The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes


Regular Council Meeting

Open Session Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
City Hall
26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5R8
  • Mayor Doug Elmslie
  • Deputy Mayor Charlie McDonald
  • Councillor Ron Ashmore
  • Councillor Dan Joyce
  • Councillor Mike Perry
  • Councillor Tracy Richardson
  • Councillor Pat Warren
  • Councillor Emmett Yeo
  • Vacancy - Ward 5
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact [email protected] if you have an accessible accommodation request.

Mayor Elmslie called the Meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Councillors D. Joyce, M. Perry and T. Richadson were in attendance in Council Chambers.

Deputy Mayor C. McDonald and Councillors P. Warren and E. Yeo were in attendance electronically.

Councillor R. Ashmore was absent.

CAO R. Taylor, City Clerk C. Ritchie, Deputy Clerk S. O'Connell, Directors L. Barrie, S. Beukeboom, C. Faber, J. Johnson, B. Robinson, J. Rojas, Fire Chief T. Jones and Paramedic Chief S. Johnston were also in attendance in Council Chambers

City Solicitor R. Carlson, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing A. Sloan and Supervisor of Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing J. Clark were also in attendance electronically.

​The Meeting was opened with the singing of 'O Canada'.

​The Mayor asked those in attendance to observe a Moment of Silent Reflection.

  • CR2025-007
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the Agenda for the Open Session of the Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, January 28, 2025, be adopted as circulated and with the following amendments:

    Item 6.2 being a deputation by James Oldman regarding a By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66' Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden (relating to item 14.1.4 on the Agenda)

    Item 6.3 being a deputation by Yuan Li regarding a By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66' Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden (relating to item 14.1.4 on the Agenda)

    Item 6.4 being deputation by Sandra Robinson and Judy Hornibrook regarding the Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street, Bobcaygeon


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.



Councillor Warren:

  • Residents were wished a happy and healthy 2025; and
  • Residents were encouraged to attend Frost Fest which will be held at Kawartha Settlers' Village, in Bobcaygeon, on Saturday February 15th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Deputy Mayor McDonald:

  • Words of congratulations were extended to the Bobcaygeon Curling Club for hosting the 2025 Wheelchair Doubles Provincial Championships. The Bobcaygeon Curling Club is the third largest curling club in Ontario dating back to 1885;
  • Deputy Mayor McDonald had the opportunity to meet the Inspector General of Policing for Ontario, Ryan Teschner; and
  • Words of congratulations were extended to all of the participants who attended the  American Cornhole League Ontario Provincial Open which was held at the Lindsay Exhibition on January 10th through to January 12th.

Councillor Joyce:

  • Words of appreciation were extended to The Little Britain Community Association on the support that they provided to the local community during the holiday season;
  • Residents were encouraged to attend the 2nd Annual Curling Bonspiel that will be hosted by The Little Britain Community Association; and
  • Residents were encouraged to attend their local branch of the Kawartha Lakes Public Library, as the community grows the Library continues to adapt and they are inclusive hubs for education and creativity. Branches will not be open on Family Day but they do have Family Day activity take home packs available for pick-up.

Councillor Richardson:

  • The Janetville Community Centre hosting a live music event, featuring "Two for the Show" on February 22nd;
  • The deadline to submit a nomination for the Spotlight on Agriculture Award will expire on January 31st. Nominations can be submitted through the Spotlight on Agricultural website;
  • Residents were reminded that firefighter recruitment is ongoing and words of appreciation were extended to the City's existing firefighters;
  • Words of appreciation were extended to the Trillium Lakelands District School Board for the introduction of the zone approach for school bus cancellations; and
  • Residents were encouraged to continue their ongoing support for local food banks.

Councillor Yeo:

  • Councillor Yeo provided an overview of his attendance at the 2025 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference. 

Councillor Perry: 

  • Words of appreciation were extended to The Fenelon Seniors' Club for hosting a healthy aging information session;
  • The Fenelon Falls and District Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their Annual General Meeting on January 31st; and
  • Words of appreciation were extended to the Fenelon Falls Curling Club as they have been a cornerstone of the community since 1892.

Mayor Elmslie:

  • Words of condolence were extended to Councillor Ashmore, and his family, on the loss of their son Michael Ashmore.  Mayor Elmslie conveyed words of appreciation from the Councillor Ashmore for the support that they received from the community.
  • Mayor Elmslie provided an overview of the 2025 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference.



