The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Mike Barkwell
  • Patrick O'Reilly
  • Andrew Veale
  • Jason Willock
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Deputy Clerk and Recording Secretary J. Watts called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Mayor D. Elmslie, Deputy Mayor C. McDonald (Alternate), Councillor R. Ashmore, and Committee Members M. Barkwell, P. O'Reilly, A. Veale, and J. Willock were in attendance.

Director of Development Services L. Barrie, Manager of Development Engineering C. Sisson, Deputy Clerk and Recording Secretary J. Watts, Supervisor of Development Engineering K. Timms, and Planners representing the City of Kawartha Lakes from Dillon Consulting and WSP Canada were also in attendance.

Absent: Councillors T. Richardson and P. Warren

Mr. Watts welcomed all in attendance, introduced the committee and opened the meeting. He then identified the process for the appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chair including a brief description of the roles.

Deputy Clerk and Recording Secretary J. Watts called for the nominations for the position of Chair.

A. Veale was nominated by Mayor Elmslie. Mr. Watts asked Mr. Veale if he wished to let his name stand for Chair of the Planning Advisory Committee. He consented to the nomination.

Mr. Watts called a second time for nominations for the position of Chair.

Mr. Watts called for a third and final time for nominations for the position of Chair.

Mr. Watts declared nominations for the position of Chair for the Planning Advisory Committee closed and declared Member A. Veale as Chair of the Planning Advisory Committee by acclamation.

Chair Veale assumed the position as Chair of the Planning Advisory Committee, and thanked the committee.

Chair Veale called for the nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Councillor Richardson was nominated by Member O'Reilly. Mr. Watts confirmed to Chair Veale that Councillor Richardson had provided prior verbal consent to the nomination to Clerk's Office prior to the meeting.

Chair Veale called a second time for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Chair Veale called for a third and final time for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair.

Chair Veale declared nominations for the position of Vice-Chair for the Planning Advisory Committee closed and declared Councillor Richardson as Vice-Chair of the Planning Advisory Committee by acclamation.

  • PAC2025-001
    Moved ByJ. Willock
    Seconded ByMayor Elmslie

    That the agenda for the Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Planning Advisory Committee Meeting be adopted as amended.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

The Chair stated that, as required under the Planning Act, a Public Meeting is being held prior to the next Regular Council to make decisions on the following planning matters. The Chair noted the purpose of the public hearing being for gathering information and hearing submissions from interested parties. The Chair also asked the planner to briefly describe the proposal and summarize any correspondence received to date, and they further advised how the public could participate in the Public Meeting portions of the agenda.

Application to Amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78 at 58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon - 2259052 Ontario Inc.
Robert Wilson, Urban Planner, Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

Mr. Wilson confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78 Central Commercial-S11 (C1-S11) Zone to include the permitted uses in the parent C1 Zone to be permitted again on the Subject Land, except ‘dwelling units'. The application is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement, and conforms to the Bobcaygeon Secondary Plan. Mr. Wilson summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be forwarded to Council for approval.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

Tom deBoer of TD Consulting spoke as the applicant on behalf of the owner, and thanked staff for the expeditious review as now the owner can move forward with future plans.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

No persons spoke to the application.

The Public Meeting concluded at 1:14p.m.

  • PAC2025-002
    Moved ByMayor Elmslie
    Seconded ByP. O'Reilly

    That Report PLAN2025-001, Application to Amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78 at 58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon - 2259052 Ontario Inc., be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-022, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-001, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and the Township of Dalton Zoning By-law 10-77 at 2475 Housey's Rapids Road, Washago - Faria
Amanda-Brea Watson, MCIP, RPP, and Lindsay Nooren, MCIP, RPP, Dillon Consulting on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes 

Ms. Nooren confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to create a new lot for a detached residential dwelling via a future consent application to sever a portion of 2475 Housey’s Rapids Road. An amendment to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan is required to create a special policy area that permits lot creation within the Waterfront Designation with a minimum lot area of 4,000 square metres and a minimum lot width of 31.35 metres on the portion of the Subject Land that is proposed to be severed. An amendment to the Township of Dalton Zoning By-law 10-77 is required to rezone a portion of the Subject Land that is proposed to be retained from the Rural General (RG) Zone to a Rural General Exception (RG-X) Zone to reduce the minimum lot area requirement for the balance of the land. The effect of these applications will change minimum lot area requirements and policies to enable a future consent application to sever land to create a new lot intended for the purpose of a detached residential dwelling. Consistency with the Provincial Planning Statement, and conformity to the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan will be determined upon further review of the application. Ms. Nooren summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be received for information. Ms. Nooren responded to questions from members of the Committee regarding the need for the applicant to respond to outstanding planning comments in order for the application to move forward.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

