The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Mike Barkwell
  • Patrick O'Reilly
  • Andrew Veale
  • Jason Willock
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Chairperson A. Veale called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Mayor D. Elmslie, Councillors T. Richardson and P. Warren, and Committee Members M. Barkwell, P. O'Reilly, and J. Willock were in attendance.

Deputy Clerk and Recording Secretary S. O'Connell, Director of Development Services L. Barrie and Supervisor of Development Engineering K. Timms were also in attendance.

The Chair opened the meeting and noted the members of the Planning Advisory Committee and staff present.

  • PAC2024-042
    Moved ByJ. Willock
    Seconded ByMayor Elmslie

    That the agenda for the Wednesday, July 10, 2024 Planning Advisory Committee Meeting be adopted as circulated.


Member M. Barkwell declared a pecuniary interest in relation to Item 3.2 as he has had previous financial dealings with the applicant.

The Chair stated that, as required under the Planning Act, a Public Meeting is being held prior to the next Regular Council making decisions on the following planning matters. The Chair requested staff to advise on the manner of giving notice for each of the proposed applications. He also asked staff to briefly describe the proposal and summarize the correspondence, if any, received to date, and further advised how the public could participate in the Public Meeting portions of the agenda.

Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 58 Shoreview Road and 55 Perdue Road, Lindsay - Perdue and Stookes
Lindsay Nooren, RPP, MCIP and Michael Hanifi, RPP, MCIP – Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Division

Mr. Hanifi summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to rezone the property as a condition of consent approval for a lot line adjustment under the File No. D03-2023-015. To fulfill a condition of consent approval, that being to restrict agricultural uses while retaining the existing residential use on the property, the applicant is proposing to amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law to rezone a portion of the ‘Subject Land’ from the ‘Agricultural’ (A1) Zone to the ‘Rural Residential Type One’ (RR1) Zone for the existing residential lot and ‘Environmental Protection’ (EP) Zone to protect the existing wetlands. The retained portion of the ‘Subject Land’ is approx. 38.87 hectares (post-adjustment) and will remain the ‘Agricultural’ (A1) Zone for agricultural uses. The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. They responded to questions from members of the Committee.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

No other persons spoke to the application.

  • PAC2024-043
    Moved ByP. O'Reilly
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That Report PLAN2024-045, Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 58 Shoreview Road and 55 Perdue Road, Lindsay - Perdue and Stookes, be received for information;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-010, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2024-045, Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 58 Shoreview Road and 55 Perdue Road, Lindsay - Perdue and Stookes, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Application to Amend the Township of Verulam Zoning By-law 6-87 at 75 St. Alban's Road, Bobcaygeon - Sia's Green Thumb Inc. c/o Patel
Lindsay Nooren, RPP, MCIP and Michael Hanifi, RPP, MCIP – Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Division

Member Barkwell exited Council Chambers at 1:10 p.m. due to his previously declared pecuniary interest.

Ms. Nooren confirmed that required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that as a condition of provisional consent approval, a Zoning By-law Amendment application was submitted to rezone the retained lot to prohibit future single detached dwellings on agricultural land. The existing lands contain a single detached dwelling, swimming pool and shed on approximately 41-hectare (102 acres) of farmland. The farm operation owner resides in another dwelling and owns additional non-abutting farmland, and the dwelling subject to this application is surplus to their use. Ms. Nooren noted that there are a small portion of Extractive Industrial (M2) Zone lands on the retained lot within the ‘Subject Land’ that were not captured in the staff report or Zoning By-law Amendment Schedule. These lands were presented and described on an updated Schedule to accompany the Zoning By-law Amendment. It was noted that they were not subject to the rezoning. The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Ms. Nooren summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. They responded to questions from members of the Committee.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

No other persons spoke to the application.

The Public Meeting concluded at 1:16 p.m.

Member Barkwell returned to Council Chambers at 1:16 p.m.

