
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ashmore

    That the deputation of John Bianco, regarding Maintenance Issues within the Village of Omemee, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application - 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers
relating to Item 7.1.2 on the Agenda
Rodger Cooke

Rodger Cooke outlined his objection to the telecommunication tower that is proposed at 498 Golf Course Road. He outlined that his concerns relate to the proximity of the proposed tower to his property (being approximately 720m), the fact that the tower will be visible from his property and whether or not the tower would have a negative affect on his property.

  • CW2024-172
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the deputation of Rodger Cooke, regarding a Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application - 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Water Infrastructure on Bruce Street and Doble Drive, Oakwood
Keith Aubrey

Keith Aubrey provided an overview of the issues that he has encountered relating to the water infrastructure on Bruce Street and Doble Drive in Oakwood.  He noted that the area has experienced numerous water leaks and each incident causes a disruption in water service because the water needs to be turned off during each repair.  The frequent repairs is an inconvenience to area landowners and the repairs also interfere with the condition of the road because the infrastructure is underground and each repair includes excavation. He asked Council to budget accordingly and plan replace the water infrastructure on Bruce Street and Doble Drive. He also encouraged Council to enhance communication with residents in the area when there is a service disruption due to water line repairs.

  • CW2024-173
    Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the deputation of Keith Aubrey, regarding Water Infrastructure on Bruce Street and Doble Drive, Oakwood, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Sidewalk Safety within Lindsay
Glenda Morris

Glenda Morris provided an overview of her public safety concern relating to sidewalk use in Lindsay. She outlined that there has been a dramatic increase in cycling on sidewalks in Lindsay and that increase has created a safety concern for pedestrians. She noted that she has witnessed collisions and near misses involving pedestrians and cyclists. She encouraged Council to consider directing staff to develop a by-law for Lindsay to clarify the regulations on sidewalk usage, to consult with stakeholders on the development of said by-law and to initiate an education program on sidewalk usage. She recommended that the education program focus on education rather than enforcement and also recommended that the education program reinforce the importance of active transportation.

  • CW2024-174
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That the deputation of Glenda Morris, regarding Sidewalk Safety within Lindsay, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application - 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers
relating to Item 7.1.2 on the Agenda
Eric Belchamber

Eric Belchamber spoke to the telecommunications tower that is proposed at 498 Golf Course Road. He noted that proposed tower is part of the Eastern Ontario Regional Network ("EORN") Cell Gap Project and the proposed tower is a vital component of the greater cell network. He outlined that the proposed tower will help to fill an under served portion of the community.  He acknowledged the concerns that had been expressed by Rodger Cooke and provided an overview of the notification process that was followed with neighbouring landowners. He also noted that there will be a significant buffer between the proposed tower and the adjacent properties and all of the safety requirements will be fulfilled.

  • CW2024-175
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the deputation of Eric Belchamber, regarding the Telecommunication Facility Concurrence Application - 498 Golf Course Road, Geographic Township of Manvers, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update Presentation
Sara Johnston, Chief, Paramedic Services
James Smith, Manager of Building and Property
Ryan Stitt, Salter Pilon Architecture
Brandon Bortoluzzi, Salter Pilon Architecture

Sara Johnston, Chief of Paramedic Services and James Smith, Manager of Building and Property, provided a status update and a design and construction overview for the Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre. They outlined that Paramedic Services does not currently have a central headquarters facility; they are using existing municipal facilities that have been repurposed for use by Paramedic Services. As a result, the existing spaces have a lack of infrastructure, limited space and poor layouts. The Paramedic Service Master Plan identified the need for a purpose built facility for Paramedic Services as they work to meet the increased demand on services that will be experienced as our population grows. They outlined that the optimal location for the Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre is 230 Angeline Street South in Lindsay, which is part of a larger property owned by the Trillium Lakelands District Schoolboard ("TLDSB").  They noted that a land lease agreement has been negotiated with TLDSB.  Ryan Stitt and Brandon Bartoluzzi, of Salter Pilon Architecture, provided an overview of the proposed schematics for the Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre. The overview included a summary of the layout for the facility and an outline of the proposed costs that will be involved.

