L. James and M. Hasted provided an overview upcoming projects on heritage properties that Building and Property is undertaking in 2025. These include the construction of a new accessibility ramp in a revised location at 50 Victoria Avenue North, the envelope restoration of 1 King Street West, masonry repairs and stair replacement at 932 Highway 7 and landscaping and beautification at 26 Francis Street. L. James noted that the review of 26 Francis Street was for information only and that staff would return to the Committee for permitting at a later time as there were still items in the landscaping plan that needed to be finalized, including signage.
In relation to 50 Victoria Avenue North, A. Hart noted that he was in favour of the stone cladding on the new ramp as it fit with the building as a whole. M. Hasted replied that they were aiming to support the heritage aesthetics of the building in the new elements.
In relation to 1 King Street West, T. Barnett asked if the envelope restoration was being based on old photos of the original building and " Hasted replied that yes, it was. Councillor Richard said she was in favour of the project and its restoration of the heritage features and asked if the front ramp was fully accessible and if it also needed repair or replacement. M. Hasted replied that repairs had been done to it the previous fall and that it would be removed and replaced to facilitate the envelope work. A. Hart said it was wonderful to see the influence of Lady Eaton in the village.
In relation to 932 Highway 7, A. Hart asked if the replacement brick would match the existing. M. Hasted replied that yes, it would to the point that modern brick could match the historic brick. T. Barnett asked where the funding for these types of projects came from and M. Hasted replied that it came from the Capital Projects budget approved by Council. Councillor Richardson elaborated that Council was focused on investing in assets to ensure that they are in a state of good repair going forward.
In relation to 26 Francis Street, J. Hartman asked for clarification about the parking changes. L. James noted that there would be an additional 12 spaces along Cambridge Street but there will be 2 lost in the main parking lot for a total addition of 10 parking spots. I. McKechnie asked if there was green space being lost and if there were new trees being planted in front of the museum. M. Hasted replied that the green space was largely being retained but adding some additional landscaped elements particularly in front of City Hall to make the space more usable for events and ceremonies and that trees were being brought back in front of the museum, as it was historically.