Ron Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer, provided an overview of his attendance at the 2025 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference and noted that representatives from the Kawartha Art Gallery had also been in attendance to promote local community partnerships.

Special Council Meeting, December 10, 2024
Regular Council Meeting, December 10, 2024
Special Council Meeting, January 14, 2025

  • CR2025-008
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of December 10, 2024, the Regular Council Meeting of December 10, 2024 and the Special Council Meeting of January 14, 2025, be received and adopted.


Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 7 Thomas Street and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool
Relating to Agenda Item 9.3.9
Gerard Lambert
Nerica Lambert

Gerard Lambert provided an overview of the proposed surplus declaration, closure and sale of a portion of road allowance adjacent to 7 Thomas Street and 5 Amelia Street in Pontypool.  He outlined that he will be acquiring a portion of those lands as an addition to his property.  He encouraged Council to approve the proposed transaction.

  • CR2025-009
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That the deputation of Gerard Lambert and Nerica Lambert, regarding the Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 7 Thomas Street and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool, be received.


By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66' Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden
Relating to Agenda Item 14.1.4
James Oldman

James Oldman spoke to the proposed by-law to stop up and close part of the original 66' road allowance lying in front of Lot 12, Concession 1 Carden.  He provided an overview of the property involved and indicated that, historically, he has used the property to access the lakefront; he outlined that he would like to be able to continue to use the property as a lake access.

  • CR2025-010
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That the deputation of James Oldman, regarding a By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66' Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden, be received.


By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66' Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden
Relating to Agenda Item 14.1.4
Yuan Li

Yuan Li spoke to the proposed by-law to stop up and close part of the original 66' road allowance lying in front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden. He provided an overview of the property involved and indicated that he would like to acquire the land involved which would allow the land to merge with his existing property.

  • CR2025-011
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the deputation of Yuan Li, regarding a By-Law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66' Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, Carden, be received.


Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street, Bobcaygeon
Relating to Agenda Item 9.3.13
Sandra Robinson
Judy Hornibrook

Sandra Robinson and Judy Hornibrook provided an overview of the property involved within the proposed surplus declaration, closure and sale of a portion of road allowance adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street in Bobcaygeon.  They indicated that they would be interested in acquiring the lands involved.

  • CR2025-012
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the deputation of Sandra Robinson and Judy Hornibrook, regarding the Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street, Bobcaygeon, be received.


Committee of the Whole Meeting, January 14, 2025

  • CR2025-013
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Yeo

    That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 14, 2025, be received and the recommendations, included in Section 9.3 of the Agenda, save and except for Items 9.3.4, 9.3.6 and 9.3.7, be adopted.



  • That the deputation of Roshan Haggalla, regarding Short Term Rental Licensing Requirements - Fire Pit Setbacks, be received.



  • That the deputation of Paul Vessio, regarding a Request for a Fence Encroachment Adjacent to Pleasant Point Road, former Township of Fenelon, be received.



  • That the deputation of Christopher Handley and Marylee Boston, regarding an In-Town By-Pass Route for Fenelon Falls, be received.



  • CR2025-014
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Warren

    That the deputation of Diane Engelstad, regarding a Request for a Review of Priority Groups for the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit, be received; and

    That the addition of persons with disabilities as a priority for funding under the Canada Ontario Housing Benefit Program be referred to Staff and the next meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee for Housing and Social Services.



  • That the deputation of Chris Kerr and Terri Kerr, regarding a Request for a Tree Encroachment Adjacent to Bank Road, Seagrave, be received.



  • CR2025-015
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the deputation of Peggy Brooks, regarding a Request for a Water Bill Reduction for 12 Moynes Court, Lindsay, be received and referred to Staff for review and report back to Council by the end of Q1, 2025.



  • CR2025-016
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That the deputation of Jeff Hancock, regarding a Request for Site Plan Exemption for 4027 Highway 121, Kinmount, be received and forwarded to Staff for review and report back to Council by the Regular Council Meeting of April 22, 2025.



  • That the presentation by Kate Hall and Vidya Sunil, of the Haliburton Kawartha Northumberland Peterborough Board of Health, and Julie Elliott, of the Haliburton Kawartha Lake Northumberland Peterborough Drug Strategy, regarding the Situational Assessment of a Four Pillar Approach to Addressing the Drug Poisoning Crisis, be received.