  • PAC2024-044
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByJ. Willock

    That Report PLAN2024-046, Application to Amend the Township of Verulam Zoning By-law 6-87 at 75 St. Alban's Road, Bobcaygeon - Sia's Green Thumb Inc. c/o Patel, be received for information;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-011, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2024-046, Application to Amend the Township of Verulam Zoning By-law 6-87 at 75 St. Alban's Road, Bobcaygeon - Sia's Green Thumb Inc. c/o Patel, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Application to Amend the Township of Somerville Zoning By-law 78-45 at 1101 Kawartha Lakes Road 49, Bobcaygeon - Bevand
Matt Alexander, Practice Lead, WSP Canada Inc., on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Division

​Mr. Alexander confirmed that a Public Meeting on this matter was held on April 10, 2024 in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to fulfill the conditions of provisional consent (D03-2017-026) which required that the proponent apply to rezone the lands to address the applicable provincially significant natural heritage and hazard features on site and implement the appropriate setbacks from the neighbouring aggregate operation. The retained rural land contains an existing single detached dwelling and a shed that will remain on the retained lot. The intent is that the severed lot will be redeveloped in the future with a single detached dwelling. The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Mr. Alexander summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report, noting that subsequent to the writing of the report additional comments were received from ___. Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. They responded to questions from the members of the Committee.

  • PAC2024-045
    Moved ByMayor Elmslie
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That Report PLAN2024-044, Application to Amend the Township of Somerville Zoning By-law 78-45 at 1101 Kawartha Lakes Road 49, Bobcaygeon - Bevand, be received for information;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-008, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2024-044, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Application to Amend the Township of Somerville Zoning By-law 78-45 at 5 Crego Street, Kinmount - LeBlanc and Brickman
Lindsay Nooren, RPP, MCIP and Michael Hanifi, RPP, MCIP – Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Division

​Ms. Nooren confirmed that a Public Meeting on this matter was held on June 5, 2024 in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to permit the conversion of an existing building previously used as a community facility to a residential dwelling unit and recognize the existing lot deficiencies (i.e. insufficient lot area, frontage, front yard, and flankage yard). It was noted that an entrance permit is outstanding for the subject property, as a result an additional provision has been included within the proposed zoning by-law amendment to confirm that prior to the issuance of a building permit an entrance shall be provided by the property owner to the satisfaction of the City of Kawartha Lakes in accordance with By-Law 2017-151 (being the By-law to Regulate Access to Municipal Right of Ways in the City of Kawartha Lakes). Ms. Nooren presented and described an updated Schedule to accompany the Zoning By-law Amendment with a text correction revising ‘RR-XX to ‘RR-10’ to further align with the Schedule Amendment wording in the Zoning By-law Amendment. The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Ms. Nooren summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. They responded to questions from the members of the Committee.

  • PAC2024-046
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That Report PLAN2024-047, Application to Amend the Township of Somerville Zoning By-law 78-45 at 5 Crego Street, Kinmount - LeBlanc and Brickman, be received for information;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-009, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2024-047, Application to Amend the Township of Somerville Zoning By-law 78-45 at 5 Crego Street, Kinmount - LeBlanc and Brickman, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Application to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan at 9 Farmingdale Road, Kirkfield (Bexley) - 1753255 Ontario Limited (Ferreria)
Matt Alexander, Practice Lead, WSP Canada Inc., on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Division

​Mr. Alexander confirmed that a Public Meeting on this matter was held on March 6, 2024 in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan to implement a special Rural Designation policy provision that would support the creation of three new lots via future consent applications on a portion of the property that is approximately 5.5 hectares in area. The three new lots would be accessed from Homewood Park Road, while the existing single detached dwelling and barn would continue to occupy the retained land and be accessed from Farmingdale Lane. While there is currently no development proposed for the severed lots, the intention is that each of the new lots could support the development of a single-detached dwelling. The application is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and conformity with the policies of the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan have been addressed. Mr. Alexander summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report, noting that subsequent to the writing of the report additional comments were received from residents in the area; no objections were expressed but clarification was requested regarding frontage on the lake (of which there is none), access to the lots and conceptual lot layouts.  Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. They responded to questions from the members of the Committee.

  • PAC2024-047
    Moved ByM. Barkwell
    Seconded ByMayor Elmslie

    That Report PLAN2024-048, Application to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan at 9 Farmingdale Road, Kirkfield (Bexley) - 1753255 Ontario Limited (Ferreria), be received for information;

    That Official Plan Amendment, respecting application D01-2024-002, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2024-048 be approved for adoption by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.

  • PAC2024-048
    Moved ByP. O'Reilly
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting adjourn at 1:44 p.m.