Kevin Duguay of KMD Planning, spoke as the applicant on behalf of the owner and provided an overview of the application. He noted the various reports, studies, and maps that had been submitted to support this application, adding that the proposal will be compatible with the development in the surrounding area. He further stated that the proposed location of the severed lot fronting Black River Road would have the least impact, as opposed to a more easterly severance with greater hydro-geological challenges. Mr. Duguay responded to questions from the members of the committee.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

No persons spoke to the application.

The Public Meeting concluded at 1:34p.m.

  • PAC2025-003
    Moved ByP. O'Reilly
    Seconded ByJ. Willock

    That Report PLAN2025-002, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and the Township of Dalton Zoning By-law 10-77 at 2475 Housey's Rapids Road, Washago - Faria be received for information.


Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 at 4 Riverwood Park Road, Lindsay - Eatson Properties Inc.
Raphael Romeral, Urban Planner, Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

Mr. Romeral confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to develop a self-storage facility and motor vehicle sales facility. An Official Plan Amendment to amend the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan is needed to redesignate a portion of the Subject Lands from ‘Rural’ to ‘Highway Commercial Exception’ designation. An amendment is also needed to permit a self-storage facility within the ‘Highway Commercial Zone’ in the Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 to facilitate the proposal. Consistency with the Provincial Planning Statement, and conformity to the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan will be determined upon further review of the application. Mr. Romeral summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be received for information.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

Kevin Duguay of KMD Planning spoke as the applicant on behalf of the owner, and provided an overview of the economic development benefits that this application would bring, notably the self-storage uses and a Volkswagen Dealership (where market capacity has been demonstrated). He summarized the number of plans and studies provided to support the application, and advised that they are in receipt of initial comments from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). Mr. Duguay stated that no vehicular access would be made to Highway 35, but rather an entrance off the newly named Wagstaff Road, and that further MTO comments could be dealt with at the site-plan stage. He further noted that the requirement for an archeological study may delay the application until the snow is gone.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

No persons spoke to the application.

The Public Meeting concluded at 1:47p.m.

  • PAC2025-004
    Moved ByMayor Elmslie
    Seconded ByJ. Willock

    That Report PLAN2025-003 Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 at 4 Riverwood Park Road, Lindsay - Eatson Properties Inc. be received for information.


Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 54 Loop Line, Omemee - Marideane Acres Inc. (c/o Wellman)
Harane Jegatheswaran, Planner, Dillon Consulting Limited on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

Ms. Jegatheswaran confirmed that the required notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to sever approximately 3.7 ha from the Subject Land to create a new rural residential lot in the Rural designation. The City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Rural designation permits a minimum lot size of 40 hectares. As a result of the severance, both the retained and severed lots will be further reduced (i.e. approximately 31.4 ha retained and 3.7 ha severed) and therefore, an Official Plan Amendment is required. An amendment to the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 is required to rezone the minimum lot frontage (120 metres) to permit the proposed Retained Land reduced frontage (80.1 metre), and to rezone the Severed Land from the Agricultural (A) Zone to Rural Residential Type One Zone to better reflect the use of the Severed Land. Consistency with the Provincial Planning Statement, and conformity to the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan will be determined upon further review of the application. Ms. Jegatheswaran summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be received for information. She responded to questions from members of the Committee.

The Chair inquired if the applicant wished to speak to the application.

Michelle Duong of D.M. Wills and Associates spoke as the applicant on behalf of the owner and made herself and Ms. Keay available for any questions, and thanked staff for their assistance on the file. She provided an overview of the application and stated that no new building was proposed, and that the new lots would be bisected through the natural division of the land, and separate driveways would be maintained. She further noted that comments from Otonabee Region Conservation Authority had been received and are being reviewed. Lastly, she stated that additional work would be required on the archeological process.

The Chair inquired if anyone wished to speak to the application.

No persons spoke to the application.

The Public Meeting concluded at 2:02p.m.

  • PAC2025-005
    Moved ByM. Barkwell
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ashmore

    That Report PLAN2025-004, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 54 Loop Line, Omemee - Marideane Acres Inc. (c/o Wellman) be received for information.


    Member Willock left the Council Chambers at 2:03pm and returned at 2:06pm.