  • That Report RS2025-001, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance adjacent to 7 Thomas and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of road allowance adjacent to 7 Thomas and 5 Amelia Street, Pontypool and legally described as Scott Street on Plan 14 Manvers Lying West of Highway M142; Kawartha Lakes, being Part of PIN: 63269-0747 (LT), be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the sale of the portion of road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchasers’ adjacent properties on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance, unless the purchasers wish to pay for an appraisal, in which case, Council set the value of the land at the lower of the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance or the appraised value;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if required; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.



  • That Report RS2025-003, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance Adjacent to 130 Angeline Street North, Lindsay, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of road allowance adjacent to 130 Angeline Street North, 130 Colborne Street West, and 150 Angeline Street North, Lindsay and legally described as Ragland Street on Plan 1 being Regent Street between Angeline Street and Albert Street; Kawartha Lakes (Part of PIN: 63219-0092 (LT)), be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of road allowance and sale to the adjoining landowners be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of road allowance merge with the purchasers adjacent properties on closing);

    That, if one of the adjoining landowners decides they do not wish to proceed with purchasing their respective portion of the road allowance, that portion of the road allowance be sold to the remaining purchasers, if appropriate (otherwise, a segment of the length to be retained by the City at its current width);

    That Council set the value of the land at the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance, unless the purchaser wishes to pay for an appraisal, in which case, Council set the value of the land at the lower of the set price of $2.50 per square foot of interior road allowance and the appraised value;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if required; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.



  • That Report RS2025-006, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure, and Sale of a Portion of Shoreline Road Allowance Adjacent to 315 Avery Point Road, Sebright, be received;

    That the subject property, being a portion of shoreline road allowance adjacent to 315 Avery Point Road, Sebright and legally described as Part of the Original Shore Road Allowance along Lake Dalrymple lying in front of Lot 35, Registered Plan 136,  in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, be declared surplus to municipal needs;

    That the closure of the portion of shoreline road allowance to the adjoining landowner be supported, in principle, in accordance with the provisions of By-Law 2018-020, as amended, and the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to the parties entering into a conditional Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including a condition that the subject portion of shoreline road allowance merge with the purchaser’s adjacent property on closing);

    That Council set the value of the land at the minimum set price of $9.00 per square foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a lake, unless the purchaser wishes to pay for an appraisal, in which case, Council set the value of the land at the lower of the set price of $9.00 per square foot of shoreline road allowance adjacent to a lake or the appraised value;

    That staff be directed to commence the process to stop up and close the said portion of shoreline road allowance;

    That a by-law (with any amendments deemed necessary) to close the road and authorize its disposition shall be passed, if appropriate;

    That a deeming by-law be passed contemporaneously with the disposition by-law, if appropriate; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents to facilitate the road closing and conveyance of the lands.



  • That Report ED2025-001, Proposed Heritage Designation of 1436 Highway 7A, Geographic Township of Manvers (St. Paul’s Anglican Church), be received;

    That the Municipal Heritage Committee’s recommendation to designate 1436 Highway 7A under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest be endorsed; and

    That staff be authorized to proceed with the process to designate the subject property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the preparation and circulation of Notices of Intention to Designate, consultation with the property owner and preparation of the designating by-laws.



  • That Report RS2025-002, Proposed Surplus Declaration, Closure and Sale of a Portion of Road Allowance adjacent to 100 and 114 Front Street East and 27 Anne Street, Bobcaygeon, be received.



  • That Report PLAN2025-005, Support for Climate Change Strategy Funding Application, be received; and

    That Council support the application for funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation initiative for the project Creating a Comprehensive Climate Change Strategy for the City of Kawartha Lakes.


Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, January 15, 2025

  • CR2025-017
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the Minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of January 15, 2025 be received and the recommendations, included in Section 10.3 of the Agenda, be adopted.



  • That Report PLAN2025-001, Application to Amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-law 16-78 at 58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon - 2259052 Ontario Inc., be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-2024-022, substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-001, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.



  • That Report PLAN2025-002, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and the Township of Dalton Zoning By-law 10-77 at 2475 Housey's Rapids Road, Washago - Faria, be received for information.