  • CW2024-176
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That the presentation by Sara Johnston, Chief, Paramedic Services, James Smith, Manager of Building and Property, Ryan Stitt, of Salter Pilot Architecture and Brandon Bartoluzzi, of Salter Pilon Architecture, regarding the Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update
James Smith, Manager of Building and Property

  • CW2024-177
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That Report BP2024-003, Paramedic Headquarters and Fleet Centre Update, be received;

    That the Lease Agreement between Trillium Lakelands District School Board and the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes as generally outlined in Appendix A to Report BP2024-003, be approved;

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Automated Speed Enforcement Presentation
Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor

Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor, provided an update on the City’s review of automated speed enforcement. He outlined how traffic calming measures are currently used to compliment the City’s 40km speed limit program. He noted that automated speed enforcement (also known as photo radar) has been considered in the past but, at the time, it was determined to be overly burdensome from an administrative perspective.  He reviewed the Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMP) System and how it can be used for speed enforcement. The AMP system involves the automatic issue of a speeding ticket when an offending vehicle travels through an automated speed enforcement area. A third party vendor would automatically send a ticket to the owner of the offending vehicle. Additional review would be required by Staff to determine the costs that would be involved with the implementation of an AMP system for automated speed enforcement.

  • CW2024-178
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the presentation by Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor, regarding Automated Speed Enforcement, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Automated Speed Enforcement Update
Joseph Kelly, Traffic Management Supervisor

  • CW2024-179
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That Report ENG2024-022, Automated Speed Enforcement Update, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Mandatory Connection By-Law Review (By-Law 2014-255)
Linda Liotti, Manager of Revenue and Taxation

There was no formal presentation on the Mandatory Connection By-Law Review (By-Law 2014-255).

Mandatory Connection By-Law Review (By-Law 2014-255)
Linda Liotti, Manager, Revenue and Taxation

  • CW2024-180
    Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ashmore

    That Report CORP2024-022, Mandatory Connection By-Law Review, be received;

    That Council approve the amendments to By-Law 2014-255, A By-Law To Require Owners of Buildings To Connect Such Buildings To Drinking Water Systems and/or Wastewater Collection Systems in The City of Kawartha Lakes, as specified in Appendix B; and

    That these recommendations be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next regular Council Meeting.

  • Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That all of the proposed recommendations shown in Section 7.1 of the Agenda, save and except for Item 7.1.1, be approved by the Committee of the Whole in the order that they appear on the Agenda, sequentially numbered and forwarded to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.




Provincial Planning Statement – Information Report
Mark Jull, Supervisor, Policy Planning

  • CW2024-183
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That Report PLAN2024-056, Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 – Information Report, be received; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.


Telecommunications Facility Concurrence Application – 498 Golf Course Road (Geographic Township of Manvers)
Nicolas Smith, Planner II

  • CW2024-181

    That Report PLAN2024-057, 498 Golf Course Road (Geographic Township of Manvers), be received;

    That the 90.0 metre telecommunication facility proposed at 498 Golf Course Road and generally outlined in the Appendices to Report PLAN2024-057, be supported by Council, conditional upon the applicant entering into a Telecommunication Facility Development Agreement with the City;

    That Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada, the applicant, and all interested parties be advised of Council’s decision; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents and agreements required by the concurrence of this application.


Rural Economic Development Funding Novation Agreement
Kimberly Callaghan, Economic Development Officer, Agriculture

  • CW2024-182

    That Report ED2024-040, Rural Economic Development Funding Novation Agreement, be received;

    That the Mayor and Clerk, following a review of the agreements to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, be authorized to execute the Novation Agreement with the Province of Ontario for the Growing Local Food Wholesale Market in the Kawartha Region project, attached as Appendix A; and

    That this recommendation be brought forward to Council for consideration at the next Regular Council Meeting.

  • CW2024-184
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourn at 4:06 p.m.