Relating to Report PLAN2025-007 (Item 6.1 on the Agenda)

Mr. Franklin spoke as the applicant representing the owners LAZ Developments and spoke regarding report PLAN2025-007 (Item 6.1 on the Agenda). He provided an overview of the changes to the application since the original Public Meeting in January 2024 to respond to the issues raised at that time. This included removing driveways fronting Dobson Street (in favour of rear lane access) and other minor improvements to the plan. He concluded by stating that that the revised plan would provide a forward looking approach.

  • PAC2025-006
    Moved ByMayor Elmslie
    Seconded ByP. O'Reilly

    That the deputation of Ian Franklin of KLM Planning, regarding Report PLAN2025-007 (Item 6.1 on the Agenda), be received.


Application to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 at 139 Verulam Road South, Lindsay - Laz Developments Inc.
Matt Alexander, MCIP, RPP, WSP Canada Inc., on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes 

Mr. Alexander confirmed that a Public Meeting on this matter was held on January 16, 2024 in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to rezone the lands in the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75, from the Future Residential (FR) Zone to the Residential Multiple One Special Exception Twenty-Nine (RM1-S29(H)) Zone with a Holding Symbol to facilitate the development of 87 townhouse dwellings, accessed via a future private road network, and an outdoor amenity area. The application is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement, and conforms to the Lindsay Secondary Plan. Mr. Alexander summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. Mr. Alexander, Ms. Barrie responded to questions from the members of the Committee. The Chair further permitted Mr. Franklin to respond to questions.

  • PAC2025-007
    Moved ByP. O'Reilly
    Seconded ByM. Barkwell

    That Report PLAN2025-007, Application to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 at 139 Verulam Road South, Lindsay - Laz Developments Inc., be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment, respecting application D06-2023-030 substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-007, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 10 Northside Road, Lindsay - Chakraborty (DG Biddle and Associates)
Matt Alexander, MCIP, RPP, WSP Canada Inc., on behalf of the City of Kawartha Lakes

​Mr. Alexander confirmed that a Public Meeting on this matter was held on November 29, 2023 in accordance with the Planning Act. They summarized the application, explaining that it proposes to rezone the lands in Township of Emily Zoning By-law from the Limited Service Residential Exception Four (LSR-4) Zone to the Limited Service Residential (LSR) Zone for the island lot, and Limited Service Residential Exception Eleven (LSR-11) Zone for the mainland lot. The application will facilitate the development of two detached dwellings, including one replacement dwelling on the island lot and one new dwelling on the mainland lot. The application is consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement, and conforms to the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Mr. Alexander summarized the comments received to date, as detailed in the report. Staff are recommending that the application be referred to Council for approval. They responded to questions from the members of the Committee.

  • PAC2025-008
    Moved ByM. Barkwell
    Seconded ByP. O'Reilly

    That Report PLAN2025-008, Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 10 Northside Road, Lindsay - Chakraborty (DG Biddle and Associates), be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment, respecting application D06-2023-025 substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-008, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


    Councillor Ashmore left the Council Chambers at 2:44p.m.

Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, Lindsay (Alcorn Drive and Sanderling Crescent)
Christina Sisson, Manager, Development Engineering

Ms. Sisson provided an overview of their report noting the history of the related development in the area. Staff are recommending assumption of the roads (being portions of Alcorn Drive, Sanderling Crescent, Edgewood Drive), park blocks, walkway blocks, and pond access blocks substantially as per the draft by-law attached to the report.

  • PAC2025-009
    Moved ByMayor Elmslie
    Seconded ByJ. Willock

    That Report ENG2025-004, Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, Lindsay (Alcorn Drive and Sanderling Crescent), be received;

    That the Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved;

    That an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report ENG2025-004 be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.


    Councillor Ashmore returned to Council Chambers at 2:48p.m.

Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, Lindsay (Claxton Crescent and Springdale Drive)
Christina Sisson, Manager, Development Engineering

Ms. Sisson provided an overview of their report noting the history of the related development in the area. Staff are recommending assumption of the roads (Claxton Crescent, Springdale Drive) and the walkway/pond access block, substantially as per the draft by-law attached to the report.

  • PAC2025-010
    Moved ByP. O'Reilly
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That Report ENG2025-005, Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, Lindsay (Claxton Crescent and Springdale Drive), be received;

    That the Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved;

    That an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report ENG2025-005 be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.

  • PAC2025-011
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByMayor Elmslie

    That the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting adjourn at 2:50p.m.