  • That Report PLAN2025-003, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Ops Zoning By-law 93-30 at 4 Riverwood Park Road, Lindsay - Eatson Properties Inc., be received for information.



  • That Report PLAN2025-004, Applications to Amend the Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 54 Loop Line, Omemee - Marideane Acres Inc. (c/o Wellman), be received for information.



  • That the deputation of Ian Franklin of KLM Planning, regarding Report PLAN2025-007 (Item 6.1 on the Agenda), be received.



  • That Report PLAN2025-007, Application to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-75 at 139 Verulam Road South, Lindsay - Laz Developments Inc., be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment, respecting application D06-2023-030 substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-007, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.



  • That Report PLAN2025-008, Application to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 at 10 Northside Road, Lindsay - Chakraborty (DG Biddle and Associates), be received;

    That a Zoning By-law Amendment, respecting application D06-2023-025 substantially in the form attached as Appendix D to Report PLAN2025-008, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.



  • That Report ENG2025-004, Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, Lindsay, be received;

    That the Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved;

    That an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report ENG2025-004 be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.



  • That Report ENG2025-005, Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, Lindsay, be received;

    That the Assumption of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, geographic Township of Ops, City of Kawartha Lakes, be approved;

    That an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report ENG2025-005 be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application.


The following items were requested to be extracted from the Consent Agenda:

Councillor Warren Item 11.1.2

Deputy Mayor McDonald Item 11.1.4

  • Moved ByCouncillor Joyce
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That all of the proposed resolutions shown in Section 11.1 of the Agenda, save and except for Items 11.1.2 and 11.1.4, be approved and adopted by Council in the order that they appear on the agenda and sequentially numbered.




Partnership Agreement - Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes
Ron Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer

  • CR2025-018

    That Report CAO2025-001, Partnership Agreement – Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes (CFKL), be received;

    That the Partnership Agreement, substantially in the form provided in Appendix B to Report CAO2025-001, be approved; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Partnership Agreement with the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes.


Request for Easements Over Portions of City-Owned Properties Close to William Street, Bolton Street and Sherwood Street, Bobcaygeon - Enbridge Gas Inc.
Christine Oliver, Law Clerk - Realty Services

A Recorded Vote was requested by Councillor Warren.

  • CR2025-022
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That Report RS2025-009, Request for Easements Over Portions of City-Owned Properties Close to William St., Bolton St., and Sherwood St. – Enbridge Gas Inc., be received;

    That a Grant of Easement in favour of Enbridge Gas Inc. over a portion of the City-owned properties legally described as Part of Lot 3, Range 5, Plan 11, Verulam, Part 1 57R-6449; T/W R251152; Kawartha Lakes, more specifically described as Part 2 on 57R-11042 (PIN: 63128-0219 (LT)), Part of Lot 6, Range 5, Plan 11, Verulam, Part 1 57R-4594; Kawartha Lakes, more specifically described as Part 8 on 57R-11042 (PIN: 63128-0203 (LT)), Part of Lots 6-7, Range 5, Plan 11, Verulam, Parts 1 and 2 57R-4203; Kawartha Lakes, more specifically described as Part 10 on 57R-11042 (PIN: 63128-0198 (LT)), and Part of Lot 6, Range 6, Plan 11, Verulam, Part 7 57R-6007; Kawartha Lakes, more specifically described as Part 3 on 57R-11043 (PIN: 63129-0108 (LT)) be supported, in principle;

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement to Grant an Easement, attached as Appendix F; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign all documents required to facilitate registration of the Grant of Easement.

    Mayor ElmslieX
    Councillor YeoX
    Councillor WarrenX
    Councillor RichardsonX
    Councillor PerryX
    Councillor JoyceX
    Deputy Mayor McDonaldX

2025-010-SS Kennel and Pound Services
Marielle van Engelen, Buyer
Aaron Sloan, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing

  • CR2025-019

    That Report PUR2025-002, Single Source 2025-010-SS Kennel and Pound Services, be received;

    That Council authorize the single source award to the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes for kennel and pound services;

    That Council authorize the option to renew the contract after the initial term, ending December 31, 2025, for an additional four (4) one (1) year terms, based on annual council budget approval, mutual agreement and successful completion of the initial term and each term thereafter; and

    That subject to receipt of the required documents, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the agreement.


Update on Blue Box Options for Non-Eligible Sources
Heather Dzurko, Manager of Waste Management

  • CR2025-023
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That Report WM2025-001, Update on Blue Box Options for Non-Eligible Sources, be received;

    That starting January 1, 2026, Non-Eligible Sources within the City of Kawartha Lakes will not receive curbside collection of recycling provided by the City of Kawartha Lakes;

    That the By-law for Collection and Management of Waste and Recyclables within the City of Kawartha Lakes (By-Law 2024-235) be amended to remove the responsibility for the collection of Non-Eligible Source material beginning January 1, 2026;

    That Staff notify Non-Eligible Sources participating in the curbside collection program of the plans to cease service staring January 1, 2026; and

    That Staff continue to explore alternatives to support the provision of services such as a joint procurement with adjacent municipalities and municipal support for a private procurement process.


By-Law to Deem Lots 16 and 17, Plan 550 (21671 Brunon Avenue and 115 Robinglade Avenue)
Nicolas Smith, Planner II

  • CR2025-020

    That Report PLAN2025-009, By-law to Deem Lots 16 and 17, Plan 550, be received;

    That a Deeming By-law respecting Lots 16 and 17, Plan 550, substantially in the form attached as Appendix B and C to Report PLAN2025-009, be approved and adopted by Council; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the documents required by the approval of this application.


Snowmobile Trail Maintenance and Use Agreement - Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) District 4
Oliver Vigelius, Manager of Roads Operations

  • CR2025-021

    That Report RD2025-002, Snowmobile Trail Maintenance and Use Agreements – Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) District 4 and others, be received;

    That the Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs – District 4 for the use of City Lands for the purpose of snowmobiling, attached as Appendix C to Report RD2025-002, be approved;

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this agreement; and

    That the Director of Public Works or their designate be authorized to execute any documents and/or agreements for any future snowmobile trail maintenance and use agreements substantially in the form as that found in Appendix C to this report until such time as the form of agreement substantially changes.


Surplus Property - 574 Hartley Road, Woodville (Hartley Depot)
Christine Oliver, Law Clerk - Realty Services

  • CR2025-024
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That Report RS2025-005, Surplus Property – 574 Hartley Road, Woodville, be received and deferred until the building assessment report is available for the structure on the property.


Request for a Four Way Stop at the Intersection of Mary Street West and Adelaide Street South, Lindsay
A copy of the Petition with 72 signatures is available for viewing at the Clerk's Office
Charlene Bruce
Phillip Bruce

  • CR2025-025
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the petition received from Charlene Bruce and Phillip Bruce, regarding a Request for a Four Way Stop at the Intersection of Mary Street West and Adelaide Street South, Lindsay, be received and referred to Staff for review and report back by the end of Q2, 2025.




The mover requested the consent of Council to read the by-laws by number only.

  • CR2025-026
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the By-Laws shown in Section 14.1 of the Agenda, namely: Items 14.1.1 to and including 14.1.12 be read a first, second and third time, passed, numbered, signed and the corporate seal attached.


By-Law to Designate 2 King Street West, Village of Omemee in the City of Kawartha Lakes as Being of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.

By-Law to Amend By-Law 2024-081, being a By-Law to Designate 31-35 King Street East, Village of Omemee in the City of Kawartha Lakes as being of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest

By-Law to Provide for the Changing of Names of a Public Highway in the City of Kawartha Lakes to Wagstaff Road and Homestead Drive

By-law to Stop Up and Close Part of the Original 66’ Shore Road Allowance Lying in Front of Lot 12, Concession 1, in the Geographic Township of Carden, City of Kawartha Lakes, further described as Part 1 on 57R-11210, and to Authorize the Sale of the Land to the Abutting Owner

By-Law to Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the City of Kawartha Lakes (Clark, J.)

By-Law to Amend the Village of Bobcaygeon Zoning By-Law No. 16-78 to Rezone Land within the City of Kawartha Lakes (58 Duke Street, Bobcaygeon)

By-Law to Amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-Law No. 2000-75 to Rezone Land within the City of Kawartha Lakes (139 Verulam Road)

By-Law to Amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-Law No. 1996-30 to Rezone Land within the City of Kawartha Lakes (10 Northside Drive)

By-Law to Assume Alcorn Drive and Sanderling Crescent, Registered Plan 57M-802, Woods of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 South, Geographic Township of Ops, The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Assume Claxton Crescent and Springdale Drive, Registered Plan 57M-802, Woods of Jennings Creek Subdivision, Phase 1 North, Geographic Township of Ops, The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law to Amend By-Law 2021-162, being a By-Law to Regulate Water and Wastewater Services in the City of Kawartha Lakes

By-Law To Deem Part of a Plan of Subdivision, Previously Registered For Lands Within Kawartha Lakes, Not To Be A Registered Plan of Subdivision In Accordance With the Planning Act PIN Number 63195-0507 (LT), Concession B, Part of Lot 1, Plan 550, Lot 16, and PIN Number 63195-0506 (LT), Concession B, Part of Lot 1, Plan 550, Lot 17, Geographic Township of Mariposa, Now City Of Kawartha Lakes (21671 Brunon Avenue and 115 Robinglade Avenue)

  • CR2025-027
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor McDonald

    That the Closed Session agenda be adopted as circulated.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest disclosed.

  • CR2025-028
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That Council convene into closed session at 2:17 p.m. pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001 s.25, in order to consider matters identified in Section 16.3 of the Regular Council Meeting Agenda of Tuesday, January 28, 2025, namely Items 16.3.1 to and including 16.3.6.


Confidential Closed Session Minutes, December 10, 2024
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(c) Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land by the Municipality or Local Board
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(d) Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations



Disposition of Road Allowances Adjacent to 89, 91 and 95 Fell's Point Road, Fenelon
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(c) Proposed or Pending Acquisition of Disposition of Land by the Municipality or Local Board
Christine Oliver, Law Clerk - Realty Services



Disposition of Shoreline Road Allowance Adjacent to 159 McCrackin Avenue
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(c) Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land by the Municipality or Local Board
Lucas Almeida, Law Clerk - Realty Services



Public Appointees to the Fenelon Falls Powerlinks Committee
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239 (2)(b) Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, including Municipal or Local Board Employees
LeAnn Donnelly, Exeutive Assistant, Community Services



Public Appointees to the Environmental Advisory Committee
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(b) Personal Matters about an Identifiable Individual, including Municipal or Local Board Employees
Jenna Stephens, Planning Officer, Environmental Policy



Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee Appointments
Municipal Act, 2001 s.239(2)(b) Personal Matters About Identifiable Individuals, including Municipal or Local Board Employees
Christine Briggs, IDEA Partner

Item 16.3.1

The Confidential Closed Session Minutes for the Regular Council Meeting of December 10, 2024 were approved.

Item 16.3.2

An appraisal and counter offer for the road allowance adjacent to 89, 91 and 95 Fell's Point Road, Fenelon Falls were provided to Council. Council provided instructions to Staff.

Item 16.3.3

A counter offer for the shoreline road allowance adjacent to 159 McCrackin Avenue, Sebright, was provided to Council. Council provided instructions to Staff.

Item 16.3.4

Item 16.3.5

Item 16.3.6

  • CR2025-036
    Moved ByCouncillor Perry
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That the following member of the public be appointed to the Fenelon Falls Powerlinks Committee for a term ending December 31, 2026:

    Dan Jones

  • CR2025-037
    Moved ByCouncillor Warren
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    The following member of the public and the following Kawartha Conservation staff member be appointed to the Environmental Advisory Committee:

    Kathleen Cooper and Danielle Marcoux-Hunter for a term ending November 14, 2026.

  • CR2025-038
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor McDonald
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson

    That the following members of the public be appointed to the Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2026:

    Elizabeth Peeters, Crystal Morrissey, Katelyn Lowes, Frederico (Abee) Buenafe, Matthew Kuiken, Luke Brunner and Shane Orr


By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting of January 28, 2025

  • CR2025-039
    Moved ByCouncillor Richardson
    Seconded ByCouncillor Joyce

    That a by-law to confirm the proceedings of a Regular Council Meeting held Tuesday, January 28, 2025 be read a first, second and third time, passed, numbered, signed and the corporate seal attached.

  • CR2025-040
    Moved ByCouncillor Yeo
    Seconded ByCouncillor Perry

    That the Council Meeting adjourn at 2:44 p.m.


    Read and adopted this 18th day of February, 2025.

No Item Selected